Chapter 28

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Your Pov

My eyes go wide as I see her face. She just stares at me shocked. I look at Bill to see him smirking. "You won't tell me but she will" he said before walking up to me. "So sweaty" he said looking at Camila." Where are the others?" He asked. "Don't tell him anything" I say. "Shut up" he says. "Tell me now" he said. Camila looked up at him and shook her head. "Alright" he said before punching me once again. "NO! STOP!" She screamed. "You just have to tell me" he said. Camila looked at me and I just shook my head. " I don't know where they are" she said. I felt another sharp pain on the side of my face. " I know your lying, the more you lie the more she going to suffer." He said placing his hand on my cheek. I move my head away and look up at him. I look around the room to see the knife no longer there."looking for this?" He said holding up the knife in front of me. "I thought you were stronger then this, I thought that you'll get the knife, free yourself and then stick the knife into my head once I enter." He said and looked over at Camila. "Okay I'm going to ask one more time" he said placing the knife next to my neck." Where are they" Camila gave me a worried look, I shook my head and closed my eyes. " They're at the old factory, near the main road" she said. "Good girl" Bill said moving his hand away. I look at Camila shocked. She just looked down and closed her eyes. "Have fun" he said cutting the ropes around Camila's hands. He walked out the door and I heard a click, meaning he locked it. Camila quickly stood up and ran to my side. She tried to untangle the ropes and soon one was untied, after that the other one was too. I instantly stood up and pulled her into my arms, I heard sobbing. I buried my face into her neck and let a few tears fall. "We better find a way out before he finds that there's no factory near the main road." she said pulling away. "You lied?" I asked and she just nodded. I sighted in relief and started to look around the room. "The only way out is the door." I say. "We need some kind of weapon" she said. "They took all my weapons" I say. "They took mine too" she said and walk over to me. "I'm so happy that your okay" she said. I grabbed her hands and moved one up and kissed it. "I'm happy that your okay" I say. "But right now.... We have to think of a way out" I say. She nods and walked to the other side of the room. I look to my right and see Sean's body. I then look at Camila, I watch as she's looking all around the room. Then I spot something in the corner. I walk up to it and grab the small tool box." What about this?" I asked. She walked to my side and watched as I opened the box. "A hammer, some useless stuff....." I say looking through the box. "Here" I say handing Camila the hammer. "What about you?" She asked. "I'll find something" I say. " They'll be back in about thirty minutes" she says. I nod and open another tool box. I take out a hammer and walk closer or the door. "Now, we just wait" I say sitting down on the ground next to the door. Camila walked up to me and sat down next to me. "I love you" she says. I look deep into her eyes and smile."I love you too" I say and give her a peck on the lips. "I just want you to know that, just incase we die" she said grabbing my hand. "We're not going to die" I said looking at her. She sights and placed her other hand on my cheek. She wiped some blood away. "I can't believe he did that to you" she says. "Sometimes I think people are more dangerous then Walkers." I say looking at her as she plays with my fingers. "I think so, people have actually caused us more pain then walkers" she said looking up from our hands. We heard a sounds on the other side of the door. We stood up grabbing our hammers and standing in front of the door. There was a little click and the door slowly opened. Just when you were about to swing the hammer you look at the persons face. A smile forms and you drop the hammer. You jump into his arms and he hugged back. "You guys are okay" you said pulling away. "Yes, now shhhhh.... I got your weapons, now let's leave" he handed you your crossbow, pistol and knife and he handed Camila her knife and pistol. All of you started to walk away. You look at everyone and you don't recognise two of them. You ignored it for now and followed Jake as you walked to the gate. "It's to quiet here" you whisper. "We took down some of his men, we can get out the gates without anyone spotting us, just be careful" Dylan said as we walked closer to the gate. Jake and Dylan walked to the gate as we all wait for them to open it. They open it and signal us to run. We all run out the gate and they leave a little gap open. "Walkers will be able to enter, they deserve it" one of the unknown dudes said. I nod and we start to run into the woods. I hope everyone else is okay.

A/N- I hope you Dorks enjoyed Chapter 28!!!!!

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