Chapter 12

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You open your eyes feeling Sofi shaking you. You look around noticing your still on the ground behind the counter. You moved the body to the corner but the smell of the body still didn't leave your nose. "Can we leave now?" She asked. You guys spent the rest of the night yesterday planing on getting trough the herd of walkers outside. you nod getting up. You and Sofi walk up to the door and you slide the plank out of it. "Remember what to do?" You ask. She nods and once you give her a nod she opened the door. You pull the nearest walker in and stab it in the head. Sofi closes the door and puts the plank in. You walk to the emergency axes and smash the glass with your elbow. You take it out and walk over to the walker. "Turn around if you want" you say before smashing the axe onto the walkers body. After hitting it several times you look at all Sofi, who is staring at the walker. You put the blankets over your body and Sofi's body so it won't stick to your clothes "Ready?" She nods and you get on your knees grabbing the walker parts as soon as your glows are on. You smudge it all over your body and turn to Sofi. She nods and steps over to you. You put it all over her body and she makes a discussed face. "It smells" she said. You laugh a bit and stand up. You grab your crossbow and pistol. You look at Sofi and then at the pistol. "I want you to be safe" you say and put it in her hands. "Use it only if really needed." You continue. She smiled and nodded. You take the plank from the door handles and look at Sofi. "No talking ok?" She nodded and you walked out with her by your side. You walk all the way down the street without any walker recognising you. Once you get to the shop you look into the window to see everyone in a circle eating. You feel happiness explode in you When you see everyone there, but as soon as you see John your smile falls. Your gonna have to tell him. You turn to Sofi and she looks really happy. The door seems to be open so you quickly take the blanket of yourself and Sofi you open the door and run in closing the door behind you. Everyone stands up and points their gun at you both. "Oh my god" Emily said dropping her gun. She ran up to you and hugged you tight. You held her tight and looked to your side to see Camila hugging Sofi. She was crying. You smile and pull away from Emily. She smiles and tears escape her eyes. "I thought you were dead." She sobbed. "Well I'm not". You take a step back. Instantly a body collides to yours and you hug back. "Thank you for saving her." She cried. "No problem" you said holding the crying Camila. Once everyone hugged you all they handed you and Sofi some food. "Now we just have to wait for my dad and we can go" John said with a smile. Your fork fell onto your plate making a loud cling. Everyone looked at you. You look at Sofi and then at John. "John, come here" you said. He stood up and followed you to the corner of the room so no one can hear you. "John" you started kneeling down next to him. He had a scared look on his face. "I found your dad with Sofi" you say and a big smile comes across his face but is instantly replaced with a confused face. "He got bit, he told Sofi to tell you that he loves you....... And.... Uh.... He shot himself, he said that that'll be the best. He wants you to stay strong for him. He wants you to survive." You finished. Tears started to stream down his face and he tackles you with a huge hug. He cried and cried. You look at everyone to see Sofi crying and the rest confused. You shake your head and everyone instantly understood. The boys sobs filled the quite room. He didn't say anything for the rest of the night but he stayed by your side for the rest of the night.

A/N-hey I know it's a bit short but the next one will be longer :)

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