My Little Bird

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Two days later

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Two days later...

Awaking to the sound of her little bird chirping by the window, Lisbet smiled into the morning and turned to look at her new pet who was now hopping from foot to foot as the dancers had done on her birthday.

"Ah my tiny cherub" she cooed, hopping out of her bed and looking at the bird who tweeted happily at her as she pulled on her bed robe and skipped over to him, hair tumbling over her shoulders "now what am I to call you? You prance around like a little dancer" she held out her finger and the colourful bird spread its wings of green and blue, hopping onto it with a twitter "Hm, yes a dancer...I shall call you...Bailarín!"

"Bailarín" a husky voice echoed from behind her and a pair of strong arms wrapped around Lisbet's waist "a fitting name I think"

"Francis" Lisbet breathed, leaning back against him and placing Bailarín back on his perch before turning round and kissing Francis gently at the base of his neck. He smiled down at her and buried his head in her hair, running a hand up and down the curves of her body.

"I take it that we are now officially courting now, my lady?" He murmured and Lisbet nodded, giggling "I cannot think why we didn't do this earlier if I'm being honest...I've desired you for years, what has suddenly changed?"

She raised her head and grinned.
"My mother" she answered and Francis raised an eyebrow "she said that if I found love that I shouldn't throw it away..."
"And this? Is this love?" He asked as they slowly moved towards Lisbet's bed, trying not to fall over as they went.
"I think so" she said softly "every time I look at you my heart lights up and I either feel as if I'm in the burning pits of hell, on fire or floating up into the clouds of heaven..I think that must be the definition of love"
"Then we are in agreement"
"We are"

The pair collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles and almost immediately their bodies intertwined, pressing up against one another and almost smothering each other with passionate kisses that pulled them both from reality and into a world of their own.

A sudden gasp from the door caused Lisbet to shoot up, Francis still having a firm grip on her so that he shot up with her and instantly reddened when he saw Marian at the door.

When the Queen closed the door in the quickest movement known to man, Francis immediately darted up from the bed and backed away to the secret door while Lisbet began to giggle.
"Goodbye, my sweet!" He called "until we meet again for what am I to you?"
"You are my love" she replied, leaning back on the rumpled covers "and what am I to you, Lovell?"
"You are my little bird" he cooed softly and then disappeared through their secret door to his own room.

A few moments later Marian came back in and grinned at her daughter, Lisbet was relieved beyond words to see that she wasn't angry at all and righted her bed robe, pulling the velvet back onto her shoulders.
"So" her mother began as she went to open the windows, a smirk on her face "you took my advice?"

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