Chapter 45

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Your Pov

I walk back to the camp with tears still in my eyes and as soon as I walk into sight people look at me. They stare at me for a while until Camila stands up and runs over to me. She gives me a hug and looks down at johns body. More tears came out of my eyes when I looked down. Camila took his body from me and placed him down on the ground the to the camp. "Shh it's okay" Camila said pulling me in for another hug. "It my fault" I said. "No it's not.... Don't blame yourself.... As I said before.... Everyone dies eventually. I guess it was just time for him to go." She said hugging me tighter. "I...I should have... I should have kept and eye on him.... I turned my back to him for a minute and he.... He.... The walker... I...uh... I....." I couldn't talk anymore I started to cry and hid my face on Camila's shoulder. "Shhh... It's okay.... He's in a better place now." She whispered. "Jake?" I asked looking up and he looked up. "Can we burry him? Please?" I asked and he nodded. "I'll get the shovel" Jake said and he walked off. "Why did it have to be him???? Why not me!!!" I asked sobbing. "I don't know.... But I wouldn't want you hurt.... I wouldn't want you dead" Camila said whispering the last part. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" I said and placed a kiss on the cheek. I looked up to see Jake already digging up a hole. I walked over to Johns body and looked at his face. There's blood covering it all and a bullet hole on his forehead. "He's in a better place now" I turn to see ally by my side. "He's with his dad now." She said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and gave her a small smile. " I just hate seeing people die... Especially people I care about" I said looking back at John's body. "I hate that too.... But things happen for a reason. There's always a reason." She said standing up and walking over to the rest. I just sit there and think of what she said. "Boo" Camila said grabbing onto my shoulders. "Should I scream or should I laugh at how bad that was?" I asked moving my head to face her. "Oh shut up" she said rolling her eyes. We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Y/N, I'm done" Jake said. I looked up to see him placing the shovel down. I nodded and got up looking down at John. I picked him up and followed Jake to where he dug the grave.
End of Pov

Camila's Pov

I watched as Y/N place Johns body into the grave. This is really sad. I stood up and walked over to our bags. I looked through them and then found a rope. I then stood up and grabbed two sticks. I sat down and looked up to see Y/N with the shovel filling on the grave. I put the sticks together and started to tie them together. Once I was done I walked over to Y/N and placed it in her hand. She looked down at the so called cross and smiled. "thank you" she said and gave me a kiss. "No problem" I said and went back to the others. I sat down next to Lauren and let out a huge breath I didn't even know I was holding. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeh I'm fine.... I just feel like.... We will all die one day." I said and she let out a small laugh. "We all die once Camz" she said. "No... I mean as in die but get killed.... Either by walkers or by people.... I don't think natural death even exists anymore" I said looking at her. "Things happen Camz, some things have to happen and you just can't change that.... You just can't.." She said and looked at me. I stared at her for a while and then looked down. "We can still try to" I said drawing shapes in the dirt with my fingers. "We can, but what's the point.... We will all die some time.... And that time is not long from now.... We will all die.... No matter if you like it or not.... I'll die.... You'll die... Sofi will die..... Y/N will die.... Everyone..... Everyone will die." She looked at me. "You can't change that.... Even when you do one one time.... It'll happen again." She said and looked down at what I'm drawing. I looked back down and just saw random lines circles and squares. "And if you do survive, you'll go insane... Without anyone you'll go insane, thinking your the only one left on earth. This world will eventually end. Walkers will fill the world. No more animals, no more people..... No more life." She said and grabbed my hand. "You can't change that." She said and stood up walking off. I sight and look at the ground. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Hey you okay?" A voice said making me jump. "Sorry" I looked to my side and saw Y/N. "It's fine" I said and looked down again. I felt a hand around me and I looked to my side to see Y/N smiling at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing your just beautiful" she said and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks, your beautiful too" I said looking up at her and giving her a small smile. "I love you" she said looking into my eyes. "I love you too" I said and cuddled into her side. I closed my eyes and slowly sleep took over my body.

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