Chapter 43

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I couldn't help, but smile as I felt Violet drawing on my chest as I woke up.  She scowled at me and jumped out of the bed when she saw me watching her.  I shook my head, my eyes still on her as she moved about the room to get dressed.  My mind wandered to last night and how our souls intertwined.  It came at a risk, if I allowed hers to overpower mine, I would be lost.

However, touching that part of her was like tasting heaven.  Yes, darkness dwelled there and would cause it to become chaotic, but it was pure.  The light hidden within was brighter than the sun itself.  That was what I sought everytime I calmed the dark, I didn't seek to overpower her soul with my own, only to calm it enough to reach that part of her and draw it out.

I caught the clothes she threw at me as I was lost in thought.  "What are you thinking about?"

I smirked.  "Wouldn't you like to know?"

She jumped on top of me and assaulted my sides.  "Tell me, Valencia."

I laughed and tried to catch her hands.  "No!  Get off little tyrant!"

She latched on as I tried to remove her and we tumbled to the floor.  "Just spill it and I will!"

Our laughter ceased as the door opened and she growled as the sisters came in.  Lucky for them the blanket went with us, but that didn't help by much as she slowly got to her feet.  "We ju-"

Violet growled and stalked over to them.  "I don't know what you think this is... I suggest you go now."

Their eyes widened and they rushed out.  I held my breath as eyes of her namesake met mine.  "Getting dressed now, My Love."

She gave me a curt nod and followed after them.  I got ready quickly and exited to the deadly sound of her voice.  "...again.  Trust me when I say what the last woman that tried endures will look like child's play."

I slowly descended the steps to see Apollo shaking his head in dismay and Romulus looking smug.  The women were cowering on their knees.  "We're sorry we di-"

"I don't give a shit.  To enter another's bedroom uninvited.  Let alone mates?  You're not idiots."

They quickly nodded, looking to their brothers for help, but found none as they averted their gazes.  "We meant no ha-"

She growled.  "I'm not blind or stupid."

They looked to be in pain as Violet let her aura fill the room.  "It won't happen again.  Please!"

Violet crossed her arms.  "I will issue the same warning I gave Apollo.  Touch what is mine and you will suffer.  You will beg me for death by the time I finish."

I sighed and went to her, rubbing her shoulders.  "I think they understand.  The others probably are finding it hard to breathe by now."

She softened, but frowned at me.  "I'm not entertained with these two."

I nodded.  "I see and want nothing to do with them."

She sighed and glared at them, making them raise their hands defensively.  "Can you check on the guy for me?  He doesn't seem to be awake."

I nodded.  "Get some air, find a garden to play in."

She smiled.  "Okay."

I watched as Romulus was on her heels and Apollo clicked his tongue as the door closed.  "I warned the both of you and you refuse to listen."

Abigail looked at him fearfully.  "She... I never thought..."

He scoffed.  "You think I would swear us to someone weak?"  He rubbed his face in frustration and looked at me regretfully.  "I apologize on their behalf... this is why I wanted to avoid her meeting them.  More like them meeting you."

I tilted my head.  "Why?"

Renee peaked up at me.  "You really have no m-"

Apollo hissed.  "Do you want to die?  She isn't playing and will care nothing for ending your life."

Abigail pouted.  "Well she shouldn't leave her things unattended."

I frowned.  "Stay away from me.  I won't stop her from killing you."

I turned on my heel and followed the rogue's scent.  "Aren't you even a little curious?"

I ignored them, Apollo would need to get them in check quickly before Violet did.  I knocked on the door and pushed it open when no response came.  The man was in fact sleep and I crossed the room.  He looked like a skeleton with paper skin, clearly neglected and abused during his time in the Grand Palace.

I understood why Violet had me check on him.  From what I heard in that Goddess forsaken place... a woman no matter how small at his bedside would have him more on the defensive.  I thought for a moment and kept the door open as I opened the curtains and windows.

When I turned back, he still hadn't moved, but his eyes were open, staring at the ceiling.  "Good morning..."  They flicked to me, then back in place.  "Okay... my mate asked me to check on you."

He looked at me again.  "The silver fairy with purple eyes?"

I blinked, his voice was deep and soft.  "Uh... Violet is her name, but yes."

The corners of his mouth turned down.  "Why not do so herself?"

I sat on the windowsill as I saw her strolling below.  "She did not think it wise for her to be the one to wake you."  He went silent again and I looked over at him.  "Would you prefer her to be here?  She would come if it made you more comfortable."

He searched the ceiling.  "What do you want from me?"

I shook my head.  "Nothing."

Again, he frowned.  "Lies."

I sighed.  "She does not deal in lies, it helps others that she cares for.  She wants nothing from you, but for you to get better."

He blinked.  "I cannot move..."

I nodded.  "Well... a bath wouldn't hurt, then clothes."

He side eyed me.  "You're an Alpha."  I nodded.  "So who wo-"

"Me.  I wouldn't do anything that would make you more wary of us than you are."

He thought a moment.  "Okay... then I will meet this fairy."

I frowned as he called her that again, but nodded.  "Very well."

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