Chapter 27

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Your Pov

"TELL ME!" He yelled and once again punched me in the face. " I don't know where they are, a herd attacked us and we all got separated" I say weakly. I can feel blood dripping down my face, my face is in bruises and cuts and my left eye is swollen. "Why do I feel like your not telling the truth." He asked. "Well why would I lie? I was in the middle of the woods with a guy I don't even know that well, because he was helping me look for them" I say looking down. "Hey look at me" he said but I didn't move. "I said fucking look at me!" He grabbed my chin and pulled my head up. "I'm going to get you to answer, we'll find them and kill them all in front of you" he said and left my head go leaving the room. I looked down at my hands, I tried moving them but nothing. I have my arms tied to a chair. I look down at my shirt which is covered in blood. I look around the room. There's no windows, just four walls and a door. It doesn't look like there's a good way of escaping. Well, first I have to find a way out of the chair, then I can think of getting out of the room."how about this" Bill said entering the room. "You tell me where everyone is, and you won't get hurt." He said kneeling down in front of me. "I told you, I don't know we're they are" I said. "Lier" he said and punched me once again. "Bring him in" he said loudly. The door opened and I saw a huge man dragging Sean in the room and closing the door behind him. " you see, we fixed him up, took the bullet out, stitched and bandaged it up." He said slowly walking up to him. "Now, how about you tell me the truth." He pulled a pocket knife out. "Before he gets hurt" he placed the knife against Sean's neck. I started to pull my hands up, trying to get out. "Leave him alone" I say. "Then tell me" he said putting the knife closer. "I told you I don't know, I would tell you if I knew, just let him go and do what you want with me." I say trying to get out of the chair. "No thanks" he said before he sunk the gun into Sean's neck. "NO!" I screamed. Bill let go of him and his body fell to the ground. The blood kept coming and coming. It was all over the floor. It soon reached my feet. "Now" Bill said walking closer to me. "Will you tell me or will I find them, bring them here, and do what I just did to this guy" he said kneeling down beside Sean's body. "I don't know where they are" I said once again. " I might as well leave him here.... Then I won't have to deal with you" he said getting up. "It takes around a few hours for a person to change after they died, so in a few hours, you'll be gone." He said looking at the body then at me. "He can even turn in six minutes." He continued. "And I'm sure that your to weak to do anything." He smirked and walked out of the room. I looked around the room looking for a way out. Nothing. God fucking dammit. I look at Sean's body..... Wait a second... I look around the blood to see if that Bill left the knife. My legs aren't tied so I can walk... Kinda. I stand up and start to walk to the knife. Small steps, I nearly trip a few times. I place my foot on it and drag it away from the body. Now how do I get it in my hands. I sit the chair back down and look at the knife. I stand up again but this time I go on my knees and lean down. The chair is now on top of me as i try to grab the knife with my tied hand. I hear a groan and some kind of movement. I look up to see Sean's body starting to move. I keep trying to grab the knife. I look up to see Sean's body now standing up and looking at the ground. "Shit" I mumble. He looks up and stared right at me. I get up as fast as I could and moved away from him. He slowly started to walk towards me. I walk back more until a hit the wall. He keep getting closer and closer but faster. Once he gets close I stick my feet out and kick him down. When he falls I run over to the knife and try getting it. I hear footsteps and soon I fall to the ground with the chair. I stick my feet out and hold the walker back. I look to my sides and see the knife right next to me. I try kicking the walker back again. When I kick it down I sit the chair quickly on top of his head and slam my body down with the chair. I up and move away from it. I take a few deep breaths and look at Sean's body. Hate when people die. Even if I don't know them, I still hate it. I lean back into the chair. Silence..... It's really quiet, all you can hear is my breath. After a while the door opens. "You won't talk but I know who will" Bill said pulling my chair back a bit and then moving the walker to the side. He then set up a chair in front of me and put ropes next to it. "Bring her in" he said and a man pulled somebody into the room. The person had a bag on their head so I didn't know who it is. They placed the person in the chair and tied their hands to the chair."take the bag off" he said and the man pulled the bag of her head.
End of pov.

Jakes Pov.
"What do you mean she's gone?" I asked. "He... I....she" Alice said putting her head in her hands. "Bill" she finally said. "Him and his men attacked us and I ran, I thought she was behind me." She said sitting down on the couch. "So you left her?" I asked and she just nodded. "We have to find a way to save her" I said. She stood up and grabbed a gun. "I might be a bitch, but I'm not going to let Camila just die like that." She said before running out the door. I picked a few people to come with me and we then left searching for Camila.

A/N- hope you liked it.

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