Chapter 31

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I watched as my pack filed in for our meeting. Thankfully, with merging territories we had the opportunity to build a new meeting hall, which allowed enough room for both packs and then some.  I could fell an unrest among them and I had a feeling I knew exactly what the source of it was.

I checked the time as the last of them came in and smiled.  "30 minutes to spare.  I like it."  They chuckled even though I spoke softly, they heard.  "So... a few things.  Firstly, Xavier and I apologize for our disappearing act.  With there being newer members to our pack, we should have given them more forewarning as they are not used to it."

Apollo, who had been avoiding me since we returned, relaxed slightly in the far corner of the room.  "Also, we have some... possible additions to the pack.  Apparently, I have this thing about attracting strays and well... yeah, you see where that's gotten us."

Everyone chuckled as they glanced around affectionately.  Everyone was family among us; wolves, vamps, shifters, humans, and even a few casters were among us.  We lived together as a pack and worked together as a makeshift family.  We lived and died for very people in this room, which was why these newcomers could cause problems.

I took a breath, trying to word things carefully.  "We are aware of Xavier's mate and truly hope things turn out in their favor.  Then, there is the matter of the wolves we brought this morning."

The distasteful glances said it all.  "The younger generation are the ones who wanted to come here.  It is the older generation that followed are very much against me and the way things are here.  They are blinded by what they have been taught since birth.  They do not recognize our Goddess and her importance as the very being who created us."

My gaze swept the room.  "That does not mean that any of you should be anything but kind towards them.  They will leave in their own time, come to accept how we are, or agree to disagree.  Now, that does not mean they can just do what they want, we keep us safe always.  If anything seems out of line or off to you, let us know and we will handle it as we always do."

Everyone nodded in understanding and I smiled.  "So on to more glorious things..."  They laughed, they knew what this meant as a feeling of anticipation filled the room.  "We have been investigating, Lucinda and what we found was disturbing.  Apparently, myself along with my mate and brother are to be captured with rather large prices on our heads.  Mine being the most, which strokes my ego a bit."

While still entertained, I felt outrage as well.  "In light of this... we also found that all manner of being have been captured or even killed in this so called 'Hunt'.  You all know me... you all know us.  Whatever these people have going on is unacceptable and can not be ignored."

Everyone voiced their agreement, I was not surprised since some of our own came from similar situations.  "This is my request to you, if you do not wish to take part we understand.  We plan to perform and attend events as we normally do during this time, however, we must remain extra vigilant in that none of us are captured since each of you are of value as well.  At the end of the Season we will hold a party of our own to draw out those who seek us and hopefully free those in captivity."

I looked over the room again.  "This puts those who participate at risk.  We know this, which is why we tell you this now.  For those who do not want any part of our scheming... you are dismissed, rest well."

No one moved and I held my breath, searching for any shred of hesitation or doubt, but found none.  Everyone stood attentive and ready to do what needed to be done.  I closed my eyes, smiling, I loved my pack.  I knew, like me, even if they were at risk, they hated for others to suffer.   "Okay then, let's get started."


Violet and her pack never ceased to amaze me.  They were all willing to be a part of this to help in any way they could.  I remember one night asking her where her packmates were and how she found them after leaving.  She gave a cryptic answer I didn't understand at the time, but it made a little sense now.

I closed my eyes remembering the softness that crept into her eyes.  "Some of us were scattered about, others... we found them.  After being lost for so long, I guess it was nice to have people they could trust and call a family."

Again, she stumped me.  "What do you mean?"

She smirked.  "Everyone has a past, Ezekiel... it's a matter of the person opening up and telling you about it."

I looked over the room, realizing that some of these people listening to her and giving input were people they saved.  I looked over at William who gave me a small smile.  Of all of our pack, he was the closest to hers.  He, like them, questioned very little of her actions or motives.  The more I learned of my childhood friend, the more I realized he was more like them than he ever was like us.

Do you think... you would be happier with her pack?

He gave me a surprised look.  No... why?

I pursed my lips.  You have a lot of similarities...

His gaze swept the crowd.  Yes, I was found when I was young, essentially a rogue.  My beliefs align with theirs, but... I am where I'm supposed to be and am happy here.

I sighed, both had voiced our consideration of leaving our pack just to be with hers, not that she would allow it.  Still so much to learn...

He chuckled.  That's the fun part.

I withheld my frown as Apollo came up to her.  That didn't take long...

You expected it to last?

Her head tilted as he spoke and she nodded before following him out.  So...

10 steps ahead of you my friend... 10 steps ahead.

I looked at where he was standing, surprised he was already gone.  It gave me pause, anytime I asked him to follow my mate, he did so without hesitation.  However, I never did bother to ask how he didn't get caught.  With everything I'd learned, it did make me curious.

I shook the thought as Xavier came up to me.  "Let's get you ready as well."

I nodded.  "Okay."

He glanced at the door his sister left through, a knowing gleam in his eye.  "He won't find anything.  As always."

I sighed, so they knew, of course they did.  "Precaution... I still don't trust him.  Violet was never the issue."

Xavier shrugged.  "Whatever makes you fell better."

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