Chapter 7

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I panicked when I felt I was being consumed by something.  Calm down... or she will be lost.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on what he was saying.  What is this?

Darkness and only a touch, stop freaking out and stay steady.  Remember what the Goddess told you.

I sighed and focused on my mate, whatever she was doing she still had control, but if she lost it...  Counter with light, Amethyst was foolish to let her leave you behind.  I could kill her.

I felt her falter and tried, but she recovered too fast for me to even grasp it.  Definitely need to work on this...

No kidding...

Then, there was nothing, literally nothing, an emptiness.  I couldn't think about anything, except finding her.


"You did well."  I frowned as I blinked awake and looked around.  I've seen this before.  I surrounded by the night sky, stars shining bright around me.  "Violet..."

I looked toward the voice or where I thought it was because it came from all directions.  It reminded me of flowing water.  "Yes..."

I was met with bottomless black eyes, the same as the sky around me.  "You know who I am?"

I slowly stood.  "Nyx, the Gooddess of Night."

She had an unearthly beauty, pale skin, long dark hair of black with tints of purple and blue.  Lips painted the darkest of purples to match her nails.  Her dress seemed to made of the shadows themselves moving in a nonexistent wind.  "You would be correct."

I observed my surroundings again, strangely calm.  "Am I dead?"

She laughed.  "No child, you are very much alive."

I nodded.  "Then... how can I be of service?"

She smiled.  "You are doing just fine right now."

I pursed my lips.  "Okay... so... why am I here?"

"Because you consumed darkness... and you have questions."

"No offense, but will you answer them?"

She laced her fingers together, her movements were fluid and graceful.  I wanna be like her when I grow up.  "If I can."

"What is this foreboding feeling, like something major is about to break loose?"

She sighed.  "Because there is."

I pressed my lips together.  "And... you can't tell me what."  She nodded, I had tons of questions, but got the feeling that none of them would be answered directly if at all.  She just confirmed as much.  "What happened to that man?"

She smirked.  "Someone tried to possess him, they failed."

"I thought darkness could only control the dead."

She walked over to a railing.  "No, living creatures can be possessed so long as the the one possessing them is strong enough."

I looked away.  "As if necromancy wasn't bad enough..."

"You have been skilled in both."

I raised my eyebrows.  "As interesting as that sounds, I'll pass in this life.  Unless the need arises... will it?"

She smiled, ignoring the question entirely.  "You're afraid."

I frowned.  "When it could cost my humanity or that of Ezekiel's, yes I can admit there is a little fear there."

"You are wiser in this life."

"You would know."

"Not as respectful either."

I pursed my lips.  "My apologies, but I wasn't exactly raised to speak, let alone with manners."

I turned as I heard my name called.  "Your mate worries."

I rolled my eyes.  "Too much."

"When you are here he cannot sense you."

I grimaced.  "Well, that's news to me.  He will be none too happy when I get back."

"About as happy as you will be when you find out about your wrist."

I slowly turned away from her, looking for an out, I had a bad feeling.  "I was wondering about that.  I may have to kill him."

She laughed.  "You have always been all bark and no bite with him."

I smirked.  "I bite him plenty."  I remembered who I was talking to and bowed my head.  "Sorry, that was inappropriate."

She chuckled.  "You don't offend me child.  However, you did have a question earlier..."

I felt my heart sink. "Lapse of  judgment nothing more."

I jumped when I felt her hand on my shoulder, right over my mark.  "You doubt the mating pull?"

I looked up at her.  "No?"

It wasn't meant to sound like a question, I could feel her in my mind.  "You doubt he would love you without it."

I fought to control my emotions and thoughts.  "I mean you no disrespect, but could you not do whatever it is your doing?"

She raised her eyebrows.  "Afraid of what I'll find?"

This was not going to end well.  "Yes, I don't doubt your powers or what you have set in place."

She smirked.  "I can sense that, but you feel that you are unworthy... I feel that also."

I clenched my jaw, it was true, I couldn't deny that.  I was too dark natured.  "Lapse in judgment as I said before."

She was pulling it from me.  "You are one of my most precious creations... I think you should see that by now."

I couldn't move to get out of her grasps.  "Look, I don't know what your thinking, but I'm good."

She chuckled darkly.  "You don't want to test the theory?"

I shook my head hurriedly.  "Absolutely not.  I don't wa-"

"Him to choose another."

My eyes widened.  "You wouldn't..."

She released me.  "I believe you should see how special you are and be rid of the doubt.  For this I would, you won't come into your true power otherwise."

I grabbed her hand.  "Look I get all that, but whatever you have planned is really unnecessary..."

She looked down at me a mischievous glint in her eye.  "Are you telling me what to do?"

I chastened, I was realizing we were more alike than I needed right now.  "No... I just..."

"You doubt he would choose you again?"

I bit my lip.  "What have I done to upset you?  I'm asking that you not meddle with us."

She shrugged.  "You've done nothing, but the doubt is offensive.  The mating pull is merely a way to easily find your mate.  It is not a final decision by any means."

"Okay... we found each other, we're good."

She returned to the railing, watching as Ezekiel was sitting beside my body.  "Yet you have doubts... it will only weaken you in the end, you won't be prepared for what is coming."

She carelessly lifted her hand.  "I'll figure it out.  Please do-"  It was too late as I felt a searing pain in my shoulder and fell to my knees.

The Goddess turned back to me as my vision got hazy.  "Now, it is assured..."

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