⛓Chapter 65: T

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"Jisoo!" Taehyung shouted the moment he arrived. His phone was silent and he wasn't able to answer any of her calls. He had a bad feeling so he immediately went back.

He went upstairs to her room to find her but she wasn't there. He checked every corner of the house but she wasn't anywhere to be found.

He turned his head to a white small box placed on the table. Curious, he grabbed it and opened the cover. It was a picture of Jisoo sitting on a chair with her head low and tied up. He noticed the blood stain on her shirt and that caused him to fume up. "Who are you..?"

He searched the box again and found a letter. 'Still can't figure it out? Too dumb.'

At that moment, Jennie came back to the house, meeting Taehyung's furious eyes. "Tae-"

"You still have the guts to return?" He walked towards her and angrily dropped the picture and the note. "You did this, didn't you? You and your illness."

"It wasn't me. I told you, I was perfectly fine when I returned from France. And Jisoo.." Jennie picked the picture up and her hands trembled when she saw Jisoo's state. "Jisoo.."

"You surprise me." She faced him with her brows furrowed. "After all this time, I had no idea the one we were looking for was the one who I stuck with all the time. You're a really good actress, aren't you?"

"Tae, I'm telling you that it's not me! I won't do something like this to our friends! Do you even know me?!"

"Who are you this time? Who am I talking to right now? Do you really think I'd believe that you're fine? You're giving me lies and excuses so you would keep me under your control. But guess what? I don't believe every single word you say. And you're right. I don't know you anymore."

"After all we've been through, you still chose to doubt me? I thought you said you won't leave me whatever happens?! You said you love me! Why are you turning your back on me now?!"

"Because I never really loved you! Now do you get it?!" Jennie was taken aback. She felt weak after hearing it, even coming from him. "I was only doing it so I could protect you but I had no idea I was protecting a criminal!"

"You take that back. I-I don't believe you. Take that back right now." Fragile as Jennie always was, she started to cry in front of him.

"I don't have to because that's the truth. Maybe this is why all those guys left you. Because you're a liar."

"You know I never lied about my feelings. And they were the ones who lied to me! I gave them my full trust but every single one of them used it against me! They were the ones who made me believe they loved me when all they did was play with my feelings! I didn't do anything wrong! You shouldn't be mad at me!"

"Who am I supposed to be mad at?! The killer's either you or me and I'm perfectly sure it's not me. Your illness is the perfect evidence for everything that's happening. Why should I be blinded by your pitiful acts? You took my sister and you took the one I truthfully liked!"

"Lisa." She stated. "I should've known. I should've trusted my instincts when I saw those pictures.."

"Right. Keep blaming yourself. Blame yourself too for what happened to our friends if you still have any conscience left. I shouldn't have trusted you so much. I shouldn't have fell for your innocent acts. They would still be here if you didn't trick me into believing you're one of the victims! You should be the one suffering right now, not them."

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