Chapter 9

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As you wake up you look around noticing that your alone. You stretch and get out of bed. As you walk down the stairs you hear chattering. "Hey" you say say and everyone looks at you. "Hey, we found some fuel yesterday not a lot but it should last a while." Dinah told you. "Good, we're leaving today, there's nothing else we can do here." You said. " so we're traveling again?" Emily asks."Great" she said sarcastically. "It's never safe to stay in the same place forever, unless it's safe" you said. " So this is not safe?" She asked. "Well if you don't remember, not longer then a day ago we took down about 40 walkers." You explain."yeh but they were trapped." She complained. "Trapped by people, that bus wouldn't move by itself and I doubt that walkers can climb that well." She nods and then Camila speaks."when are we leaving?" You looked up at her and she was handing you a plate with food. You grabbed it and answered. " After we eat." She nodded and kept eating. You put the food in your mouth and chew. You look at Camila to catch her staring. She looked down and blushed. You smile and finish your food. You put the plate down, grabbing a bag and going into the kitchen without saying anything. You open the fridge and start to put the cans into the bag. When your done the bag is full. You walk into the living room to see everyone expect for Jake there. "Where's Jake?" You ask. "Putting the fuel into the car" Lauren said. You nod and picked up another three bags. "You know, I can help" Camila said. She smiles and takes two bags from you. You walk out and put the bags in the trunk. "Get in the car I'll get the others." Jake said walking inside. Camila quickly ran to the front and got into the passengers seat. You laugh and get in the drivers seat. "Final I can be in front!" She squeals happily . "When was the last time you sat at the front?" You ask. "Before Sofi was born" she says as the others began to get in." I always sit at the front" Emily says as she gets in the seat behind Camila. "Haha to bad" Camila laughs at her. You role your eyes and start the car and drive of to the gate. Once you get there you get out of the car and pull it open. You run over to the car getting in and driving off. You look into the mirror to see if everyone's there. You smile when you see Sofi on Jakes lap, as they make stupid faces at each other. You look at the road and continue driving. "So all we do is travel?" Camila asked looking over at you. you hum in response. she nods and looks ahead. " Y/N?" She asked. "Yeh?" You look at her for a second then at the road. "When we stop the car, whenever that is, can we give Sofi a knife." You look at her, give her a smile and then nod. "I don't want her getting hurt" she continued. "Don't worry, she won't." You smiled and grabbed her hand,squeezing it a bit. She gives you a smile and looks ahead not letting go of your hand. You look in the mirror to see everyone in a deep conversation, well expect for Sofi and Jake. You look to your side to see Camila with her eyes closed. You park the car on the side of the road and look behind you. " I'll take watch first." You say and get out of the car. The others follow you into the woods and set their stuff down. "I'll get some sticks, so we can make a fire place." Chris said walking off. "Wait" you say. He turns around and looks at you. "Bring someone with you" he roles his eyes and looks at Normani she nods and walked of with him. "You walk over to the van getting on top of it. You see the others getting the guns filled with ammo. You look around spotting a walker walking towards you. You jump of and walk over to it. Once your next to it you take your knife and stab it before it gets to you. It falls to the ground and you walk back over to the van. Soon it started getting dark and you were still sitting on the car. "I'll take it from here" Dylan said and sat on the van as you got of. "Can we give her a knife now" Camila asked when you sat down next to her. You stood up grabbed the bag and took a knife out of it. "Come on." You took your hand out and helped her get up. "Sofi come here" Camila said. Sofi stood up and walked over to Camila and you. "What?" She asked. you look at Camila to make sure it's ok. When she nods you kneel down and look at Sofi. "Listen, you know it's dangerous out here?" She nodded. "Well.." You took the knife out." I'll give you this so you can protect yourself."she looked at you with a face that showed no emotion. " Won't you protect me?" She asked sounding like she was about to cry. "We're going to protect you but, just Incase if somehow you end up being alone with one of them ok?" She nods and grabs the knife out of your hand." If one attacks you, hit the head, that's the only way to kill it" you said she nodded and gave you a hug. You pulled away and she hugged Camila. You smiled at Camila when she pulled away and she smiled back. Sofi grabbed yours and Camila's hand and dragged you over to the fireplace. You sat down next to Camila and she rested her head on your shoulder. You smile and look at the fire. After five minutes everyone got food and ate in silence. It wasn't awkward silence. After everyone ate, you all got into a confutable position and went to sleep.

A/N- hope you Dorks liked the chapter. Thanks for all the support guys and thank you for 1K reads :D

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