Chapter 25

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Camila's Pov

"WE ARE NOT LEAVING WITHOUT THEM!" Jake screamed. " YES WE ARE, WE DONT KNOW IF THEY'RE ALIVE OR NOT" Alice screamed back. This has been going on for a while now, Jake and Alice are arguing if we should leave or not. It's been two days since we got here. In those two days Ally and Normani came together. That leaves Dylan, Chris and Y/N. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP" I scream. I honestly had enough of this. Everyone goes quiet and looks at me."we'll vote.... How many of you want to leave?" Alice raises her hand up. "And how many people want to wait?" Everyone else puts they're hand up. "Oh come on..... You know that your wasting your time... They might be dead already... If we stay here we might die... We'll all die for three people, and I know that they mean a lot to you, they mean a lot to me too, but I'm not going to die saving them, we might be risking our lives for three dead people... Do you really want that? Because I don't, I don't want to die in this shitty place. I rather die trying to survive. So who wants to go now?" Alice said.. For a few seconds there was silence. "Really? So you people wanna die?" She asked. She shook her head and sat down on a chair. "You people are unbelievable" she mumbled covering her face with her hands. Then there was a bang on the door. Jake quickly ran to the door and opened it to see Chris. "I need your help guys now!!!" He said once he saw us and started to run off. "Camila, John, Alice come with me" Jake said running after Chris. We ran and ran until we reached the end of the woods. There were some shops and then I heard gun shots. "Come on" Chris says. we follow him until we see car flipped over with some girl's leg under it. "We won't keep them out for much longer" I heard a male voice say. I looked up to where I heard it from and saw Dylan. " Alice, John go with Dylan. Camila help us out" Chris said running over to the girl. " We'll grab the car and you'll help her out" Jake said and I jut nodded grabbing the screaming girl. The guys start to pull the car with no effect. "Just leave me here" the girl said. "We don't leave people" I say. She looked up and gave me a small smile. "One, two, threeee" the guys pull the car up enough for me to pull the girl out from under it. Chris instantly grabbed her bridal style. "Get the others" he started to run. Jake ran over to the others with me following behind. "Guys come on" Jake screamed and started to run the direction Chris ran." Come on guys" Dylan screamed and I saw some other people following him. I ran along with them until we reached the house. We opened the door and everyone stared at us. I walked to where the girl was on the table while Lauren was checking her leg. "What happened?" I asked. "We were overrun, then stuff happened, the car fell over and it landed on her." Chris said running his hands through his hair. "so uhhh.... Not to be mean or anything but who are you people?" I asked the group that was with Chris and Dylan. "I'm Alex, that's Max, that's Ryan and the girl on the table is Isabel" one of the guys said pointing at each one of them. I nod. "Well this is Lauren, Jake, Sofi, Dinah, Ally, Normani, John, Alice, I'm Camila and well you know Chris and Dylan" I pointed at everyone while saying their names."and...uh.... We have one more member, well the leader of this group, but uh....she's not here.... Yet" I say slowly. Max nods. "Well luckily we don't have to cut her leg off" we hear Lauren say. "But we have to put the bone back into place, it definitely moved out of place." She continued. "Just do it fast" Isabel said. Lauren grabbed a clean cloth and placed it in her mouth. "Just bite on to it, your screams won't be that loud." She placed her hands on Isabel's leg and the girl flinched. "Chris, hold her down." She said. He did as told and Lauren started to move the none I to place. I looked away trying not to watch. I heard her screaming into the cloth. Oh she must be in so much pain right now. "Alright I'm done" she said. I looked over at them. Her leg still had some bruises on it and some cuts, but it looked straight. "Where's Y/N?" Dylan asked. I looked down at my hands and played around with my fingers. "She's not here. She never came back"I say. "Oh" was all I heard. I looked at the girl and then the guys. "Guys listen, Y/N isn't here for now, so we need a leader... Just for a few days, before we find her" Jake said. "I wanna be the leader" Alice said."yehhhhh...... No" Jake said. "We can vote" I said. "Oh just shut up with your voting" Alice said. "It's obvious that I'll be the best leader" she continued. "No Camila's right.... We'll vote" Jake said and I gave him a smile. "So who votes for Alice" he spoke. "Oh are you serious" she said once no one raised their hand. "Who votes for Dylan" he asked and the three new guys put their hands up."who votes for Camila" he said. My eyes went wide and I looked at him. Everyone raised their hands except for the new guys and the new girl. "Well we have a new leader" he said and pulled me into a hug. Why would he do that. "You were the closest to her, I think you deserve it" he said pulling away. "So what are we doing now? Leader...." Jake said smirking at the last word. "I...uh...." I look around. Everyone's watching me. "We wait.... We're going to wait another few days, and uh.... If she doesn't come then we'll leave" I said and everyone nodded. Let's hope she'll make it in time.

A/N- will you make it in time?

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