⛓Chapter 56: E

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"Where is he?" Jisoo asked after she and the police arrived in Prim Bridge. Yoongi wasn't anywhere in sight. She called his number again but just like three times ago, he wasn't picking up.

"We're breaking in. Looks like no one is willing to respond." One of the police said.

"I'm reminding you, Ms. Kim. If we don't find that gang here, you and your friends are blacklisted. That's the deal. We have no time for childrens' pranks." The chief said, making Jisoo gulp. If Hoseok's not there, the police won't be on their side anymore.

"Give it a try." I'm sure I only told Yoongi about this and I trust him. He won't dare to tell the others. But she wasn't very confident with her decision. She was doubting but at the same time resolved to save her friends.

The police broke the big door open and went inside with their guns ready to fire any of the goons who blocks them.

Jisoo stood outside and kept contacting Yoongi. "I clearly told him to meet me here." She already started to feel afraid. Several what ifs came to her head and she hated those thoughts. "Come on, Yoongi.."

Minutes have passed and the group of police came out. "There's no one inside and we found no evidence that someone was kept hostage."

"But that's impossible. Our friend was held there for days with a group of goons. Can you check again? I'm sure they're just hiding him somewhere." She pleaded but the police didn't look convinced.

"A deal's a deal. Your friend is not there and the goons aren't either. We both know what that means."

"What? No, no. There's another place. Sky Manse. It's around here." She led them the way and went to the place she saw on the maps. It was a tall and light blue colored building. Unlike Blue Chamber, it still looked new. "Can you search this place too?"

"If I find out that you're playing tricks-"

"Mister! Can't you just trust us for a second? I'm doing all the crap I could for days to find my friends! All you did was complain, give excuses and think that we're pranking you. Why are you even in the service?"

"Let's not forget that you and your friends have records of bullying and violence back when you were in school. The way you kids talked to me was disrespectful and insulting. Being reckless and bad is part of your personalities. I can't ignore that information."

"That was back in highschool. That doesn't matter now. We're grown up people and we became more mature. It's serious this time. My friends are in danger."

"Let's see if that's true after we search this place." He said and signaled his men to come searching. Jisoo sighed in frustration and hoped they find something.

So that's why they were so lousy when it comes to helping us. Records? Do they have to apply in this deadly situation? That was fucking highschool! "And where the heck is Yoongi?! We should be doing this together."

She peeked behind the door to see what was happening. There were big light bulbs that aren't working anymore and white and silver tables all over the place. The worrisome part was it was too quiet and empty.

"We can't find anyone, sir." One of the chief's men reported. "All the rooms upstairs are unlocked and we double checked but no one was there. No trace of evidence as well."

"You're kidding. I'm sure two of them will be found in these buildings. That's impossible."

"Why? Have you seen them with your own eyes? Or you just heard it from your friends. Or is it just your hunch and reckless behavior." The chief said with his arms crossed. "A deal's a deal, for the second time, Ms. Kim. You just waisted our time and energy on this one."

"But they were supposed to be here!" How did this happen? Was the killer tipped by someone? How would that person know I'm bringing the police?

"Back to the station! And do tell your friends that we will no longer respond to their concerns. Have a good day." They all left with their cars and headed back to their station.

"What have I done?" Jisoo felt weak. Because of her recklessness and carelessness, they no longer have the police's help. It's just them now and that's what she feared.

She had no choice but to go back. She had no vehicle with her so she had to take the bus home to get some of her stuff and return to the hospital.

It took her almost an hour to arrive and a crying Jennie hugging Taehyung was the first thing she saw. "Jennie? What happened?" She went in and sat beside the two. "Taehyung what did you do?"

"This came just now." He pushed the red box on the table towards her. "They got him."

"Got who?" She immediately opened the box and saw a bunch of dried leaves and a picture of Yoongi, lying on the floor unconscious with his face full of bruises. "Yoongi. They were after him all this time? Or was it..because of me?"

Jennie heard what Jisoo said and pulled away. "What do you mean because of you?"

"I-I called him and asked him to come to Prim Bridge with me and the police. We were supposed to raid them and save Hoseok but they weren't there anymore. He wasn't able to come because they took him? Why isn't things working out? This was supposed to make progress not.."

"You asked him to come there alone?! You always warned us not to go alone but you told him to come see you with just himself?! Jisoo, are you even thinking properly?"


"No!" She shouted at Taehyung who wanted to interrupt. "He's gone because you told him to go there. You let them have him that easily."

"That wasn't what I intended to do. I didn't know they were gonna take him." Jisoo defended.

"I thought it was clear to us that the killer will take whoever he or she finds easy to take? It doesn't have an order. The easiest target is the one this person will take and in this case, Yoongi, because of you."

"I wasn't thinking-"

"Of course you weren't!! Now I lost my brother because you're being careless with your commands!" Jennie quickly stood up to go to her room and locked herself in.

"I'm sorry but she's right this time, Soo. You keep reminding us to stay safe but you, yourself, asked Yoongi to go to that dangerous place alone. I'll try smoothing things with her because you're my sister but Jennie lost her brother and I know she feels mad about it..and she's blaming you. I can't promise anything."

I'll be back to answering my modules tomorrow so I might become busy😔 I'll keep trying to update every day okie💗

Also, someone asked me if I was watching True Beauty. I'm sorry, I couldn't remember what chapter you asked me but to answer that, YES!😇 I'm team Seojun you guys🤗😆...even if i know Suho's the end game. Let me cry😪

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