Chapter 6

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You wake up to the sound laughing and talking. You groan and stand up from the chair. "Sorry we didn't mean to wake you up" Dinah says while laughing. "It's fine, I should have gotten up a long time ago anyway." You stretch and walk over to everyone and Camila hands you a plate with food. You give her a smile and sit next to her. "So what's the plan for today?" Chris asks. "Well your staying here and I'm gonna go check some shops for food."you answer. "Alone?" Camila asks with a worried face. "Yeh I can take care of it, and after what happened to Chris and Alice, I rather go alone to make sure no one gets hurt." You put your plate down and put on your boots. "What if you get hurt?" Emily said grabbing your arm." I won't, but if I don't come back before sunset, one of you can search if you want." You heard Emily sight and you grab your crossbow." Wait you said we need to learn how to shoot, I mightn't be able to use a gun but I can help you find stuff." Camila offered. "No thanks, I don't want you getting hurt." You were about to walk out the door but Camila went in front of you blocking the door. Your hand was on the door knob while she was leaning against the door. Your faces were really close and as she spoke you could feel her breath on your face."please I can help" she whispered. "Fine" You took out the knife from your shoe and handed it to her. "Stay close to me" you said opening the door and walking out with Camila following you." Nice knife" Camila said trying to start a conversation. "Thanks, I got it from my Dad." You look over at her and she's looking all around. "Don't worry, if they come here you'll hear them." She looked at you and gave you a smile. "So what are we looking for?" She asked. "Well first of all, we can go find a way out of here, the road goes straight thru the town, let's see if it's blocked.". "What if it is blocked" "then we have to find another way out, there's no way I'm coming back the way we came from, waist of fuel". "Well then you'll be disappointed" she pointed in front of you. You look up. "Oh fuck, come on" you said walking towards the bus. "What are you going to do". "Well since the bus is blocking the way, we are going to climb onto it to see if there's anything on the other side.". "Climb onto it? Oh no no no no no no no, I'm staying here". "Yeh not happening, come on" you said grabbing her hand pulling her towards the bus."ill get up, then I'll help you up ok?" You look at here and she's looking on the roof of the bus. "Sure" you look around and see a wooden box. You drag it over next to the bus and step onto it. You put your hands on the roof and pull yourself up. When your on top you go over to the edge and stick your hand out."come on" she steps onto of the box and grabs your hand you start pulling her up. "This isn't going to work" she said trying to get up. You pull her arm hard and she fell on top of you."sorry" she said. "'s fine" she gets up of you and sticks her hand down. You grab her hand and get up."Holy shit" you said. You look at the herd of walkers. "Yeh we have to find another way out" Camila said looking down. There were at least 40 walkers trapped between the bus and gate. "I can take them down" you said. "Oh no, your coming with me now, we are going to the others and we'll think about how to deal with this.". "Um how about we go and search for some stuff before we go, after all that's what we were going to do after this". You look over at her to see her staring at you. "Uh ok" she said as she looked away. "Come on" you smile and jump of the bus."uhh" she sat on the edge of the bus. "Your scared to jump?" You ask smiling. "Phh no" she laughed nervously. "Then jump" you tell her smirking. "Ok fine I'm scared now help me!" You smile and walk over to the bus. "Jump, I'll catch you" she give you a nervous look and pushes herself of the bus. You catch her bridal style and give her a smile. "See that wasn't that scary was it?" You put her down. "It was" she laughed and started walking. "So where are we going she asked." You pointed at the cloths shop. "Maybe we can find something there.". "Let's race!" She smiles at you and starts running. You roll your eyes and start running behind her. "I win!" She smiled and started jumping around. "You cheated." You said trying to open the door. "So, I still won" she gave you a funny face. You laughed and moved away from the door. " Move back" she does as you said and you kick the door open."come on". You walk into the shop. " Take out your knife, just Incase" she does as told and starts walking around the shop. "Well they have some nice cloths here." You hear Camila say across the shop. "They sure do." You kneel down grabbing a small leather jacket. You stand up and put the jacket in your bag. "There's nothing here really" she says. You look out the window. "Come on it's gonna start getting dark soon." You wait for her outside the store as she walks out. You start walking with her by your side. She grabs your hand intertwining your fingers together. You look down at your hand then at her to see her looking ahead smiling. You look ahead and smile. You walk all the way to the house hand in hand.

A/N-aww isn't that adorable. Anyway that's another episode done. :D

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