Chapter 48

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Violet looked troubled as she came home, so I made some tea and brought it to her on the couch. "So..."

She was chewing her bottom lip, I wasn't going to like what she was about to say. "He..."

Both me and Alastair were halfway out the door, but she stopped us. "He didn't do anything."

I flared my nostrils as his scent was all over her. "Did he touch you?"

She refuse to meet my gaze. "Define... touch..."

I growled and she winced. "Not in a harmful way."

I was shaking with rage, but she clutched my shirt. "Please... I don't want either of you hurt right now."

The helplessness in her voice did nothing to calm me, but I returned to the couch, noting she sat on the other end. "What did he do then?"

She took a slow breath. "He says he recognizes me..."

I frowned. "He's old as hell and we have lived many lives. I'm sure you've crossed paths at some point."

She shook her head. "We don't remember."

I clenched my jaw. The sisters know you as well...

I blinked. What?

Alastair was pacing, ready to kill the vamp. I remember them... before we met them. You were still just a caster.

Violet peeked at me through her lashes. "I don't know what this means, but... Amethyst says I was 25 when we met. So... I just..."

I closed my eyes. "What are you saying Violet?"

Her hands were on my face. "I only want you, Love. No matter what he says that will always be true."

I searched her eyes and saw it was the truth. "Alastair says I knew the sisters... so there may be some truth to what he says."

Her hands stilled. "Then... before..."

I shrugged. "I don't know... he can't confirm that much. But how I feel doesn't change either."

She relaxed, her confusion evident. "I'm sorry... it all just caught me off guard."

I arched an eyebrow. "How did he touch you, Violet?"

She looked at me curiously. "What do you mean?"

I sighed, frustrated. "His scent is all over you, but not on your face, just around you. Did he force y-"

She frowned. "No."

I relaxed a fraction. "But he did hold you. Like when he took you away during the attack?" She slowly nodded, watching my reaction. I only sighed partly relieved, still pissed. "Okay. Do me a favor and shower. I'm not exactly partial to it hanging around."

She hesitated. "You're going to confront him."

It wasn't a question and I didn't bother to answer as I headed for the door. "I'll be back soon, I won't attack him unless he comes for me first. Just do this for me."

She lowered her gaze. "Okay."

It didn't take long for me to find him, he never was too far away after all. "Just couldn't resist could you?"

He simply sat, out of earshot as he was bid when we first met him. "She asked... I answered."

I clenched my jaw. "Stay away from her, she has enough going on without you fucking with her head too."

He pursed his lips. "Is that what she said she wanted?"

I stepped closer. "It's what I said."

He smirked. "And you... are not my master. I do not answer to you, nor will I ever mongrel."

I growled. "Touch her again a-"

He arched an eyebrow. "Only to protect her or if she asks..."

I tensed as Alastair wanted out, but I planned to keep my word to Violet. No reason to give her cause to be near him. "She would never..."

He shrugged a smile playing on his lips. "She was bothered when I put distance between us, she didn't exactly fight when I was near or even held her. Ran? At first... expressed her disapproval and remind me of your filthy presence, yes."

My mouth went dry, she didn't fight? "You caught her off guard. Don't read too much into it."

He met my gaze. "By surprise or otherwise... we both know her tendencies when people do things she dislikes."

I was at a loss. "Touch her again and I will kill you."

He chuckled as I turned on my heel. "You could try, but don't worry. I will cause you no harm either way. She really would kill me if I did."

It was all I could do as I ran into the woods and shifted, rage coursing through us. They didn't lash out or even threaten the fucking bloodsucker. She was more confused than I'd seen her about anyone before. I shut myself off to my thoughts as we just ran, trying to escape the pain in our chest.


I sat in the living room, waiting. No harm had come to the vampire, he didn't even seem alarmed. That didn't surprise me, he never feared Ezekiel in the least. My head snapped up when I felt our mates running... and not home.

I stood and went to the door, I ran after them, into the woods. I panicked when they neared to the border with no signs of slowing. Why would you...

I didn't have time to think on it as we shifted and raced through the underbrush. Amethyst caught their scents and kept on it. We were so desperate to stop them and bring them home, we didn't notice we were surrounded until something tackled us from the side.

We got to our feet, every breath a growl as we faced five wolves at first until more came into view. This is bad...

We were at a disadvantage from numbers alone, where in human form, we had flexibility and size on our side. As a wolf we were more limited, but not completely. I closed my eyes. "Nyx, please accept this offering."

Her presence came and eased my anxieties a bit, but not completely, it wasn't absolute. Oooo... we may be a little fucked.

Amethyst growled. "If you value your lives, back down now."

Damn if these wolves didn't snicker as they circled us. Ezekiel was still out there somewhere, but I could no longer feel them. It made me worry for them, if they were trapped as well. Okay, if we can't kill them all... how does escaping to find our mates sound.

I felt her unease. I don't think that will be an option either.

I sighed and went to join her. Then we fight until we can't anymore...

As our powers fused we howled into the night air. Let's get this over with...

As the first ones attacked, we dodged, bit, clawed, fought, killing any that we could. Again, this was where their numbers came into play. If we killed one, 5 more seemed to join the fray. We refused to back down... we refused to give up.

We wouldn't show weakness even as claws ran down our side and teeth tore at our flesh. Even when we were half blind as one of them scratched the left side of our face. We fought until we felt like death would embrace us any moments.  And it did, as we staggered back when we were shoved and stumbled over the cliff we never knew was behind us.

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