rain storm

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i'm currently waiting on my boyfriend of two years. the first year and a half were amazing. recently he's been really distant and when i ask him about it he just ignores me.

we have a shared apartment together so we both pay 50/50. he hasn't been home in about 3 hours but i think i'm gonna break up with him. i just can't do this anymore.

it's now 2:42 in the morning and i'm sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back. i hear the door open and look behind me. i see him kissing all up on this girl and starting to take her dress off.

"what the fuck" i yell. he looks at me with widened eyes.

"y/n, it's not what it looks like." he pushes the girl away.

"it's exactly what it looks like! is this why you've been distant? because you're cheating? i'm so done with your shit!" i yell through sobs.

"you've just gotten ugly and she is way prettier than you. you don't even pleasure me right." i'm now full on sobbing.

"i'm done. i'll get my stuff tomorrow." i run out of the apartment. i don't have a car and it's pouring outside. i try to think of a place i can go.

i run to my best friend billies house. it's about 7 minutes from here. i run as fast as i can and almost trip a few times.

i finally get to her house and knock on the door, not too loud since it's like three in the morning. i knock a little louder after no one answers.

billie answers the door, hair all messy. she must've been sleeping. she looks at me and furrows her eyebrows, seeing me crying.

"y/n? are you okay? what happened?" i hug billie tightly, scared she'll leave.

"cmon, get in. it's raining." she grabs my hand, leading me to her room. she sits me down on the bed and sits next to me. i hug her tightly again. she rubs my back and strokes my hair.

"what happened? why are you all soaked?" i quiet down my sobs, lifting my head up.

"he c-cheated on me. he came in the door kissing another girl and called me ugly. i just ran to you because i didn't have anywhere else i could go." my voice cracking slightly. billie pulls me into a hug again.

"oh i'm so sorry, love. he didn't deserve you. and you're not ugly, y/n. that's impossible. you're the most prettiest girl ever." billie softly says.

"to be honest i never liked him anyway. he always gave me a bad vibe." i laugh a little at what she said and she does too.

"um do you mind if i stay here until i find a place. i don't have anything with me right now except the clothes i'm wearing right now." i say quietly.

"yeah, of course. do you wanna take a shower? you can wear some of my clothes." i nod. billie gets up and picks me out some clothes. i walk to the bathroom, already knowing where it is because i've known her for a long time.

i turn on the shower and billie knocks on the door. i open the door seeing billie holding clothes and a towel. i smile and take them.

"thank you." i say. she smiles and walks back to her room.

after i take my shower i walk back into billies room. billie is laying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. billie looks up at me and smiles.

"do you want anything else? water or anything?" billie says softly. i shake my head no and lay next to her. i put my head on her shoulder, watching her scroll through instagram, liking fans posts.

"that was my favorite show you performed." i point out. she laughs and nods.

"that was my favorite show too. i loved the energy that day. definitely one of the best."

"what's it like having millions of people look up to you?" i say.

"it's amazing. i'm so glad i can have such a good impact on their lives. truly the best feeling in the world." i smile, as she continues scrolling.

all of a sudden, this loud thunder rolls in, scaring me. i jump and wrap my arms around billie. i've always hated when it thundered because i hate really loud noises. mostly because of my family.

"you're okay, love. i got you." billie puts her phone down and pulls me more into her. billie knew about my parents. she's the only person i've ever talked to about them because i trust her.

"no one is gonna hurt you. i'm right here." she says softly. i calm down a little and unwrap my arms around her.

"sorry" i whisper. billie furrows her eyebrows.

"don't be. it's okay." i sit up against the headboard.

"do you need anything?" billie asks again, sitting up. i shake my head. after a few minutes of silence, billie speaks up.

"you're very beautiful. don't believe what he told you because it's not true at all." billie pushes my hair behind my ear. i look up at her.

she smiles softly. i see her leaning closer to me. is this really happening? billie puts her hand on the side of my face. i feel her lips on mine, moving slowly.

i kiss her back. she puts her other hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. i put my hand on her waist. billie smiles into the kiss, pulling away.

"straight my ass, eilish." billie and i laugh. she shakes her head.

"shut up. everyone knew damn well i wasn't straight." we laugh again.

"that was amazing" billie says. i nod and hug her. she hugs me back.

"thank you for letting me stay here yk after what happened." i say softly.

"of course. i'd do anything for you." i blush and peck her lips.

"it's getting late. we should go to sleep. we can talk about everything tomorrow, okay?" i nod and we cuddle each other. billie kisses my forehead.

"sleep good, angel." i smile and kiss her neck, falling asleep in her arms.





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