The Babe in Her Belly

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5 months later, April, 1499, Westminster

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5 months later, April, 1499, Westminster...

"Please bleed...for heaven's sake please bleed..." Lisbet prayed aloud as she opened her eyes at last and removed her hand from under linen shift. There was no blood.

'Two times' her mind cried, for two times was now how how many she had missed her monthly courses, confirming her worst fear and her greatest joy "not now! Not yet" she whispered, leaning her head against the cold wall of the garderobe.

Why did God have to bless her with a child now? Why not when it was safe? When she was secure an happy? Not playing the daily game of high treason and manipulation that she had been the ringleader of for the past five months!

Of course, she and Francis had not refrained from making love during their time at Westminster, in fact, their vigour and desire for one another had increased immensely under the pressure and stress of the Tudor Court and they ended up entangled in one another's arms most nights, moaning each other's names into the dark.

'We should have been more careful!' Lisbet chided herself, but of course it was far too late for that and she hesitantly put a hand to her belly, the belly which before long would begin to round and her venerability would be revealed to all...

"Lisbet? Dear one where are you?" Lizzie called from her chamber and Lisbet was quick to appear, erasing the expression of unease from her face and plastering on a smile as she stepped upon the small pedestal that was set in the middle of the chamber. Immediately seamstresses once again swarmed around her, taking measurements for the new hunting ensemble Lizzie was determined for her to have for her first hunt of the season.

She watched with bright eyes from the back of the room and gave her cousin a small nod before returning to her needlework, which Lisbet always noticed she worked rather diligently at.

'It is a way of distracting my mind from my troubles' Lizzie had told her one afternoon in the bleak winter that had only just begun to clear, leaving cold sunny mornings and freezing evenings in its wake. Leaning to her side, Lizzie began to show Bianca (who had somehow managed to enter into her household too) a new stitch and the other woman frowned at the intricacy, placing her hands on her large belly while she tried to concentrate.

"Your grace?"
"Yes?" Lisbet asked the seamstress who had spoken.
"Your measurements have increased a little around your chest and waist, is it possible that you are with child? Or is this simply..."
"I have a fondness for cake" the Duchess interrupted with a smile, though inside she was completely struck dumb "I shall make sure to cut down a little...but for now, follow these measurements"

The seamstress arched an eyebrow, clearly not believing a word but she knew her place and nodded, resuming her measurements with the rest.

Once they were done, Lisbet pulled on her heavy, velvet mantle and joined her sister and cousin at the window, looking warily at Bianca who had heard what the seamstress had said and frowned a little.

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