Chapter 45

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I scrolled through past events as something didn't sit right with me.  "I need you guys in here now..."

It took no time for Xavier and Aurora to appear.  We had been combing through every fine detail of the weekend.  "There's no way they don't know about you and William... look."

They observed the pictures as I went.  Aurora was with me in many, having to do with performances and Will made several appearances with his Alpha.  "So... they're playing a game.  Too bad it won't succeed."

I laced my fingers in front of my mouth.  "How shall we move forward, since we are acting apart this weekend..."

She sighed.  "Maybe schedule at the same engagement... make it seem we get close from there."

I thought for a moment.  "They will try to trap you two first.  After our little outing on Monday, well... let's say they will be far more on edge."

Xavier sat on my desk.  "Ray and Will can hold their own, with our additional help, this weekend should be fine."

I closed my eyes, sorting through my thoughts.  "How are the siblings and kids?"

He shifted a bit.  "Better, but... I still don't trust her Vi... I just..."

I gave him a sad look.  "I understand.  We would do so much worse for each other and Zoey.  Give it time."

He nodded.  "David loves it here though.  If not for the whole having to save him, it would seem like he was always one of us."

I opened my eyes.  "I noticed, I felt his pain when I entered that room, Zay.  I know his desperation for it all just to end.  I felt them all... it..."

Just the thought made my blood boil and breaths come short.  "I can't imagine... then that bitch was going to try the same with Ezekiel.  We will get them... we just need time."

I sighed.  "For some of them, there is no time."

Aurora sat in my lap and smoothed my hair.  "The Goddess will guide us, she has gotten us this far."

I nodded.  "That's why I called you here.  Something is off, we are missing something that could hurt us."

We all fell silent in thought.  "Maybe it's not what we are doing, but what others on the outside are planning."

Our eyes snapped to William, looming in the doorway.  I searched his face.  "You feel it too then."

He nodded.  "Clearly, we have planned for everything, but... like you said something is off.  The packs can hold their own of that I have no doubt, but..."

I sighed.  "We're still missing something."

I rolled my eyes as the familiar sound of a ball hitting my wall sounded.  "Really?"

William chuckled.  "Must be bored already."

Amethyst stirred, but she felt uncertain about something.  What aren't you telling me?

She sighed.  He feels distant... like in a thick fog.

My brow furrowed as I thought over her words.  I couldn't sense Ezekiel, so it wouldn't be hard to overlook if he didn't say anything.  "Go.  I'll deal with him and we can look at it with fresh eyes."

They all nodded and I waited for them to leave before I reached out.  Meet me in the woods...


I beamed when Violet wanted to meet and quickly finished what I was doing.  However, when I saw the concern on her face, I slowed.  "What's wrong?"


I paused, I wasn't expecting this.  "Uh... why?"

She tilted her head.  "Why not?"

I gulped.  "I..."

She frowned.  "Why didn't you say anything, Ezekiel?"

I bit my lip.  "I just... I thought the drugs needed to run their course."

She closed her eyes.  "Amethyst says he is in a fog.  It's hard to reach Alastair, but he is in pain."

I froze.  "Pain?  How does she..."

She took my hands in hers.  "We are mates, all of us.  Please... talk to me."

I felt my chest bloom in pain and grimaced.  "After I was captured...  I couldn't feel him.  He was able to help when we were attacked, but still it is hard to..."

She sighed and my hands felt warm, the heat traveled up my arms.  I cried out in pain when it reached my chest and she caught me as I fell.  She wiped my brow.  "Dark magic..."

I clenched my jaw.  "What?"

Her hands stroked my face.  "Someone tried to seal Alastair while you were out.  Dark magic..."

My took a deep breath.  "How when no one co-"

She shook her head.  "Remember there are others that we do not know about.  He is fighting the seal, but he gets weaker by the hour.  I have to break it."

I grabbed her hands as they glided over my shoulders.  "Bu-"

She smiled softly.  "Focus on your light, Love.  It has to be done or he will die."

My heart stilled, I didn't realize how serious this was.  "Okay..."

She freed her hands and touched my chest.  "Flood yourself with Light..."  I closed my eyes and did as she said.  Ice seemed to seep into my chest and I gasped.  "Focus..."

I clenched my eyes shut as my lungs failed me when the pain hit.  She held me down as I felt Alastair clawing for freedom.  "Shift!"

When I woke up I felt small hands in my fur.  Bastard...

I blinked as I struggled to sit up.  I didn't know...

He huffed.  And didn't trust them enough to say anything... bastard...

I sighed.  I... I'm sorry, Alastair.

He ignored me and hummed into Violet's belly.  She giggled.  "Silly wolf..."

He nuzzled her hand before nipping it.  "The bastard is awake."

She sighed.  "Please don't be angry.  He didn't know."

He let out a low growl.  "Still a bastard."

She pulled him up to meet her gaze.  "Alastair, we discussed this."  He growled and laid his head in her lap to be pet more.  "Big baby."

He licked her hand and settled again.  She stayed silent for some time, until her hands slowed to a halt.  He opened his eyes as her head rested on his.  She's tired...

I smiled softly.  Let's take them home.

He gently shifted her body to ride him and padded through the woods.  Still mad...

I nodded.  You have every right to be, but... better to kill the bastards that did this to us.

He huffed as Zoey opened the door, smiling.  "Welcome home, Alastair."

He nuzzled her before going to the bedroom to lay Violet in the bed.  Agreed...

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