Chapter 46

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Your Pov

We keep walking down the side of the road. We don't have any food left, we only have a few bottles of water left and they're nearly empty. We won't last long if we don't find food soon. I let out a deep breath and look back at everyone else. Everyone's starving, everyone's tiered.... Everyone's dieing. I walk over to Jake and take my backpack off. "Here" I said handing it to him. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Just relax okay, tell everyone to set up a camp somewhere here and I'll go search for food, we won't last long if we won't eat soon." I said and he took my bag. "Someone should go with you." He said. "No, your all exhausted, just let everyone get some rest." I said and walked of to the side into the woods. I walk for around five minutes, nothing. It feels like animals are already gone. I put my empty hand in my pocket and then I feel something there. I take it out and look at it. It's Alice's necklace, the one I took off of her. I let out a deep breath and stare at it. I gave it to her back in the old days. It's a best friends necklace. I place my crossbow on the ground and kneel down. I guess it's time to forget about her. I dig up a tiny hole with my fingers and place the necklace there. I stare at it then bring my hand to my neck I pull the necklace out from under the shirt. I take it off and place it next to the other one. I attach them and smile. I then push the dirt over the necklaces. I'll still be friends with the old Alice, the sweet loving Alice that I used to know. I pick my crossbow back up and stand up. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn around. "Gosh don't scare me like that." I said putting a hand over my heart and she let out a laugh. "Sorry." She said trying to hold in her laughter. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. "I was looking for you" she said. " Camila, you should have stayed and rested." I said starting to walk. "Well, I found this." She said holding up a raccoon in her hand. "You found it?" I asked. "Well, killed i, but I found it alive." She said in a duh voice. I let out a laugh and looked ahead. "Good. But it still won't feed everyone." I said and moved my hand through my hair. "I know, but at least it's something right?" She asked and I nodded. "Good job" I said and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks" she said giving me a smile. I smiled back and we kept walking.
End of Pov.

Camila's Pov

We came back to the camp after we finally got a deer. Y/N Is a really good hunter. We sat down on the ground and everyone started talking. I looked over to my side where Sofi sat, she looked a bit sad. "What's wrong Sofi?" I asked but she just shook her head. I frowned and placed my arm around her shoulders. "Come on tell me." I said pulling her a bit closer. She looked up at me and I saw tears in her eyes. "Why did he die?" She asked. "What?" I asked shocked and confused about what she was saying. "John." She said and looked down. "Why did he die?" She asked. "He was bit.... By one of them, by a walker, after you get bit you can't be saved, Y/N had to shoot him." I explained and she quickly looked up. "Y/N killed him?" She asked scared. "He asked her to." I said knowing she's scared. "Why?" She asked sad. "Because he didn't want to turn into one of them." I said moving my hand away from her shoulders and grabbing her hand. "He didn't want to turn into a monster." I said and looked over at Chris giving out food. "Go get some food" I said. "I bet your hungry." She let go of my hand and walked over to Chris. "Hey you okay?" Y/N asked sitting down next to me. She handed me some food and I thanked her. "I'm fine, Sofi was just asking about John." I said. "Well, she did loose the only person her age, they were really close." She said. I bit into the food and started thinking about what Lauren said. "Are we all going to die?" I asked and Y/N stared at me for a few seconds before answering. "Well, eventually, yeh..... Maybe if we're lucky enough we can die from natural death." She said and bit into the food. "But knowing our luck, I bet all of us are going to get bit or shot. I really hate to say this but we are all going to die." She said and looked down. "I always wished I could at least get married before I die." I said and she looked up at me. "Me too." Was all she said and I smiled. "You know, I wish this apocalypse never started, but if it didn't start, I don't know if I would have met you." I said and grabbed her free hand. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I said smiling. She leaned in and placed a soft, short kiss on my lips.

A/N- hey guys so I would just like to thank everyone who read my other books!!! Thank you guys I hope you liked them!!! :) and wow 24k? Really? You guys are awesome!!!!! :)

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