Chapter 1

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A/N-Hey Dorks new story Yay!

Your sitting near the fire thinking about where could they be. Your group isn't big it only has six people including yourself. Well now three, you were separated with the rest when you were attacked by a heard of walkers. " Hey they'll be fine" your friend Jake interrupted your thoughts. " we'll find them" he continued. " Dead or alive?" You asked looking straight at the fire. "Alive, they have guns, knifes and they know how to use them, I bet we'll find each other." You sight and speak a bit louder for Dylan to hear. " Hey Dylan! Go rest I'll look out for walkers now". "Alright" he jumped of the van and walked over into the woods to the fire." "I thought it was my turn now?" You heard Jake say as you got on top of the van." To bad, just get some rest" you pick up your crossbow and start looking around. " so after we find them where are we gonna go" Dylan asked." We're just gonna have to keep moving and look for somewhere to stay". "well we better find that place soon coz it's not safe out here." Jake spoke up. " I hope we will" you whispered. You quickly point your crossbow to at least 10 figures walking towards you. Your bow makes a sound alarming the guys. They quickly grab their pistols and run up to you. "Walkers?" Dylan asks pointing his gun at them. "I don't know their to far." You pointed your gun to the one that was in front. "People" you say after a while. "How do you know?" Jake asked. "By the way they move" you see the guys point their guns down. "What are you doing?". "They're people" drake gives you a confused look."doesn't mean they're not dangerous" they instantly point their guns back up after you said that. You see one running up to you and a huge smile spreads across your face when you see your younger sister. You drop you crossbow and run up to her. As soon as you reach her you give her the biggest hug ever. " I'm so happy your safe Emily" you say pulling away. " I missed you so much" she mumbles into your chest. "That's her?" You hear an unfamiliar voice answer. "Yeh she's the one you have to worry about" well that was defiantly Chris. You pull away looking at the group of girls with a confused look. You look at Chris "who the fuck are these people?" You were about to yell but stopped yourself knowing that would attract walkers. "They were in trouble so we helped them" Alice told you. " And you decided to bring them with you?"."What else were we supposed to do they have a little girl with them and they don't have a lot of weapons. In my option two pistols, a knife and a small amount of ammo for six girls is not going to save them" Emily said angrily. You looked over at the girls and your eyes landed on the little girl. "What do you want to do with them?" You ask still looking at the girl. "I was thinking that they could join our group." Alice said. Your eyes instantly shut up to her." What?". "We have a lot of food, ammo and we have tons of spear weapons, we can save their life's" you looked at the girls again and they looked scared as shit. You sight and say. "I'll let them stay for now, I'll have to see if they're worth it or if they're just another group of girls that will get us killed" you walked over grabbing you crossbow and sitting on top of the van."that was easier then I thought it would be harder" Chris spoke up. You looked to the side seeing everyone walking over to the fire and sitting down. You look around searching for walkers."Hey Y/N, come on I would like to talk to my sister since I haven't seen her for five days" Emily called. "I have to watch for Walkers" you answered looking back at her seeing everyone watching you. " I'll do it, you took my turn anyway" Jake stood up and walked over. You sight grabbing your crossbow and getting of the van. As you walk past Jake he grabs your arm and whispers." Don't be mean, they're actually cool people, just give them a chance." You walk over to them and sit next to Emily. You were the first to speak after 5 minutes of awkward silence. " So what were you idiots doing out here at night, in the middle of the woods?" You looked at Emily. "Well it's kinda my falt, I just wanted to find you as soon as possible" she spoke. "I'm glad you found me, but next time travel during the day, when the Walkers are less active.". "I'll keep that in mind" she laughed. "So what's your name guys" you asked the girls sitting across from you. "I'm Dinah, that's Normani, Ally,Lauren, Camila and the little one over here is Sofi... Camila's sister." The tall girl spoke. You noticed how the girls looked a bit scared. " Well nice to meat you all, if you guys are scared of the Walkers then no need, if your scared of me then wow how many bad thing did they say about me?" You said the last part in a joking way making the girls laugh. " Not much, just that your the leader and you can be a bit cruel some times" Ally spoke. " Well I'm only cruel to protect the group" you told them and you saw all the girls relax but the little girl. You stood up and walked over kneeling down in front of her "what wrong?" You ask. She looks up at you"what if the monsters come here and attack us?" She said in the cutest way possible. You felt everyone's eyes on you but right now you didn't care."well if they do I'll do anything to protect you and your friends ok?" A huge smile came across her face and you felt her body press against your. You almost fell but regained your balance and hugged her back. "Thank you" she said pulling away. " no problem" you stood up and sat back on your seat. Everyone was staring at you but you saw who you thought was Camila with a huge smile on her face. You smile a bit then Dylan said something that made your smile disappear. "Wow you haven't acted like this since Brady" his eyes went wide realising what he said. "Fuck you" you spoke while you voice cracked. You walked away to the van telling Jake to go that you'll take it from here. He didn't ask questions which meant he heard everything. " Who's Brady" Lauren asked. There was silence for a while until Emily spoke. "He was our brother.... He was only six years old and about a week ago he got bit, and um she was the one that had to take him down...before he turned." After that you couldn't hold the tiers back any longer. You just sat there on the van crying your eyes out not caring a Walker could easily grab you right now. Right now you were letting all the tiers escape you for the very last time.

A/N- so how'd you like it? Good, Bad? Should I continue it?

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