Chapter 3

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You parked the car at the entrance of the town. You make sure you have your crossbow,knife and pistol and look at the guys." Ready to go?" You ask. They nod and the Emily speaks" Y/N be careful please"she grabbed your arm "when wasn't I careful?"you ask."all the time!" You role your eyes." I'll be careful" she let's go of your arm and you get out of the car quietly with the guys. You look around. Luckily it has a wooden fence around it, not big or strong but it should do for now. You give the guys a look to open the door while you'll shoot you bow if needed. You look back at the car and see everyone look at you worrying, mostly your sister but oh well. You look at the guys who are ready to pull the gate open. You give them a nod and they open the gate. To your surprise you didn't see any walker so far. Which means that they're all in the houses and shops or people took them down and are probably around here somewhere. You slowly entered looking around you spot some shops with food and medical supply and there were also some houses most doors were open and three or four were closed. You point to a house and start walking with the guys following you. The door is already open so you slowly walk in the door. " Jake, Chris go upstairs,Dylan you come with me." You told them and Jake and Chris went upstairs. "What are we looking for?" Dylan whispered following you into the living room. " Anything really... Food, guns and anything useful, and we have to look out for walkers". You look through the shelves. "Huh these people had cool books" you look at him"Dylan, we don't have time for that". "Yeh well I'll take it just Incase" he picked up a book and put it in his bag. "Come on let's check the kitchen." you put your hand on the knob and open the door to see a walker eating what looked like a squirrel. You aim your crossbow and shoot it at the back of the head. I falls to the ground and you take the arrow out of its head. "Gross" Dylan complains looking into the fridge."you'll have to get used to it". "Unfortunately" you start opening some selves. "Well I think that's a lot of food" you heard him say and you walk over to the fridge. " Leave it here we'll stay here for a while". You walk over and start looking at the knifes. "These could be useful" you look back at Dylan. "Yeh you could give them to the girls, so they have something to protect them self with." Dylan picked up a small knife. "You can give this one to Sofi" you took the knife of him."only if her sister agrees, I don't want trouble for giving it to her". "They're gonna need some guns too you know"."i know we have a lot of spare ones I'll give them what I think would suit them." "This house is small"." let's hope upstairs is bigger" you load your crossbow and walk to the bathroom door. You open it and it's empty. "Let's check on the guys" you slowly walk upstairs and bump into something quickly pointing your crossbow at them. "Wow calm down" Jake said with his hands halfway in the air. "Sorry I thought you were a walker" you point you bow down and ask."all clear?"."yeh not one walker" Chris said walking down the stairs." Well I want you guys to get the walker out of the kitchen while I get the rest." you walked over to the door opening it. "Be safe" with that you closed the door and ran over to the car. You see Emily sight in relief when she sees you. You get in the car and start it. "Where are the guys? Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Were there walkers there?" Emily kept asking questions. "They're cleaning out the house, I'm ok, no I'm not hurt and only one i took care of it..... We found a house, we're going to stay there for a while." Sofi then spoke up"is it safe?" You parked the car in front of the house and turned in your seat. "I made sure it's safe so don't worry" you gave her a smile and got out of the car. You walked over to the door slowly opening it seeing the guys cleaning the place up a bit."hey uh there's three bedrooms upstairs one has a bunk bed the other one a single and the third one a king bed, then there's two couches here." Chris tells you walking outside to get the bags."ok then uh.... Chris and Jake you'll take one couch, Dylan and Alice, Emily you can take the single bed. Ally, Lauren, Dinah and Normani you guys can take the bunk beds try to squeeze in together and Camila and Sofi you can take the king bed." Everyone nods. "Later we can try and find some place bigger so we won't be so squished." You continue. "What about you? Where are you going to sleep?" Sofi asked. "I'm gonna stay up, I'll keep you guys safe. There's no space anyway, but I'll be fine." You give her a smile then look at everyone. "Let's get some food and then we can head to bed ok?" They nod and you walk into the kitchen. You take some cans out of the fridge. Jake then comes in. "We're lucky there's a fireplace here." He picked up some cans and you follow him to the living room." We're lucky we have a place for the night." Yeh, it's still early you know" "I know but I think we haven't had a good night sleep in ages so if we go earlier then tomorrow we won't be so tiered.". "Says you, your not going to sleep.". "I have to Protect you guys". "Look the doors are closed and I'm sure the walkers won't get in.". "I'm not taking chances." You put the can on the little table in front of the fire. Afer you cooked the food you gave everyone an equal amount, sat down and started eating. After you all ate in silence the sun was just setting."go to sleep guys" you got up and walked over to the window pulling the curtains apart a bit. After sitting there looking outside for five minutes you heard someone walking downstairs. "Sofi what are you doing?" You ask tiredly. "I'm scared." She sounded like she was about to cry."come here" she quickly ran into your arms and started sobbing quietly. "Shhhh it ok.... What are you scared of?" She looks up at you and you wipe her tiers. "I'm scared that they're going to come here and attack us." You pulled her into another hug. "It's ok I'll protect everyone, ok I'll protect you mostly because I care about you. I don't want you getting hurt. I'll fight for you ok?" She nodded. "Now go to bed". She looked upstairs and then back at you."can I stay here with you?" You nod not wanting to make her cry. A huge smile spreads across her face. You get up grabbing a blanket of the ground and walking over to the chair that's next to the window, you sat down and Sofi quickly sat down on your lap cuddling to your side with her head on your shoulder. You cover the both of you with a blankets and place your hands around her, you look at her as she quickly fell asleep. You smile knowing she feels safe around you. You look out the window and think about all that has happened in your life for the rest of the night.

A/N- well Dorks that's another chapter done!

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