touch starved

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work was tiring. it hadn't been a bad day but it had been quite exhausting and left me tired. by the time i got home, i was ready to pass out on the bed but forced myself to take a shower. i'd rather not go to bed smelling, so i dragged myself into the shower, relaxing under the warm spray.

i actually felt a bit better afterwards, the water washing away my tension and leaving me feeling lighter. i was still tired, however, which is why it took my brain a moment to catch up when i saw billie waiting for me on my bed.

my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


"i let myself in." she said, holding up a spare key i'd given her.

"i hope you don't mind, but you didn't answer when i knocked."

it hit me like a punch in the face. she'd called me not even two days ago, letting me know she was coming back from tour for a few days to see me. after today, it had completely slipped my mind.

"no, of course, that's fine!" i stammered.

"i just... sort of..."

"forgot i was coming?" she guessed. i nodded sheepishly.

"it's been a long day. work was tiring."

"i bet." she said.

"what i don't understand is why you can't just come with me? you can leave your job and this city. you cant stand it, you've said it so many times." she said.

"i know." i sighed, putting on new underwear and my pajamas.

"and i'd love to leave with you, but i can't. i have a life here. a job, responsibilities, family. i can't just drop all that and leave, no matter how much i'd like to. even if i did, how could i explain that?" now dressed, i turned back to her.

"i can't just say 'hey, guys, i'm quitting my job and going off with my musician girlfriend who makes a ton of money."

"sounds easy enough to me." she teased. i raised my eyebrow, my hands moving to my hips as i stared her down.

"oh, alright. but we could come up with a cover story, couldn't we?" she said.

"billie, you're a terrible liar." i said.

"i am not!" she gasped, sounding thoroughly offended.

already, i could see her over dramatic tendencies creeping in. i attempted to hide my amused smile, failing miserably.

"you absolutely are." i teased, moving to sit beside her on the bed.

"you're too dramatic. besides, i don't want to lie to my family, anyways. lying to family only ever causes problems and digs yourself into a hole where the only way out is painful." she sighed, dramatically waving her arm.

"alright, alright. fine. stay here in this boring city of yours. i honestly don't know how you do it."

"i just have to." i said.

"like most people. but there's one thing that makes it all worth it."

"what's that?" she asked.

i leaned forward, pressing my lips to hers. it was like fireworks going off, reminding me of the first time. god, i'd never get tired of this feeling!

i forced myself to pull away, long enough to whisper,

"you." then we were back at it.

her arms wrapped around me, warm and gentle, and i nearly gasped. i'd forgotten how good this could feel. how perfect it was. i couldn't count the number of times i'd wished to be with her, to have her arms around me, making me feel warm and safe and loved. the touch starvation always set in when she was gone for too long. although, 'too long' was a couple weeks to a month. but having gone days without meaningful physical contact, having it now was like a drug to me. billie was my drug. i wanted, needed, her constantly and when i didn't have her, i missed her desperately.

the kiss was slow, gentle, but not lacking any passion. i couldn't imagine it being more perfect. eventually, it came to its own end and the two of us broke apart, panting lightly for air.

"i've missed you." i breathed, resting my head on her shoulder.

"so much."

"and i've missed you." billie replied.

"every time i come back i wonder how the hell have i gone so long without you."

"i know the feeling." i said, laughing lightly.

"i always feel like the world will end if this stops. but eventually we have to and the world keeps going."

"well, it's not stopping tonight." she replied, holding me closer.

"i've got you back and i'm not letting you go."

i moved until i was impossibly close to her, until i couldn't be any closer, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"good." i said.

"i'm not letting you go, either." i could feel any remaining tension leaving me, relaxing until i was ready to fall asleep.

billie helped me properly into bed, tucking me in. half asleep, i reached out for her. she kissed my head, telling me she'd only be a moment. soon she had changed into her pajamas, quickly climbing in beside me and holding me close again.

"my pretty girl." i heard her whisper.

"get some rest." i did as she asked, the final shred of consciousness leaving me as i drifted off to sleep in her arms.


i kinda hate this 🧍‍♀️


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