⛓Chapter 43: A

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"What's happening?" Jennie asked after hearing the alarm. She looked outside the window and saw other rooms on fire. "Tae.. Taehyung wake up!!"

"What's going on?" Taehyung forced himself to sit despite the stitch on his body.

"Fire. We have to go. Where's Jisoo?! Isn't she back yet?" She quickly opened the door and found a lot of people panicking and screaming outisde. "Jisoo!!" She called but the crowd's panicked screams were a lot louder than her. "Kim Jisoo.." She turned around and saw Taehyung removing the chords attached to him. "No, no Tae, stop that. You shouldn't remove those things. You just woke up!"

"We have to leave quickly. With all that people outside, we can't get through with all these things on me." He said and removed the last one.

"You're nuts.. You could faint any second if you do that-"

"I won't." He assured and kissed her forehead. "Let's go." Taehyung took her hand and left the room. Jennie wrapped her arms around his waist to help him walk.

"Where do we go..?" She looked around, completely forgetting where the entrance to the hospital is. Her head was filled with fear and she was so close to panicking. "Let's just go where most of them go."

The majority of the people were heading to their right so like she said, they headed right and went with the others. Then, a loud explosion occured causing them to lose their balance.

"Taehyung!" Jennie shouted after the both of them fell. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Come on." She held onto him again and helped him stand. The fire already started reaching the floor they're in, making her more nervous.

They went downstairs and found the more chaotic scenario over there. The fire looked too dangerous compared to the upper floor. Everyone was also getting violent, bumping and pushing anyone around them to save themselves. "There's another staircase leading to the canteen. There should be less people there." Taehyung suggested. Both of them turned around and went to the staircase Taehyung was talking about.

The crowd got lesser upstairs as they were all leaving to the ground floor. Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jennie reached the stairs leading to the canteen. There were only a few people left on that floor, giving them a bit of hope.

Jennie still had her tight grip on Taehyung's hospital clothes. She didn't complain and she doesn't show it but she's getting more scared and anxious. The only thing that keeps her from panicking and losing her cool was him.

The smoke reached them, making it harder to breathe. Jennie felt his hand around her shoulder. He seems to be getting weaker. "We're almost at the entrance. Hang in there, Tae."

When the both of them thought things couldn't get any worse, parts of the ceiling suddenly started falling down. Screams of those who are left got louder. The fire around them got bigger and it looked like they're almost trapped inside. "Jen.." Taehyung said while palming his wound.

"Don't worry. I'll get you out safely. I promise you that." She hugged his waist tighter and walked faster as she could so they could get out.

Suddenly, a big plank of wood fell down, hitting the side of Jennie's shoulder. She screamed for a second and stopped walking. "Kim Jennie!" Taehyung stood in front of her and looked at the state of her shoulder. "I-I'm sorry.."

"I'm fine. You don't have to be sorry. We need to get out of here before the whole building collapses. Don't mind me." She whinced in pain and Taehyung noticed tears in her eyes. "Let's go." She pulled him with her and kept looking for a faster way out.

Taehyung can't help but feel guilty. If only he wasn't shot, Jennie wouldn't have her shoulder injured for him. He thought he should be the one saving the both of them, not her.

He held her hand tighter and did all he could not to lose his energy. Jennie's been doing everything so they could leave. Even sacrificing herself for him. He shouldn't be too much of a burden anymore.

They heard sirens outside the hospital. "Help's here." Jennie said, knowing it's the firefighters. They were almost at the entrance when planks from the ceiling fell down, sealing the doorway. "Fuck it!! Where do we go?!" She shouted and kept looking around for fire exits.

Taehyung looked at her arm and noticed blood dripping down. Must be from her shoulder. But Jennie didn't mind it and focused on finding their way out. She may be tearing up because of the pain and because of her fear, but she doesn't want to give up. They need to survive.

Jennie pulled him towards a hallway that looked safe, with the hope that they would find an exit. She had to endure the pain. She's the only person who could help the both of them right now.

The smoke made it even harder for them to see. What bothered them the most was noticing that they're the only ones left inside.

"Door.. Door!! Taehyung!" She shouted after seeing an partially open fire exit. There was a plank blocking the door but Jennie ran towards it and pushed it away with all the strength she had left.

Taehyung got more worried for her and mad at himself because he simply can't do anything to help her.

Jennie came back for him and pulled him towards the door. "It's our only chance. Come on." She felt a sense of relief when they walked towards it but she suddenly noticed the unstable ceiling above them. She quickly pulled him and carefully pushed him out just before those things fell down, trapping her in.

"Min Jennie!!" Taehyung shouted after seeing how the planks stop her from coming with him. "Jennie!" He was about to try pushing those things to save her but the firefighters came and took him with them. "She's in there.. My girlfriend's still there! I have to get back to her!!" He squirmed and squirmed to break free. His tears started falling after thinking of what happened to her. She can't be trapped there. I have to save her. He kept thinking before his tears blurred his sight and slowly lost his consciousness.

Another update 'cause why not?😅 It's short but you get the idea.. Sorry for this🙏

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