Chapter 57

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"E... you have to go."

I frowned.  "No.  Why go to these stupid ass things when she isn't with me?"

He sighed.  "We have a goal... remember, you said we would complete what she started."

I leaned back into the sofa, rolling the pendant in my hands.  "I can't do it, William.  Even last Season... I went for her, I wasn't at any engagement that she wasn't."

He looked at the floor.  "I know man, just... make an appearance.  Show your face and leave."

I rolled my eyes.  "And how will I explain that my mate isn't by my side.  Like I said, we went together."

He bit his lip.  "I... don't know... trouble in paradise?"

I deadpanned him.  "That's an understatement."

My door opened and Xavier came in.  "You, sir, have no fucking choice.  Just like the rest of us.  Get ready and let's go.  You're coming with me."

I gaped.  "Knocking... it's a thing."

He raised his eyebrows.  "My sister isn't here and you, like her, have an aversion for extramarital affairs."

My head started to hurt.  "Like I was telling him.  We went to these things together.  How will I explain her absence?"

Xavier smirked.  "You leave all of that to me.  As a matter of fact, don't get your shit.  I got you covered."

Resisting was useless, I knew this as both Betas grabbed me under the arms and hauled me to the car.  I put on a good show of being disgruntled, but nothing more.  Once there, I saw her brother really did take care of everything.

I bit my lip as I picked up the watch Violet had made for me.  I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel the pain as I remembered that night.  So much happened that weekend in general.  I blinked my tears away, I finally understood how deep her pain ran.  It was just a glimpse, she carried it with her... always, everytime we parted only making it worse.

Amethyst told us how it felt to be her passenger.  Violet felt deeply, but hid it well.  It still baffled me as to how she could function everyday.  One step forward... everyday, everytime.  Standing still only to bask in the overflow of good emotions.  The bad... well, the bad you just learn to live with, every step becoming easier than the last.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.  "You remembered that..."

Alastair sighed, he was struggling with this too, but he never allowed me to sit still for too long.  He wouldn't let me fall into the pit of despair that would leave me motionless for hours at a time.  He kept me moving, forcing me to interact with others, reminding me, making me remember.  I remember all... especially the wise words of our dark angels.  Take this step, Ezekiel.  They need us to take this step.

I nodded and went to shower, when I emerged I smiled softly.  Placed on top of the suit was a single violet for me to pin on it.  I did so and went to meet Xavier.  He glanced up, clearly struggling as well, but said nothing until he saw the flower.  "We wear it... to remember our purpose.  To remember her goal."

I put an arm around his shoulders.  "Ready to take this step?"

He gave me a brief hug and sniffed as he pulled away, fixing his features so he looked impassive.  "Forward is the only way to go."

Violet not being my side was proving to be troublesome for both of us as countless women offered drinks and asked to dance.  We politely refused, but they kept badgering us anyway.  Xavier sighed in relief as we made it backstage.  "Okay... I see why she hated these fucking things.  We're leaving as soon as I finish this set."

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