Chapter 99

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"... childish.  You know she has never been one to be tamed and she made her choice."

"Just go, Romulus."

Xavier round the corner.  "Leave him."

The younger brother turned to us, anguish on his face.  "Bu-"

I boosted myself up so they could see me.  "He refuses to eat or drink.  Now, he is free to do as he pleases.  If he chooses to waste the fuck away on a dream let him.  Leave him be."

Sad grey eyes met mine and widened before he smiled.  "Is it complete?"

That got a reaction as Apollo rushed out of his cell, shock written on his features as his eyes met mine.  "So soon?"

I didn't miss the despair in his voice.  "So, you can move and speak.  Good, we leave soon.  You either come or don't... the choice is yours."

He looked at Ezkiel and shook his head before returning to his cell and Romulus sighed.  "You act like this will change anything."

I rolled my eyes.  "These lovely people are going to feed me when you finish trying to plead with the hopeless.  He is plenty old enough to make his own decisions."

Romulus hung his head.  "I'll meet you before we leave at least."

I hopped down to hug him.  "He is your brother.  I understand, but don't let him drag you into his misery."

He wrapped his arms around me.  "I won't.  Now, go feed that bear in your belly.  I thought there was a wild animal outside."

I giggled.  "Wouldn't that be fun?  She's a wolf, she's a witch, no!  She's a bear!"  I playfully growled as I jumped into Aurora's arms.  "Time to feed Violet the Bear."

She chuckled.  "You're such a tease.  Who will carry you next?"

I sighed blissfully.  "Right now, my best friend.  Later, my vampire best friend. Then... I'm sure Zoey would like to try if Derek isn't carrying her.  When all else fails my mate loves to carry me around."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead.  "I may pass today."

I grabbed his ears and pulled as we headed out.  "You have to get out of timeout first.  You is in trouble."

I held on tight as he tried to pull away.  "Stop demon!"

I giggled.  "I not a demon!  I a bear!"

He laughed and started to tickle me.  "A ticklish one."

I struggled to hold on.  "Zay!  He's touching me!"

My brother grabbed his arms and pinned them to his sides.  "Don't pick on the fragile Luna."

I smirked.  "That makes you Alpha, now the strays are yours."

Heads turned only to shake as we played all the way down the street.  "Violet!  Let go!"

I kissed Ezekiel's cheek.  "No.  Mine."

He growled, pretending to try to break my twin's hold.  "Just wait... I'll get you back."

I bit my lip.  "I'm counting on it."

Xavier let go, grimacing.  "Gross, I'm not old enough."

I pursed my lips as I let go.  "Mhm... so about the weekend get away you wanted."

He crossed his arms.  "You're not old enough."

I reached for him and he backed away.  "ZayZay... noooo..."

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