Chapter 75

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Following Ezekiel out of earshot was more nerve-wracking than it had ever been.  I wrapped my arms around myself as he turned.  "What's on your mind?"

I scowled.  "I told you, nothing."

I reflexively took a step back as he took one forward.  "Does nothing have you avoiding me, My Love?"

I kicked the dirt.  "Maybe..."

He sighed and I tensed as his arms wrapped around me, damn his speed.  "Why?"

I sighed.  "After all this... I wouldn't blame you if you walked away."

He looked at me in shock.  "Violet... wh-"

I stared at his chest.  "You've been doing okay without me... yo-... you didn't want t-"

His lips silenced me.  As I tried to pull away, he curled his fingers in my hair and tugged so I would gasp.  I melted as he invaded my mouth, tasting rain.  I was breathless as he pulled away and yearning.  "Because you still had things to do."

I blinked rapidly, trying to regain focus.  "But my face... the scars you haven't seen..."

He smiled softly as his fingers ran along the scar.  "Pains us because it means we didn't protect you.  Hurts because it is a reminder that this happened because of us."  He met my gaze.  "Make you more beautiful because you survived and endured until you could come back home."

I bit my lip.  "It's my fault... not yours... if I didn't le-"

He shook his head.  "I ran and you followed.  Regardless of what was said before that, we shouldn't have left the territory.  It put us all at risk, especially now."

I narrowed my eyes.  "When did you get so grown up?"

He chuckled.  "William told me he showed you how he found me.  After that, I... the thought of a life without you made living pointless.  However, him, your brother, Alastair, and our packs kept me moving forward."

I wiped the tears from his face and he took a shaky breath.  "Violet, waking up every morning without you there crippled me.  At first, I wasn't sure if I could leave the bed, even after figured this locket you gave me.  But... we all struggled through it together until we knew you were okay.  Then, we fought through the pain of you not being able to come home."

I nuzzled his chest.  "I'm sorry..."

He kissed the top of my head.  "Still... I had it easy compared to you.  I had our packs... you were alone."

I thought for a moment before I shook my head.  "We are never alone.  I had an annoying old mad, 3 kids that became friends, and a lot of mischief to get myself into."

He laughed.  "Of course... mischief."

I giggled.  "Kept me busy, kept me moving.  I'll never admit this to the old man, but... I guess it did make us all stronger in the end."

He smoothed my hair.  "Why not use his name or a suitable title?"

I pursed my lips.  "I'll consider old mage..."

He shook his head chuckling.  "Okay, no more worrying over what I want.  You find out soon enough."

I narrowed my eyes.  "What's that supposed to mean?"  Tucking me into his side, he guided me back to the others.  "Tell me now."

He smirked.  "No."

I sighed in defeat.  "Fine..."


Dancing with Violet was always an experience because the girl couldn't stay still long enough for me to hold her.  Then of course others always joined us or her pack forcing her to sing.  Despite that, it was always fun.

Now, she was forcing Lilly and Julia to join us, pretending to tug on them until they relented.  William was not pleased and she glared at him before disappearing and taking Lilly with her.  She giggled as he was there the next instant.  "See... no one bites."

Lilly sighed.  "I don't know how to dance."

She smirked.  "William can show you.  It's not hard."

She swung their arms between them.  "He... he dances?"

Violet wiggled her eyebrows.  "One way to find out."  She gently pushed her back and William scowled as he stopped her stumbling.

He rubbed her arms.  "I will kill you."

She hid behind me.  "Go for it."

Again, she was gone and back with a very tense Julia.  "Violet... I don't..."

She held her hands up.  "No touching.  Promise."

She glowered.  "Touched to get me here."

She shrugged.  "That was then, this is now."

Julia crossed her arms.  "I don't dance."

Violet giggled.  "You're lying."

She pursed her lips.  "Not the same."

She rolled her eyes.  "You said you don't sing... you sang.  You say you don't dance... humor me and do it anyway."

"Violet!  You're up!"

She glared at her twin.  "No!"

He laughed.  "Not giving you a choice."

She sighed as it started, singing and dancing around Julia, who finally relaxed enough to join her.  Violet nodded as she finished.  "See..."

Julia shook her head, smiling.  "Why does it matter?"

She smiled softly.  "Because it is something you love to do and it was taken from you.  You're safe to be yourself now."

She glanced around as others joined.  "Yeah... this really is nice."

Violet twirled and fell backwards into my arms.  "Most of the time."

I shook my head.  "And if I didn't catch you."

She smirked.  "Then you'd have two whole packs to fry your ass."

Aurora sauntered over with Peter.  "Literally, besides, we don't fall."

My mate shook her head.  "Nope."

William arched an eyebrow.  "I think there is a whole cliff that proves that theory wrong."

I growled at him.  "Yo-"

"When we say that... it actually has little to do with us physically falling."

We both looked at the girls as Aurora hugged Violet.  "We don't fall because our loved ones are there to catch us."

Violet smiled softly.  "So yes, I took a little tumble, but in the end the Goddess brought someone along to get me the help I needed.  I found others who were at rock bottom.  Then, we came home.  So, no... I didn't fall."

Aurora kissed her cheek.  "Just stumbled a little along the way."

I blinked.  "I literally thought it meant..."

Violet giggled and grabbed my hands.  "Yes, we say it a lot when doing things high in the air, but the meaning is a lot deeper.  Those around you didn't let you fall either, they caught you and set you back in the direction you needed to go."

I squeezed hers.  "He still didn't have to mention the cliff."

She looked over at where Will was dancing with his mate.  "It happened, he'll have his own mountains to climb and cliffs to tackle.  A friendly reminder never hurt."

Aurora giggled.  "So..."  She pulled her away from me.  "Let's talk about getting these things out of the school."

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