Chapter 65

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"You all think you're so fucking special."

I kept walking forward, I was in no mood to go back and forth.  "What's in the bags?  Did your sugar daddies give them to you?"

I glanced up at the sky as I moved Lilly to walk ahead of me.  Okay... you and I both know if this girl gets hurt, William will go the fuck off when he finds out.  He's seen their faces... he's a lot like me... if you don't want these casters dead a little help would be nice.

I held my ground as my bag was pulled back.  "I'm talking to you!"

I pursed my lips, signing.  "And I'm ignoring you.  If you value your life just walk away."

Delia snickered.  "No one understands that."


They all froze and turned.  "Headmaster..."

Dominic approached slowly eyeing each of us.  "This is becoming a regular problem I see."

I rolled my eyes.  "Only because I fight back, Old Man."

He smirked.  "The Reveal is Friday.  If I find that any of you are out of line.  You will not participate."

Everyone looked around in shock and Cedric stepped forward.  "Sir... I used to run with them, trust me when I tell you, Rochelle and her group started this."

Dominic shrugged.  "And I will finish it."

He opened his mouth again and I pat his sleeve.  He looked at me in dismay.  "Sometimes it's best to shut up and walk away."  I smirked as he sighed.  "Who can reason with cranky old men anyway?"

I turned on my heel.  "And Violet..."

I slowly turned to meet his gaze, worried eyes looked back at me.  "Yes?"

He glanced behind me.  "Your family and friends... they made me realize how isolated our students are.  Thank you for that, so..."  he took a deep breath.  "Anyone's loved ones can come Friday to the Reveal.  I suggest you all act accordingly until then."

I forced myself to stay relaxed.  "Are you bribing me, Old Man?"

Is it working?

Depends... does this mean no or just don't get caught.

He sighed.  I prefer the former.

I turned back around.  And I the latter... besides you may not want my kind here.  They'll paint this place red if they see how they treat us.


William returned to the apartment and we both stared holes into the wall.  "Man... how the fuck?"

I sighed, knowing the emptiness he felt all too well.  "You think we choose to feel this way?"

He fell silent again.  We had been doing this for the last hour; staring, quick comments, going back to silently feeling like shit.

He took a deep breath.  "How do you make it feel better?"

I shrugged.  "Keep moving forward."

He looked at the ceiling, seems he started to get along with it again.  "Let spar.  I need to hurt something."

I smirked.  "Smartest thing you've said all day."


Planning how to secretly torment a human was difficult.  Wolves could withstand a lot, humans... nope.  Hell, hit the too hard and they died.  I rose from the bed and slowly began to pull out the items that were given to me.  They made me smile, it looked like they all chose some things they felt I would need and they chose well.

I ran my fingers over the hilts of two more blades.  These were mine as they hummed under my touch, it took me hours to figure out how to drive Xavier's essence out of his to replace it with mine.  I picked up the book only Aurora would think to give.  In it were photos of their engagements, one thing I didn't miss about our world.

With each were descriptions of targets and those we had brought in to keep safe.  I smiled softly as I read through.  They kept moving forward, I needed to know that.  It brought comfort to know they could function without me there, but a sadness as well.  The longer I was away... the less I was needed.  I noted the violet blooms pressed beside each one that came to us.  No... they continue with me in mind.  I love them...

My smile widened as I inhaled the scent of two wolf dolls.  I know Zoey hated to part with them, they were the likeness of me and my mate's wolves.  The parents of hers, she held them close every night and made sure they well taken care of.  I set them aside to read her note.

ZeeZee got me a bear that sings even though I was mean to him, Vivi!  She sounds like you and smells like you too.  So, take care of my dolls until my real Vivi comes home.  I miss you!  I love you!  Come home soon!

I blinked away my tears.  That wonderfully thoughtful man of mine, he was always good at finding or having things made that meant so much to us, gifts from his heart.  So, I knew as I picked up the blanket he did something that would move my soul.

His scent was embedded in the fabric and I held it close, until something fell out.  I picked it up and tears broke free.  It was my family, all smiling, all happy.  I got myself together and picked up the bag and felt it still held weight.  I tilted my head as I felt along inside and almost jumped for joy when I found my phone.

I turned it on and smiled, he made sure to charge it.  I put my things away and crawled into bed with my blanket and dolls.  I scrolled through and found an ancient set of messages.

I just want you to know... I hate you.

I bit my lip, it was late, he could be sleep.  I released a breath when it vibrated.

AAF:  I'm happy you approve, Princess.

I smiled.  Thank you... how are you doing, Love?

I answered his video call, I found that this place having service was a miracle.  "Horribly, but... look at this."

He panned to the man looking depressed sitting across from him and I giggled.  "We know your pain all too well."

He glared at me.  "Is she okay?"

I sighed.  "Yes and should b-"  I glanced at the door.  "Nevermind... be glad I halfway like you.  Come in."

Lilly poked her head in and I nodded.  "She's here looking quite distressed.  What the hell did you gift her?"

William snatched the phone.  "Did she like them?"

I pursed my lips.  "She can hear you just fine.  Give his phone back."

I pat the bed beside me and Lilly sat.  "You're talking to him."

I found her small frown cute and amusing.  "I am talking to Ezekiel.  William stole his phone."

She relaxed as she sat.  "Does... does he have one?"

I smirked.  "Yes... I'll give you his number for a price."  I glared as he growled.  "Shut up, this is business."

She blushed.  "I thought you said..."

I smiled at her.  "I did, but I also said he doesn't like when people mess with you which I am notorious for.  Now... what shall it be..."

She giggled.  "Keeping you out of trouble until Friday."

I scoffed.  "As if... hmmmm..."  I beamed.  "You let me dress you Friday."

Her eyes widened.  "What?"

I formed a frame with my fingers and nodded.  "Yes, you shall be my personal project and I give you his number."

She pursed her lips.  "You don't dress up, Violet."

I smirked.  "Oh, I did quite frequently actually."  I pushed her against the wall and lay with my back on her shoulder so we were both in frame.  "Deal?"

She smiled softly.  "Will I be pretty?"

I shrugged.  "Just trust me and you'll find out."

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