shared room

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the rain thudded on the windows as we both ran into shelter, slamming the door behind us. my heavy breathing was masked by the aggressive storm. from the winds whooshing through the trees, to the thunder crackling as if it struck outside the door. it was as if the whole world was shaking into chaos.

me and y/n had just been dropped off at our shared hotel room after a show. for savings sake, my mom paired everyone off with a roommate, and mine just happened to be y/n.

the girl i had been crushing on so hard i could hardly focus when i was around her. we were already best friends, but i believed that's all y/n ever wanted to be. despite every other person on tour saying that the sexual tension between us two was so obvious, i didn't see it. i wish i saw it so i could stop suppressing my feelings. but i didn't. i would shake my head at everyone, explaining she's just my best friend but they'd laugh and roll their eyes. clearly they saw something i didn't.

after we both finally caught our breath from running through the rain, y/n stumbled through the dark room to find the light switch. as the room lit up, i saw how beautiful y/n looked with her wet hair and soft gaze. her eyes glistened and her cheeks blushed as she let out a quiet giggle. and for once, i was wondering if she was thinking the same thing.

she smiled softly as she walked over to me, reaching her hand out slowly to move the tiny strands of wet hair out of my face. we both stood there for a minute, just staring into each other's eyes as if we were in a trance.

suddenly the sky erupted into anger again, a crash of thunder scraping the earth, and we both snapped out of it.

"i'm uh- i'm gonna go get ready for bed." y/n said, moving towards her luggage.

"yeah um me too." i answered frantically.

as we both laid down in our beds, the storm continued on. the window flashed with lightening as i turned to look at y/n, her face in complete and utter fear as she watched the sky flash.

"y/n, are you okay?" i asked in concern, my eyebrows furrowed.

"just not the biggest fan of storms." she said, lifting the blanket over her face as the lightning struck again.

it was so unlike y/n to be scared like this. she usually wasn't afraid of anything. but the way she was shivering under her covers showed how serious this was.

i threw my blankets away from my body and crawled out of bed, making my way over to her. i tapped on her head through the blankets, watching as she peeked out. she moved over and patted her hand on the bed, i let out a laugh before sliding into bed next to her.

cozying into her side, i pulled the blankets over the both of us.

"hey." i whispered softly as i went to stroke y/n's cheek. her attention drove from the window back to me, and i swore my heart melted from her puppy dog eyes.

"it's gonna be okay. get some sleep."

i invited y/n to lay on my shoulder as i wrapped my arms around her.

i was continuing to stroke her cheek and then her hair as she turned her head to look up at me. my eyes met her gaze and as always, she was stunning and made my brain go foggy.

my breath hitched as i watched y/n's gaze flicker from my eyes to my lips.

i swore she could hear my heart beating out of my chest. and with that, her lips slowly clashed with mine.

the kiss went from gentle to passionate in point two seconds. y/n's hands were cupping my cheeks and my hands were in her hair. she tasted like strawberries and i wanted to savor this moment forever.

she moaned when i started to nibble on her lower lip. i pulled away, pressing a finger to her mouth to be quiet.

"shh." i whispered.

"if drew and zoe hear us from their room we're never going to hear the end of it."

y/n smirked and suddenly the room burst into laughter. she climbed on top of me, a pile of giggles and kisses as i fell onto my back, her following suit. i closed my eyes, living for the feeling of y/n's lips sucking on my neck and the love bites she left behind.

i couldn't help but smile as i fully realized that this moment was real. it was really happening. and it turns out, neither of us were scared anymore.


i'm in gym rn 🧍‍♀️

i didn't wanna upload that late so here ya go


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