Chapter 81

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"Well this is a surprise..."

I smirked.  "Let's go, Old Man.  I have a feeling you have something to teach."

The casters gasped.  "Violet!"

I rolled my eyes.  "What I do?"

Lilly grabbed my sleeve.  "That's disrespectful."

Dominic chuckled.  "You wouldn't know because she was signing, but she always called me that and threw in insults when she could."

I scowled as Julia tapped my head.  "You know better.  He is our elder and headmaster."

I slowly turned to them.  "And a decrepit old man.  Leave me be, it doesn't hurt his feelings."

He laughed and grabbed me by the shoulders to get out of his door.  "You get used to it over the ages, Young Mage."

I frowned.  "See, he only calls me by my name when you guys didn't know."

Xavier and Aurora walked up.  "And you can keep that title, but... what should I call you?  I don't want it."

The old man shrugged.  "Dominic is what you usually go for."

My twin nodded.  "Okay, I'm Xavier and this annoying, ugly ball of fire is Aurora."

She punched his gut.  "It's a pleasure..."

He smiled.  "Same, where should we..."

I exchanged a glance with my twin and we started towards the trees.  We knew where we felt we needed to go, but we're not quite sure why.  We just followed the pull and Aurora lit small balls of fire as we were shrouded in darkness.  "Not everyone can see in the dark you two."

Julia giggled.  "I can..."

Dominic nodded.  "As a shadow walker you should.  Seems I will need t-"

I tilted my head.  "You haven't met Ryan, but... I'll leave that decision to you."

I placed my hand on the back wall and it sighed as it sunk to the ground.  "Uh... that's not strange."

I smiled over my shoulder as I channeled fire into the walls.  "Don't worry... I got you."

The younger casters relaxed and gasped when we were under the night sky.  Xavier sighed blissfully as peace surrounded him.  "Welcome to a temple of Nyx."

Aurora looked around amazed.  "So... this is it? It's..."

Julia smiled at her.  "Perfect."

We all slowly made our way to the lake and I turned to Dominic.  "Xavier and I... we're on edge and..."

He nodded.  "You both have overused your powers and been stressed.  Come... all of you."

He led us to a grassy part and sat.  He sighed as we all sat.  "This can happen to any of us, but... allowing your powers, whatever they may be to overcome you is dangerous."

I frowned.  "Yeah, we tend to get a little violent..."

He laughed.  "You are already more than a little violent on your own."

I scowled.  "You don't know my life, Old Man."

He chuckled.  "But this, I do.  Now, Julia take Violet's hand, Lilly take Xavier's, Cedric, Aurora's."

Ray arched a brow.  "Why me?"

He raised both of his.  "You were traumatized as well... do you feel the need to harm the vampire unnecessarily."

She huffed.  "He deserves i-"

He nodded.  "He can't come here... I felt him following.  Take the boy's hand."

Silver Fairy (Little Alpha Book 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon