Chapter 21

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Your Pov

My eyes slowly open. I feel a hand holding onto mine. I look to my right to see Camila. "Hey your awake" she says grabbing my hand tighter focusing on my eyes. "How long was I out?" I ask. "Uhh almost a day" she says and I nod. I look down to see a bandage around my side. " does it hurt?" She asked. I shake my head. Surprisingly it doesn't but I bet when I move it will hurt like hell. I hear Camila sight before saying."I'm sorry" wait why is she sorry. "Why are you sorry, you didn't do anything" I put my hand on her cheek."its my fault you got shot, if I haven't told you I-"."NO, it's good you told me, It would hurt me way mod if you didn't, and I knew you were suffering. It's not your fault" tears started to fall from her face. "But she said..." She stared to sob. "Who?" I asked confused. "Alice" she said, Alice can be mean at times. "What did she say?" I asked. "She said... She said that, it's my fault, that your gonna die, that it my fault. ITS MY FAULT GOD DAMMIT" she yelled the last part. "No it's not" I answered softly and rubbed up and down her arm. "It is." I sight."its not, nothing is your fault, I went out there and I stood in front of him while he was holding a gun. Not you." I say. Then I see her side of the face. She must have noticed and moved her head. "What happened?" I asked going into a sitting position, I felt the pain go through my body. "Nothing, Y/N you should really rest" she said. "What happened?" I asked once again. "She slapped me" she said in a whisper. I knew what she meant. I got of the couch I was on and tried to walk. "Y/N no, you should rest, you got shot" Camila said. I walked...well limped.. Over to the other room where everyone else was. Everyone eyes went wide when they say me. I walked up to Alice and started into her eyes. She gave me a small smile and tried to give me a hug but instead I slapped her. She gave me a shocked look before touching her cheek."whats wrong with you?" She said angry. "Don't you ever say those things to Camila again." She gives me a weird look. "I don't trust her ok? I never have. You know me since we were 6 and you trust her more then me! We met her what a month ago? I'm telling you, once she gains your full trust she'll drag you into the woods, kill you and probably kill us too." I just stair at her. " I trust her more then you, after what you did definitely." She gave me a sad look. "I never thought you were so stupid, you know I think it's good that your parents, your brother and now your sister died. They don't have to watch your fucking ass anymore." She says as her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth. "I didn-" " I don't care, you already said it" I grab Camila's hand and drag her into the empty room. She gave me a sad smile before looking down at her hands. I grab her hand intertwining our fingers together. "I love you." I say. She looks up at me and smiles. "I love you too" she gives me a quick kiss and looks into my eyes after pulling away. "You should rest" she says. "Cuddle with me?" I asked. She nods and lays down next to me cuddling to my side. I heard her laugh so I looked down at her. "What?" I asked. "Your shirt is still off" she says while giggling. I blush and look down at my chest. Yep all you can see is my bandage and bra. i look down at Camila to see her biting her lip. Wow can she be any hotter? She pulled her arms around me avoiding the bandage. My eyes slowly close and sleep took over my body.
End of Pov.

Camila's Pov
I watch as she falls asleep. I slowly slip out of her arms and walk over to the other room where everyone stared at me." When did she wake up?" Lauren asked. "About five minutes before she came in here." I say. She nodded. "Is she awake?" Lauren asked. I shake my head and she nodded again. "I'll check on her" she said walking out of the room. I sat down on the couch next to Chris and Normani. I saw Alice glaring at me. Her cheek was all red. I looked down at my hands. "Is Y/N going to be ok?" I heard Sofi say. I look up to see her in front of me. "Yeh, yeh she going to be ok" I give her a smile and she gives me a hug. "I'll be over with John." She said before running of to John. "When Y/N feels better we can leave, I'm not staying in this place anymore, Bills still out there, who knows what he can do." Dylan said. We all nod. I stand up and walk out to the room Y/N is in. Let's hope we get out soon.

A/N- thanks for reading!

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