Chapter 14

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It's been a week. A week since your sister died. A week since you all left the city. A week that changed everything. During the week you and Camila grew closer and closer. You have been a bit off since all the 'Emily' stuff happened, but Camila has been a real help. She keeps you company and she doesn't like leaving your side. Jake hasn't spoken to you for a while. He isn't mad, he just hate when people die and now that it was your sister, who was his best friend, he feels weird talking to you since you both looked so much alike. John has been doing really well to. He can handle a gun, well, only a pistol but that's ok. Sofi, well, Camila found the pistol you gave her. She wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't mad. She knew that was for protect. She even let her keep it, but only use it in dangerous situations. Everyone else has been doing good too. No one got hurt the past week. Let's hope that'll go on for a while. There's no such thing as peace anymore. "Hey you okay?" Camila asks. You look at her nodding your head then looking out the window of the car. Dylan was driving the car. You didn't feel like driving this time, so you sat at the back with Camila. You feel Camila place her head on top of your shoulder and you turn you head and kiss her forehead. " When are we finally stop and stay somewhere, we have been moving for a while now." Alice asked. "Soon" was all you said. "You have been saying 'soon' for a week now" Alice said turning in her seat to look at you. "Whenever we feel the place is safe, we'll stay" you say. She roles her eyes and mumbles a 'whatever'. You look down at Camila who is playing with your fingers. "What are you doing?" You ask. She looked up."nothing" she said. She removes her hands and sits up straight.

Your POV
It's been a week since she died. A week since I lost my little sister. It's hard trying not curl up in a ball and cry, but I'm doing this for everyone. I need to stay strong for them. I look over at Camila. She's so beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her nose and her lips. Her kissable lips. Wait.. What... No you can't think that Y/N. Not now, not ever. I look down at my lap and somehow Camila's hand ended up on my inner thigh. I look up at her to see her biting her lip looking straight ahead. OMG SHES SO HOT! What the fuck is wrong with me. Sure I like girls and I had a girlfriend before, but this is different. This world changed, dating is the least of my worries. Those things that walk around out there is the problem. Dating would just be a problem. We would be worried about each other 24/7 and then one of us would get hurt. I don't want her to get hurt. I don't even know if I like her. I like her in a friend way I don't know if I like her in a different way. Oh who am I kidding of course I do. I love her. I love her and nothing can stop that. No matter what I tell myself I'll still love her. I Y/N Y/S/N love Camila Cabello.

The car stopped in the middle of the road . " why the fuck did you stop Dylan?" You ask. "Uhhhh" he was looking at something in front of the car. You move a bit to see a person standing in front with a gun in their hand. "Stay in the car" you say getting out holding your pistol. You walk to the front and the girl that looks around 30 puts her hands up. "I don't want to hurt you, I just want some help." She says and drops the gun. You look at the car to see everyone looking at the both of you watching what you'll do. "What do you need help with" . She pulled up her sleeve to show her your arm. "I.. Uh... Don't know what happens.. Could you help me heal it?" She asked. You look at her arm then her face. "You can't fix that" you say referring to the bite. She gave you a 'what' look. "Yeh you can you just need stitches" she say. You roll your eyes. 'Well she has no clue what was going on' you thought. You sight and give her a 'sorry' look. "I can only help you one way" you say. "Then help me" she says. You nod. "Ok" you pull your gun up and shoot her between the eyes. Her body falls to the ground and you pull it to the side of the road. You take her gun and backpack. You put them in the trunk and then get back in the car. "Drive" you say after you closed the door. "Why did you shoot her?" Jake asked horrified. "She was bit, she wanted help, and I gave it to her" you say and look out the window. You look at the women and then the car started moving.

A/N- hey dorks thanks for reading, hope you liked the new chapter :)

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