⛓Chapter 16: T

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Twenty four hours have passed and like what they've discussed, they asked the police for help. Jimin looked around Chaeyoung's boutique. "It's never the same without her here."

There's a stack of papers on the table with a 'Missing' label and Chaeyoung's picture. They can't just give up and wait for the police to find her. There's eleven of them. It would be a bit easier and faster to find her if they work together.

Jimin sighed, taking the bunch of papers with him and continued asking for people in the place if they have seen her somewhere.

Jennie almost left the house when she saw Taehyung's room open. "How careless." She scoffed and held onto the doorknob to close it but a red box on his desk caught her attention. Curious, she went in and looked at it. "I swear. If this is from one of his sluts again, he's gonna get it."

She opened it, thinking it would be full of cards, chocolates and little toys but to her suprise, it wasn't. They were pictures in black and white, as if they were snaps from a CCTV footage.

Her heart raced, knowing what it was. "What on earth.." Her hands trembled. She doesn't know what to do with the information she has. Should she tell the others? Or keep it to herself and act as if nothing happened?

She quickly returned the pictures inside the box, thinking of forgetting she saw them in the first place. Now's not the right time to make accusations and build suspicions.

"We just.. Just have to work together to find Chae. Right.. We should focus on that." She closed the door and left the house to join the others.

They spent the whole day handing out the missing papers, hoping at least one citizen saw where they took her. But no one did, unfortunately.

Just like that, their day ended. Their frustration was all over the place. Jimin fell on the couch and combed his hair back. He looked too tired and helpless.

"At this rate, we won't be able to find Chae in a month. How could nobody ever see that van, or Chae?" Namjoon said, bringing his cup of coffee.

"Joon. Don't you think we should focus on why she was taken? Knowing the reason why would give us at least one clue of this incident. Chaeyoung couldn't even hurt a fly! She doesn't have enemies, and she doesn't owe anyone something. So why?" Lisa asked.

"Joon and I also asked the police if there's a place whose owners take and force girls to.." Jin caught Jimin's nervous expression. The younger guy looked away with scared eyes. "T-to do things."

"But they said they already raided all illegal places like that. The last one existed last year and no one dared to do that cheap and trashy business again." Namjoon crossed his arms. "Reason..?"

"Handkerchief." Jimin suddenly spoke. "Chaeyoung said she saw a handkerchief in my trash can."

"You don't keep a trash can." Jisoo said, eyeing him.

"Exactly." He quickly ran to his room and looked for that handkerchief Chaeyoung saw. Then, a grey metallic trash can caught his attention. "Why is this in my room?" He knelt down and saw the handkerchief, almost burried under crumpled empty papers. "This must be it." He took it and went downstairs. But on his way down, he noticed a blood stain on the other half. "Shit!" Too shocked of what he saw, he let go of the clothing.

The others looked at him. "Jimin! Are you okay?" Jisoo asked.

"Blood.." He muttered.

"Jimin, come down here." Namjoon ordered but Jimin only stood there, looking at the handkerchief. "What are you doing?" He ran out of patience and went upstairs. "What is it?"

"Joon.. It's.. I-It's blood." Namjoon picked it up and looked at it. "Am I right? Joon.." Jimin was trembling.

"How did this get into your room?" Jimin quickly shook his head. "Jimin, tell me the truth. Why is this in your room?"

"I don't know! I haven't seen that thing before!" Namjoon immediately grabbed his wrist, taking him downstairs. He placed the handkerchief on the table, confusing the others.

"What's that?" Jennie asked, looking at it. Her eyes grew bigger after seeing the red stain. "Is that blood?!"

"Hmm. And it seems like the stain was there for days or weeks. It hardened." They all looked at Jimin. "Jim, tell us honestly, why do you have this?"

"I don't know. Chaeyoung told me she saw that thing when we arrived from the restaurant that day. And the fact that I never keep a trash can in my room.. I don't know.."

"Please don't make me think about this." Lisa spoke. "Jisoo, Jen.. Remember when I told you about the possibility that Ashley's murder and Chae's kidnapping are connected?" They looked at each other. "Think about it. Nothing like this ever happened in Neon Street for years. Why is it happening now?"

"What are you getting at?" Jimin asked.

"I'm just saying.. What if that handkerchief with a blood stain has something to do with Ashley and Chae?"

"Murder..blood stain. Kidnapping.." Namjoon quietly said. "The apron."

"Joon, don't bring that up again! It would only make things complicated!" Jisoo angrily shouted.

"What if it would give us an answer why Chaeyoung was taken? Why that thing was in Jimin's room.. Are we sure that it was only a coincidence or something similar to our aprons?"

"We're gonna build unnecessary suspicions! Use your head! If we jump into that conclusion, we might break apart."

"Let's be logical here, Soo. I know how much you care for our friendship but Chaeyoung is at stake. We have to fix this puzzle now and talk about what to do with our group after. If we have to be cautious of each other then so be it. The important thing is we find her before it's too late."

Jisoo sighed in defeat. They looked at each other with worry. "I guess we have no choice." She quietly said.

Meanwhile, Jennie couldn't stop thinking about the pictures she saw in Taehyung's room. They're talking about evidences that would give the reason why Chaeyoung was taken and she thinks those pictures would clear everything.

Pictures of Taehyung following Ashley that night of her murder.

It's been two days! I'm really sorry.. Schedule's all messed up these days. I can hardly finish one chapter.. I hope you guys understand☺

I hope the chapter's alright?😅 Is it getting confusing?? Let me know, okie?💕

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