Chapter 67

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Wreaking havoc while not getting caught was proving to become more difficult as the week wore on, but I managed. Lucky for the people starting it, they still had all of their fingers and toes. My problem, however, was Benjamin.

Though he had taken to basically watching my every move when he could, I still had no good way of getting him. Nights were spent talking to Ezekiel and Zoey, so sneaking off to do it, wasn't happening. Then an idea finally occurred to me.

I knocked on the office door and waited. When there was no answer I bit my lip. I had 2 ways in, the door and shadows. I debated, but as students were still milling around, I pushed it open and closed it behind me. "Old Man?"

I glanced around and sighed. "Maybe another time..."

My hand was blocked from the knob with a light barrier. "Not even going to look around?"

Turning, I shrugged. "What for?"

Dominic stepped from the shadows. "Answers?"

I shook my head. "The questions I have are better asked in person."

He nodded. "Not curious about this school, how it is run?"


He sighed. "How can I help you, Violet?"

I thought a moment. "I'll ask another."

He gestured for me to a chair. "You ask can me."

I slowly sat. "How does this thing work on Friday?"

He shrugged. "Students place their blood into a vat of elements. The one the responds is theirs."

I nodded. "Okay."

He arched a brow. "Nothing more?"

I rolled my eyes. "What is it that you wish me to ask?"

He sat back. "This is school Violet... yet, you seem to have no interest in what is being taught here."

"I've always hated school, Old Man. Try again."

He sighed. "Are you not serious about your powers... how to control them?"

My eyebrows raised. "Got a pretty good handle on that."

"So you have nothing more to learn?"

I got comfortable, clearly I wasn't going anywhere. "We are always learning, it never ceases."

He nodded. "Yet you have a superior who can teach you and don't utilize them."

My head tilted. "The same can be said about my superior, he isn't well versed in everything.  This much has been proven."

He scowled. "I can't deny that."

I nodded. "I have no use for the Reveal. According to my friends it is how they will choose their teachers." He nodded. "So either... you or many would be assigned as mine. I am yours for my tenor here."

He chuckled. "Is that your way of asking for help?"

I paused at the door. "Who knows? Testing someone's trustworthiness by hiding in shadows sounds right along the same lines."

I came to a hard stop as I felt fear. Whipping around, I broke off into a hard sprint. He's dead, Old Man.

I burst through the office door to see Benjamin kneeling in front of Julia, his hand on her thigh, fear etched in her features. I stalked into the room. "You don't listen very well... maybe I should show you just how serious I was."

A growl escaped me as my steps halted. "Violet..."

I looked at Dominic through the corner of me eyes, knuckles white from his grip on the shadows he held. "She is one of mine... he was warned."

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