Chapter 22

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"Come on" Chris whispered. Everyone followed him behind the houses. You were currently trying to get out of this place. " The gates right around the corner" Dylan said pointing his gun up. Everyone's trying to be extra quite, one wrong move and your dead. Bills men have been looking for you all. You had to move from house to house every hour, just to not get caught. This was really hard for you since, well you got shot. Camila has her hand around you, helping you walk. "Ready?" Chris asked. Everyone nods. You all walk around the corner and see the gates."shit" you say as you see guards at the gate. "We didn't think about this!" Alice said. "What are we gonna do?" Asked Ally. "I'll distract them, you guys head for the gates!" You say getting out of Camila's arms. "Oh no your not, you got shot" Camila said grabbing your arm. "I'll do it!" John said. "No" you say. "Come on, I'm young and fast I'll get out before they know it." He said as you sight. "Fine, we'll open the gates while you distract them, once they're open, you run for it understand?" He nods and walks out on the road. Jake and Dylan run up to the gates once the guards left to check on John. They open it slowly and one by one all of you leave. You give a signal yo John and he runs past the guards to the gates. "Hey come back here" one of the guards said running after him. John runs out the gates and to the wood where you were. "One of them is following me" he said out of breath. You grab the gun out of Dinah's hand. "What are you doing?" She asked. "You have a silencer on your pistol" you say and walk a bit away from the group. When you spot the guy you aim your gun up. "Wait, your gonna shoot him, you said you'll never kill someone who's alive, only if they're bit" Alice said. "Well not anymore since I got shot" you said with an attitude. You aimed the gun up at his head. You felt something something being placed against your head. "You shoot and I'll shoot" you heard Alice. You look at the guy and sight. You shoot the guy as his body falls to the ground. She keeps the gun there for a few seconds before moving it down sighting. "Your a fucking idiot" she said walking away. You give the gun back to Dinah and sit down against a tree. "if she shot you I would've cried" you looked up to see a sad Sofi. You open your arms and she gives you a hug. "Well she didn't, so it's ok" she sat on your lap and placed her head on your chest. " That's good" she said. You pulled your hands around her body and she slowly fell asleep in your arms.

Camila's pov
"What the fuck is wrong with you" I say as I walk over to Alice. "What?" She say. "You pointed a gun to Y/N head." I say. "She changed! You changed her! Before she met you she would have ran from people, not shoot them! She said she'll never kill a human, but what did she do now? She shot a man" she nearly screams. "That man was trying to find us and kill us!" I say trying to stay calm. "Well we could have ran!" She says angrily."well Y/N can't really run, and what if he killed one of us?" I asked. "Well if he did I would hope it was you!" She said walking off. I stand there for a second just staring off into space. That fucking bitch! What's wrong with her. She points a gun at her 'best friends' head, threatening to shoot her. I feel like Alice will cause problems later on.

A/N- will she cause problems later on in the story... Who knows.... Wait I do! :)

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