Chapter 115

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When the last of them fell, I looked back to see the twins running, full speed my way.  I smiled seeing that whatever those things were they were gone and was about to gloat until they went right past me.  "Come on... they may still be fighting!"

I shook my head and caught up.  "What about the bodies?"

Xavier laughed as she grabbed my hand.  "Not like their going anywhere."

My sigh got caught in my throat as we were suddenly in a different spot.  I didn't have time to process when we where in another place, stomach rolling.  "Wa-"

Violet didn't hear me and again we were much closer to the territory than we possibly could have been.  I felt bad for David all of the sudden. Usually I had time to prepare myself, but now when she was shadow skipping without warning, multiple times in quick succession... it was sickening.  "Two more steps, Love."

I groaned.  Now she cares...

Finally, I could hear the struggles of battle as she pat our head.  "Now, you be a good boy and stay right here."

I glared at her only for her to vanish and I heard shouts of surprise.  Then my eyes widened as the ground began to shake.  They wouldn't...

They did, as I saw pillars of fire erupting from the center of the people.  "Black magic!  Witches!  Monsters!"

As the rear guard tried to flee a wall of fire cut off their path.  I watched in horror as some tried to get past only to turn to ash the instant they touched it. I could feel Violet's enjoyment as their numbers were already cut down to half and shrinking fast.

I shook my head.  Man, I thought she would miss out for once, but no...

The sounds of combat came to a close and I was flooded with disappointment.  That was until I felt her contemplating.  What now?

People were ushered away from the dead bodies as I watched the twins talking between themselves.  My interest piqued when Will joined them, taking in the scene.  Something he said satisfied them both as they nodded and I had the sheild my eyes from the flames that suddenly erupted.  "Not as fun, but still fun.  Feeling better?"

I glowered at her.  "You really skipped all the way here to shed blood."

She nodded.  "I missed the big fun to get those things under control."

I sighed.  "And the ashes?"

She beamed.  "Will said to burned them while the wind doesn't move, then use it to gather them."

I facepalmed.  "My Beta is just as bad as you guys."

She giggled as she pulled me to my feet.  "He even said he'll help with spreading them."

I gaped.  "You can't... there are children in th-"

She smirked.  "Won't know unless their adults tell them.  Otherwise it's just a lot of dust."

I pursed my lips as I felt the people we sped ahead of coming.  "I'll talk to Dominic and Romulus.  They'll talk sense into you."

She released my hand and walked away from me, arms crossed.  "No."

I sighed.  "Let's shower, the enemy's blood is ruining your scent."

She began to twirl, but was tackled.  "You put on a glorious elemental light show.  You could have brought me dammit."

Violet laughed.  "You had fun already, Ray!"

They giggled as they wrestled on the ground.  "May have finally killed more than you."

They stopped, out of breath, and flopped on their backs.  "Can you two stop flirting?  I find it offensive."

Violet smiled up at her twin.  "Jealous?"

He helped them to their feet.  "Hardly, but you need to rest."

She kept a hold on his hand and I saw him frown.  "Let it go.  We need to be clear."

His eyes closed and they both took breaths of relief.  "Thanks, but really..."

She hugged him.  "Roll with it.  It has worked in your favor so far."

My chest ached as she took my hand again.  "Yeah, don't die or I will kill you."

She tugged me towards home.  "We'll see."


Excruciating pain woke me as it stole my breath.  That bastard...

I clutched my chest, slipping from the bed to put on clothes.  I sadly looked at my mate, heartbreaking, worsening the pain I already felt.  I kissed his forehead.  "I'll love you always, in this life and everyone after."

He sighed as I stepped into my shadow, instantly furious.  Apollo's smile was as crazed as the red glow in his eyes.  "Violet..."

I glanced at the ceiling, hoping for the okay that never came.  I looked at Apollo, his hand buried in his brother's chest.  "Couldn't just come for me yourself, Coward?"

He chuckled and Romulus coughed up blood.  "That's suicide.  Come with me and no one else gets hurt."


Romulus grimaced as more blood poured from his mouth.  "You want to die?"

I took a breath.  "Let him go and I'll g-"

He laughed.  "You are in no position to call the shots."  He glanced at a van.  "Get in."

I clenched my fist shaking.  "If he dies..."

He nodded at it.  "Get in and I'll spare his pitiful life."

Stiffly, I walked to it and got in the back.  Romulus was tossed in on top of me, groaning.  I was afraid as I ran my hands over his crumpled form.  This wasn't part of the plan.  "Why?"

He smiled weakly.  "If I could kill him..."

I sniffed as my tears hit his cheek.  "Just breathe."

I began to heal him as the van shook and began to move, but he caught my hands.  "It'll take more than this.  Nothing changes."

I swallowed at the lump in my throat.  I was terrified, but as his eyes fluttered closed, I closed my own.  Please... he can't...

Peace surrounding me as I took a breath.  Violet... give him some of our blood.

My eyes popped open.  What?

Amethyst seperated from me.  Do it... he'll need his strength.

I bit my lip as I drew a blade.  Okay...

Slicing my hand, I placed it to his lips and his eyes snapped open.  I clutched him to my chest and held firm as he tried to remove it.  "Drink... you need it more than me right now."

He looked up at me with sad eyes as he stop pulling at it and pressed it more firmly to his mouth.  Now... let's begin...

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