Chapter 37

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Your Pov

I parked the car near the house and got out. "Thanks for coming to find me by the way.... Never got the chance to thank you." Jake said. "Well, I couldn't just leave you there, not like Nick." I said. I saw Henry running over to us. "Thank god your both okay..... But we have a problem" he said. "What is it?" I asked. "Well when you left to look for Jake.... Camila went after you with Albert.... But uhhh..... They're still not back" he said worried. My eyes went wide and i started to breath in and out really fast. "I.... I uh...." I couldn't get any words out of my mouth right now. "We can wait a few minutes.... If they rant back then we'll go look for them." Jake said. i nodded and leaned against the car. Camila why would you do this? I opened the door and sat down in the drivers seat. "What are you doing?" Jake said grabbing the door. "I can't just wait here.... If they are on their way, I'll see them on the way... But I can't just wait here..... They may be in trouble, and I don't want anything to happen to them." I say. "Now take your hand away, before I shut the door and crush your fingers" I said and he quickly moved his hand. I closed the door and saw Jake run around the car to the passenger seat. He opened the door and got in. "Your not going alone" he said. "Not after what happened." He then closed the door. "It wasn't that bad" I said. "Wasn't that bad? You nearly got bit..... This close like" he said making a small gap with his fingers. I role my eyes and start to drive off. "We might live in a safe place now.... But that doesn't stop us from having accidents." Jake said. "Accidents, will never stop..... If it's a huge accidents or a small one.... There will always be one." I say looking ahead at the road. There was silence in the car for a while until he spoke up. "Do you think that the world will ever come back to normal?" I looked to my side and then quickly back at the road. "I don't know..... Anything could happen really. The world can turn into shit, everyone will die and walkers will take over the world, or every Walker disappears and everyone will live happily ever after...... Or it will stay as it is now, people trying to survive, then maybe repopulate the world....... Anything is possible." I said. "yeh I guess" he said and the silence is back. "Do you see that?" I asked stopping the car. "What?" He asked. "The horse" I said and got out the car. I slowly walked over to the horse and once it spotted me it started to panic. I then noticed that the rope is stuck on a pice of a tree that's sticking out. "Shhhh..... I'm not going to hurt you...... I'm not one of them" I say coming closer and closer. The horse mightn't understand me, but it was worth a try. One I was close enough I stopped and just told there with my hand sticking out towards the horse. After a while the horse calmed down and I came closer and finally I grabbed the rope releasing the horse. "That is definitely their horse." I hear Jake say behind me. "Yeh..... But where are they then?" I jumped onto the horse and looked at Jake. "I'll look around the woods, you go down the road. If you don't find them, go back to the farm, I'll come back later." I say and ride off. I keep looking through the woods, going from ride to side trying not to hit a tree. "Holy shit that was awesome!" I heard a male voice say. I look around and see someone walking my way. I jump off the horse and pull him away to the huge rock hiding the horse behind it. " Yeh.... Fun.... We nearly got killed." Another male voice said. "Oh come on.... It was worth it...." A third voice said. "You guys had fun.... I didn't." The man said. "Oh shut up....." The other man said. "Oh hello there, young lady." I turned to see one of the men smirking at me. I eye him up and down.... He has a lot of guns on him. Two over his shoulder, three pistols, and two knifes. Then another man comes up and he has ton of guns too. Then a third man comes, but he only has a pistol and knife. "Uhhh" I don't know what to say.... I look from one man to the other. "Let's just get this over with." the first man said. He grabbed my arms and pushed me against the rock. He grabbed all my guns and placed them on the ground. I don't even try to move, I have no idea what's happening. The second man comes over and grabs my arms once the first man lefts to and grabs a pocketknife from his pocket. He places it next to my neck and glared at me. "Alright..... Where's your camp!" He asked.... Well more like demanded. "I.... I don't have one." I say. "Yehhh... I don't like to wait and ask all day..... I don't have time for that... So I give you one last chance.... Where is your camp" he said. "I don't have one" I say and as he's about to slice my neck... BANG. He falls to the ground. not long after. BANG.... Another shot and the guy holding me falls. I look to my side to see the other man holding the gun. "I never liked them." He said. "Now get your stuff up and leave before the rest gets here." He said. I nodded and quickly grabbed my stuff and got back onto the horse. I quickly rode off and looked behind me once to see a small group of people walking up to the man. I made the horse go faster and I stopped it once I was out of sight.. Now.... Back to finding Camila and Albert...

A/N- hey Dorks... So, as you know there's a large group of people in this story.... So I'm thinking of killing some off... Now I know sad, :( booooo... But I will let you guys pick who dies... I would love if you guys commented telling me which top 3 characters should die in the next couple of chapters... After that I'll see what character/characters you guys want dead the most and possibly kill them off in a few chapters.... I'm just letting you guys choose :) after all the story is for you guys and I want you to enjoy it! :) Love you guys!!!!

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