Chapter 49

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Your POV

"How the fuck are we going to find Camila and Isabel?" I asked as I look around the group. We found everyone except for Camila and Isabel. I really hope they're together. "we can split up an--" Jake started but I cut him off. "No more splitting up" I said shaking my head. "Okay then..." He started making a thinking face. "Hey we can try and look for a house near by." Dinah said. "Like Isabel is pregnant, she couldn't have ran far, and if Camila is with her the they probably found a house to hide in." She continued. "Yeh Dinah's right" Ally said. "Guys let's go now, Isabel is due anytime now, we can't risk it let's go now." Lauren said with a worried look on her face. "Let's go" I said and we all took off. I hope Isabel's okay. I hope Camila's okay. I don't know what I would do without her. If she..... If she died, would there be a point of living? We all live in this world. The world that changed. Everything changed. I bet if the apocalypse never happened I would be the same old girl. Just sitting in my room watching Netflix and crying over my favourite characters death. I feel like I'm in a movie right now, I feel like this never happened. Just acting. I feel like in any second now the director will yell cut. I want it to be a movie, so I can go back to my normal life. But If I could go back in time and change all this, I don't thing I would. Yeh sure we loose people, and we have to fight for survival all day, but if not for the apocalypse I would have never met Camila. I found the love of my life. Well, maybe if this is actually meant to be maybe we could have found each other somehow if this never started. That's just true love isn't it? Well I guess I was deep in thoughts because next ting I know I'm on the ground from bumping into someone. "Sorry" I said standing up. "It's fine, you okay?" Normani asked helping me up. "Yeh I'm fine, I was just... Deep in thoughts." I said and looked up confused. "Why did we stop?" I asked and Normani pointed to the right of me. I turned to the the right and saw a tiny cabin. " Do you think they'll be there?" I asked and Normani shrugged. I smiled at the house thinking of finding my girlfriend there. Unfortunately my smiled soon disappeared as I watched the sight in front of me. There stood Camila. She was shaking and there were tears flowing down her face. There was blood covering her and then when I looked down there it was. The little baby in a shaking Camila's arms.
End of Pov

Camila's Pov

"I can't do this!" I cried out holding the knife in my hands. "Yes you can just do it.... Please" Isabel said calmly. How is she so calm, I'm literally having a panic attack that I have to cut her open and place my hands inside her to take a human being out of her, and she is all calm while she has a huge risk of dying. "But I don't want to." I said softly with my voice cracking. "Please, just do it, I don't want the baby to die, I don't want it to be hurt, just please, I don't care if I die." She said grabbing my arm. "But what then? The baby won't have any parents?!?! Chris is dead and now you will die? What kind of life is it for a child not to have any parents?!?" I asked confused and a bit angry. "You'll be her or his mother." She said and that made me even sadder. "That's Not the same" I said and she shook her head. "Just please do it, please." She said and I knew she was even weaker now. I looked down at the knife in my hand and nodded looking up at her. "Okay" I said softly. I moved her legs down and moved myself so I'm right in front of her stomach. "I'm sorry" I said as I slid the knife against her skin. I saw her trying to hold in a scream. Probably trying not to attract the walkers. She failed and let out a scream. I started breathing heavily as I watched the blood pour. I placed the knife down next to me quickly and moved my hands to her stomach. I looked up at Isabel one more time and saw her nod. Ah fuck it. I stuck my hands into her stomach and felt for the baby. Once I found it I grabbed it softly and pulled it out slowly trying not to hurt the baby. Soon the baby was out. I picked up the knife and tried cutting the umbilical cord. Once I but that I looked down at the baby. It's breathing. I let a few tears fall as I look up at Isabel who's eyes are closed and her chest is still. No no no no no no.... I started sobbing and looked down at the baby. I grabbed one of the towels that I found in the cabin. I wrapped it around the baby and looked back at Isabel. I can't do it. I can't kill her. I just can't.. I place the baby down on the stack of pillows and quickly grab my bag placing it on my back and place my gun over my shoulder. Once I got everything I walked over to the baby picking it up. I felt more tears falling dawn my face as I look back at Isabel once again. I walk over to the door shaking. What did I just do? Does this count as murder? I open the door and walk out slowly. I look up and see the group. Y/N stares at me shocked and after a minutes she runs over to me. She pulled me into her arms without hurting the baby. "Are you okay?" She asked but I didn't answer. I can't talk right now. I felt more tears fall down my face as I started sobbing. "Did you?" Jake asked and I shook my head. He nodded and walked into the cabin. I stayed there, not moving an inch, with everyone staring at me and The baby as I continued to hug Y/N. Then there it was. The gun shot.

A/N- :(.... So what do you dorks think? And what do you want the gender of the baby to be? And the name?

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