Chapter 61

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"I'm glad you came..."

My eyes tracked Benjamin as he came from behind the door and gestured to a chair.  He handed me a glass of soda and I wrinkled my nose.  "Sorry... most kids like pop."

I shrugged and set the glass aside, it was laced with nightshade as I expected.  The doses added to my water were enough to go unnoticed until they built up over time.  I approximated it would be this meeting that would place his victim in a drug induced paralysis.

He sighed and poured two glasses of water, handing me one.  I watched as he drank some and hid my smile as I sipped it.  "So, about what we discussed last weekend... would you like to hone your powers?"

I swirled my glass enjoying the fragrance before looking at him again.  "Of course it will be difficult if you won't speak to me, but I'm sure we can make due."

I raised my eyebrows and he took another drink before rising from his seat and kneeling in front of me.  "The cost... isn't much of course."

I grabbed his hand as he went to touch my knee.  He blinked in surprise.  "I won't hurt you."  I arched an eyebrow and set my glass aside.  "Nothing you wouldn't allow of course."

I dropped his hand and tilted my head as he smirked.  "Then again... there are other ways to get what we want aren't there?"

He stood and caught himself on the table.  He finished his glass as he returned to his seat.  "Now.  Tell me what element you're affiliated with."

I shrugged.  "You don't know."  I sighed and shrugged again.  "Well then, there are ways to fi..."

I watched as his pupils widened and he shook his head.  "Sorry..."  I sat back, smirking.  "There are ways to figure it out of course..."

I could hear his heart picking up pace as he reached to refill his glass, drinking my own.  "I wouldn't do that if I were you, much more and it really will kill you."

His eyes widened as he looked at me.  I swirled my glass and raised it to him before finishing.  "Funny thing about poisons... too little, it's ineffective, too much and well... the victim dies."

I stood and slid the pitcher aside as his arm fell limp.  "But... get it just right and wonderful things can happen."

His body relaxed.  "I raise your Nightshade and offer you Hemlock.  Far more deadly which suited me quite well."

I smiled at the fear in his eyes.  "Relax... I can't take your life just yet and poisons simply doesn't give me the satisfaction that steel does.  So... now that you are completely paralyzed, let me make myself very clear."

I looked at the fire that he was trying to pull towards me.  "Now, now.  If I wanted you dead, I would have done so already."

As I chastised him, I walked over to the fire, crouching to meet it.  "Hush now, he isn't quite up to speed..."

The flames calmed and returned to their place in the hearth.  I turned back to him.  "I have no interest in your lessons.  I actually have little interest in being here in general, but know this... if you ever try to harm or touch me or any of those I've come to like here..."

I stooped down to meet his eyes.  "The next time you hear my voice will be to offer you, body and soul, to the Goddess."

I sighed as I stood once more.  "You should be well enough in a few hours.  How disappointing for the others you've lured into this trap, I'm sure."

His eyes followed me as I disposed of the water.  I turned as there was a knock at the door and arched an eyebrow.  "So soon?"

I frowned as Dominic pushed in.  "Violet... what are you..."

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