Chapter 123

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I knew Violet was taking so long in the shower on purpose and she frowned at me sitting on the bed waiting for her.  "Food.  Let's go."

Her eyes rolled and she went out of the door silent.  Amethyst licked and nipped at her hands until she pet her, sighing sadly.  I've never seen her this bad off...

I laced my fingers through hers.  "You'll like this.  Promise."

She kept her eyes forward.  "Whatever."

Xavier pushed her gently.  "Oh, you will."

She refused to look at us and kept walking silently, freezing when we made it to the clearing.  Everyone was waiting, the food was prepared, and Xavier went to get the music started.  I ushered her to her usual seat when she wouldn't move.  "It's okay, My Love.  We love you and hate to see you this way."

She crossed her arms and looked at the table.  "Whatever."


You are not weak and powerless.

I didn't even sense they were here Amethyst.

No?  Set aside your emotions.  Feel something else.

I sighed and closed my eyes.  Slowly, as I pushed away the depression and heaviness, I started to feel them.  All around me and moving around.  I felt their concern for us.  Okay... and?  If any are in danger th-

You were a caster and I a wolf before we became one.  You still have power.  Think of what you did to Apollo.

I rolled my eyes.  I flooded our blood with Light.  Th-

She laid her head in my lap.  You control all elements, Violet.  None of that came from being a wolf.

I sighed as we began to eat and didn't like that her food was set on the ground.  I got up and found an empty chair to sit beside me and made her get in it.  You are not a fucking pet.

She licked my face as I set her bowl beside my plate.  Thank you.

Slowly I ate and watched the packs.  It looked like the visiting packs were lingering and enjoying themselves.  I saw the wolves Amethyst somehow found clinging to humans.  So... where did those strays come from?

She glanced around.  They followed me to get them and then into battle.  They said they had been waiting in our forests, but wasn't sure how to approach us.

I arched a brow.  That's interesting. 

The people I guided back to their bodies were among everyone, slowly acclimating and I wasn't all that surprised I felt them too.  We attract the strangest strays.

She nodded.  "The silver fairy seems to be in a better mood."

I pursed my lips.  "I'm not a fairy.  Is everything working out, Christopher?"

He sat beside me smiling.  "Yes.  It is nice here especially after..."

I looked at him as he trailed off.  "But you survived.  You lived to see another day and now you can help others who suffered as you had.  You know you are not alone also."

He nodded.  "It's the same for you.  You're here, you helped us even without your wolf, and still you live to do more another day."

I narrowed my eyes at him.  "Stop talking to me.  Where is David, you need a distraction."

He chuckled.  "No, but I do have a question for you."  I nodded.  "You said you were familiar and comfortable in that darkness.  You were able to get us out.  Why?  How?"

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