jack o' lantern

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"hey, baby." billie turned to her girlfriend, a fist full of pumpkin guts in her palm and a wicked smile on her face.

y/n side eyed the blonde, slowly putting down her carving knife and taking a step away.

"don't you dare." she warned, taking another step away as billie stepped closer to her.

her grin grew wider, nearly consuming her face.

"oh, i dare." she said darkly, bringing her hand back, ready to throw the nasty pumpkin goo on her girlfriend.

"billie o'connell." y/n's voice rose as she went around to the other side of the counter, trying to get away from her girlfriend.

"y/n y/l/n." billie mimicked, not lowering her hand.

"no!" y/n shouted, covering her face as billie threw the orange slime at her. y/n slowly lowered her hands, goo falling to the floor. she wore a deep scowl on her face.

"oh my god, i hate you." she glared at her girlfriend, who was nearly doubled over from laughing so hard.

billie wiped her eyes, shaking her head.

"you love me." she said through more laughter. she was too busy enjoying herself to realize that y/n had come around to her side of the counter, some pumpkin goo in her hand that she'd scooped off her head. she froze, however, and her mouth fell open in a silent gasp as y/n smashed the goo on top of her head, smearing it in for good measure.

"looks good on you." y/n teased with a triumphant smile.

billie glared at her, swiping her hand over her face as the goo slid down her cheeks.

"i'm gonna kill you." she stated simply. y/n shrugged innocently.

"you started it." billie nodded in consideration, then reached into her open pumpkin and grabbed more of its insides.

"and i'll finish it, too." she promised, taking a step towards her messy girlfriend.

y/n's eyes grew wide as she began backing away, her palms in front of her face.


"come here." billie sang, then grabbed y/n's arm before she could run away and smashed more pumpkin on her head. y/n cried out in a mixture of disgust and laughter.

"no, no!" y/n shouted dramatically as they both fell to the floor.

billie sat on top of her, holding her arms above her head and pinning them there by the wrists. y/n gazed up at her girlfriend, trying to look displeased but failing as a large grin tugged at her lips. billie ducked down and kissed y/n on the lips, chaste and quick, leaving her pouting as she pulled away.

"i win." billie announced happily as she rolled off her girlfriend and sat beside her on the pumpkin covered floor.

y/n waved her off.

"yeah, yeah." she muttered, picking at the goo in her hair. in truth, although it would be a bitch to clean up, y/n couldn't be mad at the little food fight. it was fun, and she desperately needed fun. they both did.

"oh my god..." a female voice quietly gasped from the kitchen doorway.

the two girls stood to see claudia standing in the kitchen threshold, her eyes wide.

"oh, hey, claudia." billie greeted, moving some hair and pumpkin out of her eyes.

claudia's eyes scanned the mess, then her friends.

"i'll...i'll come back later." she mumbled, still analyzing the kitchen. it was like a giant pumpkin had exploded. billie and y/n looked at each other, sharing the same mischievous smiles. they both took some pumpkin in their hands and began stepping towards claudia, who was already backing away.

"guys..." she trailed off, inching closer to the side door that led to the backyard.

"what's wrong, claudia? you don't want to join us?" billie questioned.

"yeah, come on, clauds. it's fun." y/n added.

instead of answering, claudia threw her bag down and bolted through the side door. billie and y/n chased after her. they cornered her in the backyard and tackled her to the ground, smearing pumpkin guts all over her as she laughed and screamed, trying to push them off.

she failed.

five minutes later, all three of them lay on their backs on the grass, laughing breathlessly, not caring how ruined their clothes were or how sticky their hair was, just enjoying each other's company and soaking up the fun.




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