Chapter 73

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"So, this is where the showers were hiding?"

I looked at Violet in disbelief.  "What?"

She shrugged.  "Been using the elements because no one ever told me."

I shook my head.  "Why not ask?"

She smirked.  "Because I got to burn somebody's face with water the first day.  Seemed effective."

I sighed.  "Just go."

She giggled as she went into the girl's bathroom and William chuckled.  "Your mate is something else."

I smiled softly as we went into the boys.  "Yeah... I just hope she doesn't go ballistic when she passes a mirror."

He grimaced.  "Yeah... she may be in for a little surprise, why not say anything?"

I shrugged.  "She is no less beautiful, it doesn't matter to me.  Now, as for everyone else... I don't know."

He shook his head and we finished quickly.  Luckily our packs had clothes ready, just in case.  Violet collided with me when we got out and I hugged her tight as she beamed.  "I gots battle scars."

I smiled softly as I traced the thin line that came out of her hairline, over her eye, down to her chin.  "That you do."

She giggled.  "I looks fierce."

My heart swelled.  "Gorgeous as always, My Love."

She scowled.  "Gruesome..."

I shook my head.  "Beautiful."

She huffed.  "Scary..."

I kissed her softly.  "Perfect."

She rolled her eyes.  "Perfectly deadly."

I chuckled.  "Okay... we can settle for that.  Are you okay with it?"

She squirmed out of my arms, smiling.  "Why not?  It means I lived, but you'll have to undress me to see the others."

I growled and pulled her back to me.  "If we weren't in a dorm and had packs to meet I'd take you up on that."

She pouted.  "They can wait."

She began to pull me somewhere and I stopped her.  "The packs are to meet the new humans."

She frowned.  "I know... but I'm of age and have no clue when I'll see you again."

I held her to my chest.  "Let's do this, then we will come back."

She sighed.  "Fine..."


I didn't like that Ezekiel basically rejected me, but at the same time he was right.  I set my pride and fears aside as we returned to the hall.  It went silent and Ezekiel gave me a quick kiss before letting me return to my place beside Dominic.  He smiled.  "You're a little taller... not by much."

I scowled.  "Can it, Old Man, before I cut you down to my level."

He chuckled.  "I'm sure you could."

The tension was thick as he stepped forward.  "The wolf pack has been eliminated... thanks to our guests, their Alphas, and their packs."



He glared into the crowd.  "You say this about the very people that saved your lives?"

"She's one of them!"

"Wolves ar-"

I stepped up.  "Enough."

All of the insults and jeering stopped instantly.  My gaze swept the crowd before I smiled at my family and friends gathered in a cluster by the stage.  "We are no different than any of you.  In fact, our kind were created through yours."

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