Chapter 122

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I stepped through a shadow as soon as I knew the wolf was good and Amethyst was pissed.  "Ha ha..."  I skipped to the last place anyone would want me to go because I could.  I made it to the prison we normally never used and smiled at the sleeping bodies.  "Okay you guys.  Let's get you out too, then... we can have a big party cause I say so."

I sat in the center of the floor and let light flow through my body naturally.  I felt them drawn to it and frowned as they all started talking at once.  Meeting you all is nice, but... I can learn your names later.

I could feel their confusion, they couldn't see or sense each other like I could.  You'll understand in a bit.  As much as I like this place, I'm pretty sure you want out.

They were all eager, souls lost, wandering in nothing but pain and misery for so long.  I smiled as they found their ways, but I wasn't exactly prepared for the toll it would take.  I opened my eyes as the last one left and saw eyes curiously looking around before landing on me.  "Well, hello..."

As I tried to stand, the world went black.


"Damn that girl."

We were frantically trying to find Violet, informed that she stepped through a shadow as soon as she was satisfied.  Xavier immediately stepped through one himself and I even had Will skipping around.  "Where would sh-"

Zoey paused and looked up at me.  "To get the others out.  She knows how now, so..."

I groaned and ran to the prison.  Xavier was softly chastising an unconscious Violet as he came out.  "... stupid things.  Don't you get that it could kill you, wolf or not?  Really..."

I looked her over and at him.  "Sh-"

He frowned at me then turned his body so she was further away.  "The asshole overdid it again.  She'll never be strong enough to make the transition at this rate."  He glared at her.  "Dummy."

She sighed and rubbed her face into his chest, making him melt instantly.  "Still stupid, stop doing reckless things."

He sighed and looked up as Aurora came, scowling.  "What the fuck, Violet?"

He began to back away when she started to get restless.  "Just... the sleeping strays are not sleeping any more."

My eyes widened.  "All of them?"

He pursed his lips.  "All of them at once."  He huffed and went towards the house.  "Have some people get them settled."

Aurora rolled her eyes.  "Wolves, casters, vampires, the fucking insane... What don't you attract dammit?"

Amethyst trotted up, seething.  Xavier knelt and let her sniff at Violet as she grumbled in discontent.  "I agree, let's get her home.  Maybe she will actually sleep."

He took her straight to the room and began to undress her.  "That's not disturbing at all."

He glared at me.  "Shut the fuck up, Zoey and Ray aren't used to this yet.  Hell, this is hard for me."

He quickly got her in pajamas and under the covers as Amethyst watched closely.  "So..."

I watched as she automatically reached and Amethyst huffed.  "She said you get one chance and she will kill you if you mess up."

I nodded and laid beside her.  My hands got nipped as I tried to move her when her brother left.  "Really?"

Amethyst rolled her eyes and began to prod at Violet until she tucked into my side, grimacing.  Satisfied, she laid against her back and closed her eyes.    I shook my head, the way she laid down made it impossible to touch Violet without touching her.  I bit my lip.  Why I can't hear you?

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