Chapter 92

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I was restless as I felt Violet racing the perimeter.  "She's showing a lot of restraint, please don't be upset with her."

Swiveling on my heel, I looked at the vampire wide-eyed.  "How did yo-... nevermind.  I'm not mad at her... I worry."

Xavier narrowed his eyes.  "What did she do, Romulus?  Where is your brother?"

He scratched his cheek.  "She broke his neck and have him and the messenger in the dungeon."

Her brother threw his hands up.  "Fuck her!  I would have liked to see that.  Is it still broken? I can go myself."

He chuckled.  "Considering she got five places in one move, most likely."

Xavier beamed and vanished.  "Fun stuff... I like fun stuff."

I gaped.  "Broke... his neck?  And he's still alive?"

He smirked.  "We are not so easy to kill, she knows this. But also knows this will have him down until we finish here at the very least."

His ease with her actions had me suspicious.  "Miss Cedric yet?"

He frowned.  "I have no interest in her, Wolf.  That girl is the first to threaten a life for my well-being and accept me for who I am.  She forced my brother and sisters to do the same in her time with us and when they returned to their ways, gave me the courage to leave and a home to go to.  Do not lump me in with the lusty men who only see her beauty and allure."

I was stunned.  "Sorry..."

He took a breath.  "You can be just as bad as him, you know... except rather than being wary of her actions, you fear those who come for her.  Her resolve is sound, if you believe nothing else... believe that."

I nodded.  "You're right it's not her I worry about except times like now where I can't help to comfort her, but... these men are not weak by any means.  I don't think they will kill her, but the complete the mating ritual would mean if they got me..."

He clapped his shoulder.  "Removing the pull make you see that too?  Have you asked her about it?"

My gaze met grey eyes.  "I should... hey, why do you all look so different?"

He paused.  "Uh..."

I shook my head.  "You don't have t-"

"Our father was not... a faithful man.  When he tired of one, he would move on to another.  My sisters are much the same and Apollo as well for a time."

I tilted my head.  "So..."

He looked at me sadly.  "He could never tame her or make her bend to his will. She is the challenge he never completed."

I sensed that they slowed and started to head for the house.  "And he never will, she is a free, kind spirit."

He followed my gaze.  "Yes, but after this life... I don't want her to endure this again."

I looked at him.  "Have any ideas?"

He bit his lip.  "We've already began discussing them."

I pat his arm.  "If she can find a way, she will.  You may be the only reasonble one who still breathes if not for the blatant denial by the goddess."

He chuckled.  "True, but his actions are cutting their time short yet."


"Oh, Violet.  You look lovely."

I smiled at Charlotte.  "As do you, are you ready?"

She was tense.  "Uh... yes..."

I tilted my head.  "If you're unsure or ne-"

She shook her head.  "No, I just... yes, I'm a little afraid."

I nodded and held my hand out to her.  "We can stay here or go, it's your choice.  No one will harm you among us."

Her eyes widened before she smiled softly.  "We can go, I know they've missed you since you became a Luna."

As she took it, we were in the field.  "Possibly..."

She looked around.  "Okay, you really need to tell me how you do that."

I giggled.  "I can step from one shadow to another, among other things.  Let me introduce you."

Everyone happily greeted and welcomed Charlotte.  Slowly, she became more relaxed and social, I could only imagine how long she had been forced to wilt under Luke.  She was smart and could hold a conversation far better than I could.  My twin appeared at my side.  "Next time, I'm coming."

I smirked.  "Next time, I'll let you do the honors.  I simply will not have the restraint."

He rubbed his hands together.  "So... as long as it doesn't kill him."

I nodded.  "Or permanently disfigure him.  It's fair game."

I admired the way his eyes gleamed.  "Perfect."

Charlotte turned to us and paused.  "I'm sorry, I'm taking all your sister's time..."

He chuckled.  "Please keep doing it.  I can't stand her."

She gaped.  "Wha-"

He threw an arm over my shoulder.  "No really. She's great, but you are who she needs to be with right now.  We get it."

She smiled softly.  "Thank you."

The party was a success as Charlotte asked much the same questions as most newcomers.  We danced and I sung until she pulled me to the side.  "This pack is..."

I beamed.  "Great right?"

Worry began to cloud her features.  "I'm so sorry..."

I tilted my head.  "Why?"

She quickly released me and backed away.  "I... I shouldn't have...  I see that now."

I blinked.  "Shouldn't have..."

Tears began to fall from her eyes.  "I sent a message to him... I was so sc-"

I smiled.  "We know and we look forward to his response."

Her eyes widened as she started to tremble.  "Wha-"

I giggled.  "No need to fear, we anticipated it.  But I must ask.  What is it that you want now Charlotte? He will come and demand you be returned to him, among other things."

She searched my face.  "You don't seem angry or afraid at all."

I shook my head.  "He has a power over you that is not so easily broken by taking you away.  You took the first step by coming with me, another by admitting your wrong.  Now, do you truly wish to be free of him or would you like to return? The choice is always yours."

She looked at the ground.  "I..."

I tilted her chin up with my finger.  "You lower your gaze for no one.  You are strong and smart and in my opinion, deserve so much better than him. Honestly, he will be among the dead by the end of this.  It's just a matter of when."

Her eyes lifted to mine.  "I want to stay with you and your pack."

I nodded.  "Well then, Charlotte, welcome to the Eclipse pack.  Welcome to our family."

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