Chapter 41

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Camila's Pov

I've been looking everywhere for Y/N but she's nowhere to be found. I run over to Jake who has now returned with everyone else. "Jake I can't find Y/N, I have searched everywhere." I said trying to catch my breath. "Where was the last time you've seen her?" He asked pulling me aside. "she went to the shed, she was supposed to check the shed." I say he looks at the shed as if he was looking for her. "I already check but she's not there." I say really worried. "I'm scared, what if something happened to her?" I asked. "I bet she's okay. She's always okay"he said grabbing my shoulders. "NICK, KIM COULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND...... ITS ABOUT THE HUNTING" I hear Henry shout. I turned around to see Henry standing outside. Then I see Kim and Nick starting to walk towards him. "OH AND NICK..... CAN YOU BRING THE THINGS FROM THE SHED?" He yelled giving Nick a look. Nick nodded and ran to the shed. I saw Kim grabbing Abby and pulling her into the house. After a minute I see Nick walking out of the shed with a box in his hands. That may be what Y/N wanted to check.... Or not.... Once they enter I see Henry give me a dirty look before slamming the door closed. I look at Jake who is glaring at the house. "Come on" he said walking off. I followed and then I saw him walking towards Albert. "Where the fuck is she" he said grabbing Albert by the neck. "What are you doing!" Ryan said. Trying to grab Jake. "Where is she!" He said now in a harsh tone. "What are you talking about?" He asked scared. "Where the fuck is Y/N!" He said trying to stay calm. "I don't know!" He said. "Your lying! Your people took her!" He said grabbing him tighter. "Let him go and we can settle it then!" I say grabbing Jakes arm. He sights and let's go of him. "Alright..... Let's do this calmly.... Where is she?" He asked calmly. "I don't know" Albert answered back. "your people took her where is she!" Jake demanded. "Listen.... I didn't know these people before the apocalypse... They might let me stay in the house..... But that doesn't mean they trust me..." He says. "Did you know they eat people?" Jake asked. Alberta eyes went wide and he gaged. "What? I didn't know that..... What the fuck is wrong with these people?" He said. "well where ever Y/N is we need to find her!" I say. "Listen I can help you guys.... I can check around the house today to see where they could have put her.... Then I'll tell you guys and we can figure out a plan then." He said. "Okay.... That sounds good" I say."yeh.... And uh.... I'm sorry about you...know....attacking you" Jake said. "It's fine.... I get it... You just want to protect your group." He said. We then told the rest about what's happening and tried to figure out a plan.
End of Pov

Your Pov

I slowly open my eyes and try to move but unfortunately can't. I look around to see I'm in what looked like a basement. I tried moving my arms but they were tied behind my back. Well my legs are tied too. I look to my side to see the guy from yesterday with his hands tied up and well he looked like he doesn't have a leg. What the fuck is this. He notices me staring at him and gives me a weak smile. "They're going to eat us..." He said weakly. "They won't kill you..... They will keep you alive for as long as they can..... But they'll cut your hands and legs off.... They'll bandage you up.... Just as they did to my leg.... They will eat you.... Don't trust anything they say...." He said I just stared at him for a while and thought about what he said.... Then I noticed that I recognised him. "I know you" I said making him look at me confused. "Your the guy that saved me from the two guys!" I said. "Oh hey.... Your the girl with the horse" he said. I nodded and gave him a smile. "Well it's nice to see you again. " He said and I smiled."well it's nice to know we'll die together too." I say looking down at the ground. I wonder what the others are doing right now. "Well I hope you told your friends not to eat the meat today...." He said and I looked up at him. "I did....well my girlfriend did..." I said and he gave me a nod. "But... Not only because it's human meat.." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Well..... Before they actually kidnapped me.... I got bit...." He said. I looked at him shocked and kinda scared. "But that's not possible... If you got bit then you would turn already!" I said. "Well... I always had this thing... Before all this started... That when I'm sick.... it only shows after a around 27 hours.... I got bit around 27 ago... And I can already feel it kicking in.... But don't worry.... They always come here before they eat the food.... Just to make sure your not dead.... So don't worry they'll come here before I get to you" he said. Well that didn't make me feel better... "Will they turn..... If they eat the meat?" I asked. "I don't know.... But there's a chance that they will." He said. I saw that he was getting weaker by every second. Then I heard a loud sound of a door slamming open. I heard voices getting closer and closer until I see Nick, Kim and Henry staring down at me. Oh shit!!

A/N-what do you think they'll do?

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