Chapter 30

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I swiveled in my chair to look out of the window.  "It puts us at risk, but it seems to be the best option at the moment."

Xavier sighed.  "It's long and drawn out, many things can change before the end of the Season."

Toni grunted.  "A lot of wild cards to boot, but if we take it slow at least we learn what we are up against."

Aurora came to my side.  "And if we strike on our own terms, we will have home field advantage."

I nodded, my mind swirling with possibilities.  "I hear you."  I turned back around to face my council.  "So, who's ready to plan the best party of the Season?"


I need you to join us, Love.  William and Corbin as well...

I stretched as I stood, watching Zoey and other kids playing in the park.  "See you two soon."

Maverick and his mate, who had taken to following me around while Violet was occupied, looked up at me curiously.  "But the kids."

Derek smiled as they started to shift.  "Are safe among their pack."

The girl, Clara, I think that was her name, gasped.  "Th-"

I nodded.  "It's normal here.  You will learn, just roll with it for now."

I summoned my council and made my way to the packhouse.  It took two hours for Violet to come to a consensus with her council, so if we were being called on, it may involve us.  Or, knowing my mate, required us to stay out of it.

She glanced up from some documents as we entered the councilroom.  "This looks elaborate..."

Aurora beamed.  "Yes!  Here sit."

She vacated the seat beside my mate and I looked over what looked to be floor plans.  "And this is..."

Violet sat back as the rest took a seat.  "So we have all agreed that what we found cannot be ignored.  Now, the question is, how do we go about correcting it."

I nodded.  "Okay..."

She gestured to her council.  "They came up with a very long drawn out plan, but the ending satisfies me so... what can I say?"

Aurora jumped up.  "So, we will perform and attend events as we did last Season.  Those hunting you all have already said they'd branch out of their norm to get the chance to catch you."

Ryan frowned.  "Key is not to get caught."

Xavier rolled his eyes.  "Basically, that and luring the people into what will be our stage."

Toni frowned at him.  "Not on our territory, but... an area we are familiar with."

Aurora nodded.  "There we will hold a huge party... with everyone invited.  Now... there's of course you guys."

I looked at Violet who was observing a picture of us on the wall with mild interest.  "And that is?"

She sighed.  "We can't ask you not to get involved, clearly, so..."

Xavier huffed.  "Violet is refusing to stage this as your mating ceremony and we want you to convince her otherwise."

She glared at them both.  "This is not what we discussed."

My heart was doing somersaults.  "Bu-"

She held up her hand.  "What they meant to say was, we would like to stage this as an alliance type deal.  Showing that both packs are working together.  A show of force, if you will."

I couldn't breathe, I would have loved to do this, but she seemed very against it.  "Okay... so, why not a mating ceremony?"

She slowly turned her gaze to me.  "Excuse me?  You can't be serious."

I took a breath.  "Okay, so we're in a bit of a tough time right now, but if everyone is invited there will be no denying we are mates."

She frowned.  "So... you're cool with the fact that this ends in blood right?  That's kind of the goal.  With everyone distracted, we should be able to extract the captives.  After they are safe, it will be a bloodbath."

I paused.  "Okay, when you put it like that no... but... maybe an announcement of some sort?"

She smoothed her eyebrows.  "You're fucking kidding me right?  Why must we announce this to the world.  A lot of those attending will be dead by the end anyway, not like they can spread the word."

Again, she had a point.  "Okay... why do you think this will end in blood?  Let's start there."

She smiled devilishly.  "Because I will be spending my time issuing warnings to those who are trying to get us.  And only idiots wouldn't put two and two together so..."

I sighed.  "When the word gets out, they will come for us. That is a dangerous gamble, Violet."

Ryan nodded.  "Which is why we will host this in a... fake territory, if you will.  Those who come with us will fight, others will be left behind in case they try something shady."

Violet pursed her lips.  "Shady would mean they would target us the night of the event.  Hopefully it is not so, but if it is then we finish there and help here as needed."

I looked at Corbin and William.  "Anything to say about this."

William glanced at me briefly before looking at the ceiling again.  "It makes sense, but like they said there are risks."

Corbin nodded.  "But it's better for us to strike first.  After what you guys told me, it's only a matter of time before they come for us."

William sighed.  "And if we can split their forces, it may make it better for us... then again we will be split as well."

Violet looked between us.  "Yes, but us splitting is far different from them.  The bulk of their strongest will come for us, we are the prize.  While we only need a select few to take them, the bulk of our people will be here.  Even if they switched it, the odds are still in our favor."

I began to toy with her fingers in thought.  "Who are the select few?"

She sighed.  "Me and you, of course. William and Aurora, since they are now known as one of them.  Xavier because he too is a target.  Apollo, because he won't leave things be.  We will have others, but our fighting force will be here, with the packs."

Her twin nodded.  "Anyone who is against us or is giving information will be here as well, with these new wolves, who we know nothing about and my mate..."  He took a slow sad breath.  "Who we know came here with the intent to harm... keeping them at arm's length is better done with our pack to distract them."

I narrowed my eyes, many things could go wrong between now and this party of theirs.  "What if something happens between?"

Violet stilled my fingers.  "We will regroup often, intel will continue to come to us, and we act accordingly as things shift.  Right now, the goal is to make it back home.  If they attack, we are close enough to respond and aid in our defense.  If they try to capture us, we will evade and kill only when necessary."

I nodded.  "Okay... I still want an announcement at least."  She rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath.  "What was that, My Love?"

She glared at me.  "Make your fucking announcement as long as I can have my fun."

I chuckled.  "That... I would never deny you."

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