Chapter 6

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No one missed the suspicious glances that Lucinda was giving Violet as we had dinner, but she payed it no mind as she was talking to Aurora. "If they keep at this pace, they should test out next month."

Violet sighed. "So soon... they should take time to be kids, maybe school isn't a horrible idea for the younger ones."

Zoey waved her hands. "No school, we don't like it, it's so boring."

She smiled at her. "I couldn't agree with you more, but being 11 or 12 and testing out of grade school... it could lead to issues later.  Your social skills are already lacking and you wouldn't be ready to work..."

"Pfft... just teach us more or something. We tried it Vivi, we don't like sitting in a spot for so long for nothing."

Violet simply nodded, I already knew she agreed because she hated school herself, often sneaking out and ditching class to roam around. I smiled softly, she was at the top of her class for the short time she was with us. Her teacher, Mr. Collins, adored her much to my annoyance, he was the one teacher that had her talking often. From what he told me, he would have liked to talk to her outside of class and pick her mind, but never got the chance.

Now, she was simply never available to him, I saw to that personally. I actually went and talked to this McKinney that had her take the test that brought her to our school. She was reluctant to say anything, but confessed that she noticed something was off about the twins. When she would try to catch Violet in class, she was never there, so she was curious.

She showed me the aptitude test she took and said that my mate had to think in order not to do too well, she noticed in how she carefully worded something or had to pause midthought not to go too far. It bothered her, but even at her simplest she tested out of her school and she couldn't go near her again without suspicion. She was also impacted after she left, especially after finding out about her upbringing, she felt guilty.

Aurora looked at nothing in particular. "Seems our model was great, but we still have work to do."

Peter took her hand and kissed it. "You'll figure it out, I'm sure."

Zoey frowned. "They all work together, they all will figure it out."


She frowned into her plate. "It's true. We work as a pack, we live as a pack, there isn't just one."

Violet sighed, but said nothing further. Her mind was everywhere now and so were her emotions. "Princess, I'm sure he understands that, just wants to encourage her."

She furrowed her brow. "Bu-"

Her mom's phone went off and Violet looked off the to North, eyes clouding. "Hello?... Yes... Yes... I'll be right there." She gave us an apologetic look. "I'm needed at the hospital."

Violet raised her glass. "Go save lives, let me know if you need anything." She nodded and left as Violet's eyes stayed glazed over.

Peter furrowed his brow. "Is she o-"

Zoey glared at him. "You've been here 2 months a-"

"Ladybug, that's enough." Zoey opened her mouth. "Go to your room, I'll speak with you again when I return."

She blinked. "What's wrong, Vivi?"

Violet stood. "Watch her for me, Ezekiel and Derek. Xavier, Aurora with me. Apollo, see to something not around me, I don't really care what."

He frowned at her. "I ca-" She gave him a cool look as she went to her old room, it made me curious. William...

Ten steps ahead of you...

Zoey disappeared into her room, Derek following behind. Lucinda looked around curiously. "What's going on?"

Violet came back down the stairs and went straight for the door. "Keep out of trouble while we're away."

William waited a few moments before he stood and stretched. "Well this was nice while it lasted. See you tomorrow man."

I nodded. "Yeah..."

Apollo was furious. "Why the hell would sh-"

I shrugged. "Never happened before, couldn't tell you."

His eyes were red as he turned to me. "Why are you not concerned? What kind of mate ar-"

I growled. "Keep talking, Leech."

He bared his fangs. "Be happy I didn't get to you before you were mated. I'd happily kill you if it wouldn't kill her as well."

I snapped and tackled him to the ground, punching his face relentlessly. He reached up and caught my wrist breaking it before tossing me aside. Suddenly, a small body was in front of me growling. "I'd suggest you stop..."

Apollo froze, he almost crumbled under the gaze of a child. She glared at me and I understood why, unlike Violet she didn't know how to control how much power went behind her words or how much of her aura would leak into the room. It didn't bother me, but everyone else was suffocating. "You're hurt..."

Just as suddenly as it happened, her aura was gone. She knelt beside me and gently took my wrist in her hand. "This will hurt more..." she began to readjust it and I grimaced, biting back my screams as the bones were put back in place. "No more fighting, Vivi has enough to worry about."


My wrist felt like it was torn off and I dropped to the ground panting. "What the fuck?"

Aurora and Xavier were at my sides. "What's wrong?"

I clenched my jaw. "Not sure... let's keep moving."

We raced to where the accident happened and surveyed the area. Xavier frowned. "No... this was an attack for sure."

I nodded and knelt by the car. "But how?" I touched it and felt darkness. "Interesting... we'll need to go to the hospital.  Mom will need me."

I sighed and rubbed my wrist as it still throbbed. "Vi?"

I looked at my best friend. "It still hurts?"

"Yeah, but I'm good."

At the hospital I went to where my mother was trying to have a man restrained. Xavier held me back as he sprung out of bed, eyes wild, not quite shifted, somewhere between man and beast. I could feel the dark energy rolling off him in droves. "Step aside, Xavier."

He clenched his jaw. "He could..."

I watched him closely. "He's in pain, if I don't hurry he will be lost and we will have no answers."

I stepped around him and the man looked me in my eye, unfocused, pained. "Violet!"

I concentrated and let the dark energy I kept constantly controlled seep into the room until he froze. Careful...

I know... Chloé stepped back as I nodded to her and I approached. His eyes got wider with each step and I noted he was trembling. I hesitantly touch his chest, trying to absorb the energy that was forced into him.

He went wild and grabbed my arms, to which I manipulated the shadows around us to restrain him. I tightened my jaw as I also lost my control until he sagged and I pushed him on the bed behind him. Once he was free of whoever's hold, I helped him lay down and touched his forehead. "You're safe now... just rest."

His eyes fluttered close and I sighed, exhausted. That was close... but I'm proud regardless. I nodded and turned to go, but stumbled. I don't even remember hitting the floor.

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