Chapter 29

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"Vivi!"  I smiled and caught my little sister as she flew towards me, spinning to toss her to our brother.  "ZayZay!"

He chuckled as he caught her and tossed her back.  "Help me!"

Ezekiel caught her mid flight and she giggled.  "You bring them home, ZeeZee and..."  Her eyes swept the wolves behind us.  "More strays.  We always get strays."

My grandmother frowned.  "We are not strays."

Zoey tilted her head.  "Then... where is your home?"

The old woman paused.  "That... is none of your concern."

She pursed her lips as she leaned over to whisper in my ear, but children lack volume control so everyone heard.  "That makes them strays right?"

I raised my eyebrows at her.  "Mind your manners, Ladybug."

She sighed and smiled as she regrouped.  "Hello and welcome to the BlueCrest/Eclipse territory and... eventually welcome to the pack, I guess..."  She leaned over again.  "If they're not strays... are they only visiting then?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at her mate.  "How was she, Derek?"

He smiled.  "Well behaved, as you told her."

I nodded.  "Thank you for watching her."

Zoey rolled her eyes.  "He tried to kill me, Vivi."

I smiled, already knowing where this was going.  "How so?"

She threw up her hands.  "He made me eat icky green stuff!"

I shook my head.  "Go, Ladybug.  Help the others finish preparations."

She jumped out of Ezekiel's arms.  "Okay!"

Xavier bumped my shoulder and nodded his head towards our father/uncle figures.  "That doesn't look good."

I sighed as their faces held dark expressions. "We is in trouble."

He scratched his neck.  "Your idea."

I slapped his hand.  "Your mate."

Aurora flew past us and was caught by Peter.  "I'm home!"

He beamed.  "I missed you."

She giggled as a very pissed Apollo appeared beside me.  "You could have gotten hurt."

I pursed my lips.  "I remember the last time I saw you, you were suffocating on the elements.  Shall we relive that moment?"

He hissed.  "I've sworn to prote-"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.  "Protect and serve and all that bullshit... yeah... yeah.  Just remember what happens of you lay hands on what's mine again, Leech."

He closed his eyes trying to control his temper.  "A lesson I won't soon forget, but no more vanishing."

I smirked.  "Where's the fun in that?  Hey, so..."  I eyed the men as they stalked towards us.  "About the protecting and serving..."

Toni glared at him.  "Not likely, Kid."

Ryan put a hand on my head and nodded toward the packhouse.  "Let's talk."

Me and my twin pouted.  "But..."

"No buts."


"We don't care."

I glanced at him.  "What fun is being Alpha and Beta if we still get in trouble?"

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