Chapter 21

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I stabbed at my food as Violet watched, intrigued.  "And I'm the one with anger issues."

I glanced at her as I chewed.  "Your haze has lifted.  What hitting the sheets was all you needed?"

She smirked.  "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Her brother pushed his food away.  "It's official.  I like the haze better."

She giggled.  "Relax and eat, we have to move then some snooping to do."

He rolled his eyes.  "Whatever..."

She sighed.  "Ezekiel's light calmed my darkness, Twin... everything else happened after."

He tilted his head, listening to Finnick most likely.  "Hm... useful..."

She playfully started to swipe her hand under my fork as I stabbed.  "Indeed..."

I grabbed her hand.  "Stop."

She pouted.  "One day, you'll see you are my only interest.  But the effects of last night are evident."

That gave me pause.  "What?"

Aurora gestured towards me carelessly.  "You're angrier than usual.  You need to recognize it and bring it to a slow.  Meditate or some shit."

I frowned.  "You know because you've done it?"

Her pout matched my mate's.  "I wish... light and dark do not respond to me.  Only the natural elements."

Fingers trailed down my arms.  "I go to her to vent.  It brings it to a slow unlike drinking which just dulls the urge."

I slowly nodded and took a breath.  Violet damn near caressing her best friend was bad enough without the mention of the vamp.  "Just let's not talk about others wanting you and... I have never seen you touch anyone else that way, except Zoey."

Her eyes rolled.  "It's rare that Ray is angry, it's not her nature.  Between last night and that book well... that was long overdue."

I frowned.  "So..."

She bit my arm.  "Not interested... neither if us are."

Aurora giggled.  "Just nice to be touched sometimes."

My mate stood.  "I'll get us packed.  You two know what to do."

I blinked, noticing they had finished eating.  "Not a trace to be found..."

They all disappeared and I looked at my Beta who shrugged.  "Their thing..."

I sighed, feeling a bit more like myself.  "This is different."

He glanced around as Xavier went about cleaning things.  "I wouldn't know... never been a rogue."

I did the same.  "Yeah..."

He paused to glare at us.  "Finish already, we need to move."

Violet reappeared and scooped up the book, stowing it in her pocket.  "They saw you two last night... we must leave before others wake."

That basically made us inhale our food and she cleared and washed the dishes.  I felt useless as we were ushered out of the door and into a truck.  I glanced back as Xavier pulled off.  "So, next event?"

Violet was staring out of the window.  "More intimate than I care for, but that means more information as well."

Aurora was on her tablet.  "Blackwater pack... 2 hours away, looks like a charity dinner or something."

Xavier groaned.  "More ties?  Kill me now."

Violet sighed.  "Gowns, ties, and boring."

I looked between the three.  "So..."

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