Chapter 4

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"SOFI"you heard someone call, not long after that Camila was running down the stairs. When she saw you with her she sighted in relief. "She came down here last night saying she was scared, she asked if she could stay, and well I couldn't say no.... I hope you don't mind" you explained why she was here. "No it's grand as long as she's safe I'm fine with it." You gave her a smile and she sat down across from you." So what are the plans for today?" She asked." Well I was thinking that we should go and check for medical supply, we're running low on it and I think we're good with food for now." You moved your hands into a more confutable position trying not to wake up Sofi." So, how'd you meet my friends?" You continued. "Well the girls and I were surrounded by Walkers, then your friends popped out out of nowhere and saved us." She looked at Sofi then up at you."How are you not scared, when I see those things I feel like screaming?" She asked. "I am scared, I just don't show it. I have to keep strong and watch out for my people" she looked down at her hand fiddling with her fingers. "You know, I already consider you a part of the group." She looked up at you with a wide smile. "Really?"."yeh, usually I don't get used to people that quick, but I feel a bond with you guys." You give her a smile then ask."do you know how to shoot?" She gave you a 'oh shit' look."no?". "Do your friends know how to shoot..... Or use a gun?"."uhh Lauren does.... Kinda she's the one that was using it, but she's still not used to it, I think". "Well then I'm gonna teach you guys how to use a gun soon, whenever it's safe." She groaned and you laughed lightly. You felt Sofi move a bit and you felt like asking." Camila?". She looked up at you."yeh?"."uh well since Sofi is only a child she can't have a gun,I was that we could give her a knife to protect herself with.... I mean not if you don't want to but, I just don't want her hurt if she ends up being alone with one of those things." She stared at you for a while before answering." I'll think about it... I don't want her hurt either but, the thought of her carrying a knife around just scares me." "Yeh I get it she's your sister you care about her, I didn't want to give a knife to my brother either, I didn't...... And then... He..." You couldn't continue you felt tears trying to escape but you didn't let them. "Oh I'm sorry" she said putting a hand on your arm. "It's fine, not your fault." You heard a yawn and saw Sofi move."morning" she said in a cute sleepy voice."morning" you smiled down at her. "Next time at least worn me when your going somewhere, you scared the crap out of me." Camila spoke and Sofi got up and gave her a hug."I'm sorry" she said. You got up and stretched."Sofi I have a job for you, you wanna do it... It'll be fun" she jumped up and down." Yes yes yes!"."ok I want you to wake everyone up, I don't care how you do it just get them up ok?" She nodded and ran on top of the couch jumping and saying 'wake up, wake up'. You. Smiled and walked into the kitchen to take some food out the fridge. "How is the fridge still working?" Camila asks entering the kitchen."it isn't, there's only cans of beans and all that kind of stuff, it doesn't go off that fast, but we won't fit all of this in one bag so we're gonna keep it here for now.". You walk back to the living room to see everyone awake."did you have to tell her to wake us up?" A yawning Normani said."yeh I did" you said with a smirk."so what are the plans for today?" Chris said grabbing some cans from your hands."well we can go and check for medical supply,we're running low on painkillers." you sat down and started to make the food."maybe we can try and find a can opener, I'm getting sick of opening them with a knife" Emily said."yeh.... Then when I know it's safe I can teach you girls how to use a gun" you looked at the girls and they looked scared as shit but one. "Will I get to learn how to use one to?" A happy Sofi said. You look back at Camila and then back at her." It depends what your sister says.". " Can I please?" She said as she ran up to Camila and hugged her legs. "I'll think about it" she told her and say down next to you as you hand her a plate. Sofi sat down on the other side of you and you handed her a plate too. "Thank you" she said as she started eating. You smiled and started eating your own food."so who's coming with you?"Emily asked. "Well the shop is small, I'll only need one person then some of you can go and check the house next door". "I can go with you!" Alice quickly said. "Ok sure" she smiled big and then Jake spoke."well me and Chris can go check the house and the rest can look around this house to see if there's any weapons lying around that we didn't spot.". "Sounds like a plan" Dylan agreed. After you finished eating you picked up your crossbow and loaded it."ready" you asked Alice. "Yep". You walked out the door with Alice, Jake and Chris. "Be safe there" you told the guys as you went opposite ways."same goes for you" Chris spoke before you and Alice turned around and started walking."ok we grab anything that we need and get back ok?" You asked as she nodded. You entered the store and went opposite ways. You look at the different medicines. You reach for a pack of pain killers when you hear a scream. You recognise that it's Alice and start to run around the store."ALICE!" You scream. "HELP ME PLEASE!" She screams and you finally see her. A walker on top of her. You take your knife out of your shoe and tackle the walker stabbing it in the head. As soon as you get off you move over to Alice."Are you ok? Are you bit?" She shakes her head and pulled you into a hug. "Let's go we'll come back here later". "No" she said while crying. "We came here for medicine and we will come back with medicine".she continued while getting up. "You sure?" You ask, she nods her head and walks away from you. You sight and walked over grabbing all the medicine needed. "You ready?" You ask walking over to the door. "Yeh" she said walking past you. You follow her out. "What's wrong?" You ask. She doesn't answer. You grab her arm pulling her back."whats wrong?" This time she answered."why didn't you shoot?". "What?" You give her a confused look. "Why didn't you shoot, why did you run over and stab him, didn't you think that it may have been to late? You could have not ran over in time and he would have taken a bite out of my neck!" She gave you an angry look. "I didn't want to miss and shoot you instead" she scoffs" Miss? Miss? When was the last time you Missed? Your a good shot, you never miss!" This time you gave her an angry look. " I didn't shoot because that's how my friend died!" Her face softened as she looked you in the eyes. "I shot her instead of the walker! that's why I didn't shoot" you started to walk away."no wait I'm sorry" she started to walk behind you." Just leave it ok" You say and walk back into the house putting a fake smile on your face. "We got the medicine, there's way more there but this should be okay for now" you take all the medicine from your backpack and put it in the bag with all the medicine you have. "Are the guys back yet?"you ask as the girls give you a scared look. "No.... But we heard banging and gun shots a while ago" Camila spoke. "I'm going to check it out all of you stay here" you grab you crossbow and run out the door.

A/N-Hey dorks thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it :)

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