Chapter 24

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Violet was breathtaking, but I could tell she wasn't a fan of her attire.  Her floor-length gown was black with blue accents along the corset that made her figure all the more noticeable.  Aurora chose well to at least grace her with flat, thigh high boots well hidden under the garment.  It took all of my restraint not to interrupt her preparations, but even when her resolve weakened with my teasing she pushed through it.

Again, I was surprised as my suit fit perfectly and arched an eyebrow at Will as he looked at himself in the mirror.  "What?  You gotta admit these wolves have good tastes."

I shook my head, it was true.  My tux was a sharp black with a blue shirt that matched Violet's outfit perfectly.  Where he had a navy suit and navy and green tie to compliment Ray's attire.  They had this all planned out, we were just along for the ride.

I watched as Violet straightened her brother's tie and purposefully made it too tight.  He growled and snatched her wrists.  "It's just a disguise dammit."

She pouted.  "I don't like it."

He sighed and kissed her hand, which took me off guard.  "He's dead, Violet.  You saw to that."

An evil grin appeared on her face.  "And enjoyed it til his very last breath."

He sighed as she loosened the knot.  "I hate playing the role of his son, but if it gets me information..."

Her expression turned pensive.  "We can go home sooner... so much to do..."

Again, I was baffled as he stroked her face.  "Slow that devious little mind of yours.  Let's get through the night without killing anyone."

She sighed softly.  "But that's the fun part."

He clicked his tongue.  "You're on edge as it is, we need to go home and regroup."

She rested her cheek in his hand.   "If you say so..."

Xavier nodded and stepped away.  "You look horrible as always... see you soon."

She smiled.  "I'm sure you'll find some troll to entertain yourself with."

He laughed as he left.  "Those days are long over."

Her head tilted as she looked at me.  "He's my brother, Pervert."

I frowned.  "You all have been strangely affectionate recently."

Ray wrapped her arms around my mate's waist.  "No... you just haven't been around long enough or... haven't really been paying attention."

Violet shook her head.  "The former... go have fun on your date."

She grimaced.  "I prefer Peter, but alas..."  She held her hand out to Will.  "He shall do."

William just shook his head.  "Be glad you're half way decent looking..."

She scowled playfully.  "Next time, I'll get everything just a tad too small."

He put a hand to his heart.  "And reveal all this to the masses?  I'll pass."

She giggled.  "Not impressed at all."

He took her hand and spun her.  "Good, not a hair out of place, we'll endure this suffering together."

She scoffed as she was tucked into his side.  "Like we have a choice."

I watched amazed as they left.  "He seems to be taking well to this."

Violet hugged me.  "He is more like us than you realize.  This..."  her hands skimmed my arms causing goosebumps to appear under the fabric.  "Means nothing if it is not our mate."

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