Chapter 51

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I couldn't go home or stay in my office... or what was an office.  My former home was ash, my best friend and Beta was out on the search.  So... I wandered, that was until I came to a familiar cave and groaned.  "No.  I'm done with you and whatever the fuck you have going on."

I turned on my heel and paused as a breeze seemed to try to urge me back in.  "You... you let her fall... they don't fall..."

The emptiness inside me gnawed at my chest and the breeze swept through again.  I closed my eyes, I felt so lost... useless, as others where out searching.  I attempted to descend the cliff, but no one from my pack could even make it half way down.  Every wolf that could have given me a lead to who attacked was dead.  They carried no pack symbol or anything, but they were not rogues.

Xavier counted it a blessing because it meant no one would know Violet was missing... possibly...

The wind blew harder and I glared at the air.  "What in the hell could you possibly want?  You took her from me, in more fucking ways than one!"

The air stilled and I sighed.  I couldn't go in there, not yet, even I knew better than to attempt to murder a Goddess.  I walked in the opposite direction, again with no true destination and rolled my eyes when I saw where her old house once stood in my territory.  "Okay... what now?"

I stalked over to the place, grass now covering the area where the house once stood.  My eyes swept over it.  This is where I first saw what she truly looked like, where my stalking usually began and ended everyday since I laid eyes on her until she left.  It was where I first saw how deadly she was, but also how much love she had for her family.

This was the first place she let me create a space just for her and Zoey.  Where she allowed me to get a glimpse of her everyday life of raising her sister.  We shared our first kiss here, her first orgasm, it was where she allowed me to touch and taste her for the first time.

My eyes were sore and dry, as I had cried all I could or so I thought as they landed on a hint of silver.  I furrowed my brow and went to pick it up.  I bit my lip as an obsidian pendant swung on its chain, one side held the moon and the other the sun.  Tears blurred my vision.  Even when she was struggling with her pack, she never truly left me.

Even now... I doubt she ever would whether dead or alive.  I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, she said it was a locket, if I remembered correctly.  I would know how to open it when the time was right.

I clutched it in my hand and glared at the moon.  "Fine... I'll go to the stupid temple.  I'm not promising you'll like this visit though."

I wasted no time getting there and put my hand on the back wall.  It didn't budge and I frowned.  "Okay..."

I paced in front of it, why call me here just to shut me out.  I rubbed the obsidian between my fingers and scowled at the wall again.  There had to be some power that allowed Violet in, maybe even a few others.

I sighed and touched it again, trying to move the earth, but it didn't budge.  Wind did nothing, except maybe blow some dirt and dust in my face.  I furrowed my brow and reached deep to find the light that only Violet had felt, only she had touched.

The wall sighed as it fell into the ground, leaving a gaping dark tunnel for me to walk through... blind.  I narrowed my eyes as I felt the breeze laughing at my expense as it pushed me forward.  "Yeah... yeah... I'm going."

I heard as the temple sealed again and slowly felt my way through until the darkness gave to an unearthly night.  I stilled at the entrance, I was hurt, pissed, fucking half mad, but somehow... I still felt peace here.

I cautiously moved forward until I fell to my knees at the lake's edge.  "Okay.  I'm here.  What?"

Nothing responded and I balled my fists.  "Why bring me here if you won't even fucking help?!"

Again, silence which only made me madder.  I clenched my jaw and turned to leave, but paused as I felt pulled back to the water.  I glared at it, but didn't go in its direction.  I glanced around, not like I expected to find anyone or anything really, but the slight urges were getting annoying.

I sighed and went back to sit, looking at the locket in my hand.  I hummed as I remembered the verse she wrote to accompany it.  I had gotten her to sing them all before the house was complete and placed everything in a special place that was fire safe.  It crushed me to find that this had somehow fallen off before the attack.

I spent months searching for it when I could, but always came home empty handed.  When I finally told Violet she giggled.  "When you least expect it, it will turn up.  A little fire or... anything really can't destroy it."

I pursed my lips.  "Clearly, you knew what you were talking about... cause here it is..."

It didn't even look damaged or worn.  It still gave me the same comfort it did before it was lost.  Violet's smirk and mischievous eyes flashed through my mind.  She always acted as though she didn't know why it was and called me delusional.

I turned it over in my hands, the more I did it the more I felt a piece of myself respond.  My eyes snapped to the sky and I chuckled.  "Smart girl... always too fucking smart."

My soul responded because it recognized the piece of her that she placed in it.  "What is Darkness without her Light..."

No element could touch it because she infused them all into this to seal it... all except one.  I took a breath and focused allowing my energy to flow through it until I heard a small click.  My heart jumped into my throat as it opened, revealing pictures of both of us on each side and... a flat purple stone.

It was see through and swiveled on the hinge so it could cover either picture, casting it in violet hues.  I smiled softly as I toyed with it a bit.  Both pictures where grayscale so the purple tint could show.  I flipped it to my picture and blinked.  It looked... different.

I made it stand upright.  Both the pictures were similar considering my dark features and her light but...  I put it back over mine then hers.  The background was different.  Mine would be a deep, purple while hers... seemed faded, not white, but almost like a purple hue rather than a deep purple sky.

I looked closer as hers seemed to darkened slightly.  "What the fuck, Violet?"

It stopped, but it was a shade or two darker than it was before.  I couldn't breathe, unless I really was crazy, which at this point wouldn't surprise anybody, it almost seemed like this could sense how alive we were.  Considering the attack... the fall... the blood... she would be very close to dead if she wasn't.

I closed the locket and looked at the sky again.  "Giving me false hope would be beyond cruel at this point."  Nothing moved, no indication was given to say if I was right or just trying to fool myself.  I sighed and placed the necklace around my neck.  "Please... please be some sign that you are alive..."

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